The 8nd princess

Chapter 909


The sky suddenly lit up as a line of beam appears disintegrating everything on its path. The laser coming from the sniper rifle staff on Xiamen Gong's hand suddenly shatters as the bluish glow on his body slightly dimmed.

'Alright, the two of you go back to the ship… The test is over…' Shin Jiao's voice coming from their coms commanded.

Xiamen Gong and Hua Xiao showed horrified expressions on their faces as they flew towards the ship.

Everyone inside the ship has the same shocked and horrified expressions on their face upon seeing that glowing bright light that seems to have disintegrated those wyverns on its path.

Those who survived fell to their deaths, while those who have just damaged their wings directly flew towards the ground as if fearing the two floating figures.

"What was that, Xiamen?" Hua Xiao said while hitting Xiamen Gong's arm.