Out at last!

Chapter 994


After the investigation, Shin Jiao discovered that the guy came from a group numbering up to 30 plus people and was rescued from one of the remote town's well-known mage towers.

The Phoenix tower is one of the most famous towers in the Outer World other than the Great White Tower of Dugal.

They have been in control of the many cities and towns before the appearance of the Mystique Shop. Their strength is truly horrifying and many simple people would not dare fight against them. But one day, they were raided by the Mystique Shop forces and were forced to give up their captives.

This has ticked the higher up of the mage tower and decided to retaliate. And this is the first part of their retaliation.

Shin Jiao listens to the side as a mage reported their findings.

With a nod of his head, he pointed at the few pictures on the screen.