Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 45

Chapter 1295

With a face full of shame and anger, Guy Renard wanted to quickly stand up and kill the person sitting on his back.

He suddenly pushes his body up, but before he does so, his elbow bend with sent him back down and his face planted on the ground.

Everyone gasp in disbelief and give a pitiful gaze at the young man who humiliated the instructor.

They all knew the reason why Adam was chosen, and they all expected instructor Guy to play dirty. But who would have thought that the situation would be this way? Who would have thought that instructor Guy Renard would be the one to be humiliated instead.

"You dare humiliate me?!" shouted Guy Renard.

But before he could do anything, Xin Ja's foot is already stepping on his head which suddenly created a crater on the dojo's ground.