Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 105

Chapter 1355

Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 105

Xin Ja went back to the city after wasting the cultivation of Xulo Peng and extracting more information from him then left him in the forest. If he is lucky, then he would live, but if he is unlucky… then he could only blame fate for giving him his just deserts.

As he run from tree to tree, he soon reached the main road to the city. When Xin Ja reached the city gates, he saw a group of 100 plus soldiers forming outside of the city walls.

As he walks near them, a soldier seems to have recognized him.

"Alchemist Xin! Why are you out here? It's dangerous to be out here!" the soldier suddenly said with a worried expression.

He suddenly looks around and when he saw no one, he showed a relieved smile on his face.

"What is happening?" Xin Ja who did not know what is really happening right now asked.