Can you even understand?

In the vast expanse of the lofty heavens, several gods gathered together as they watched the passage of life, and viewed the fates of the souls about to be brought into the world.

"Ah someone interesting has popped up."

"This destiny, this should signal the birth of a new emperor in the mortal world."

"I want him, does anyone dare compete against this seat?"

"God of Metal, you are getting too arrogant these days, Let this seat humble you."

"Hahaha, I will also cast my die, let's see who will obtain this mortal."

"Since all of you are so Interested, let this seat too have a go." 5 of the highest ranked gods had all shown interest in this person, it was no surprise considering they had a fate that towered over all others.

All 5 cast their dice, and according to the rules, the highest would claim this human.

The 5 dice rolled and rolled, but suddenly a sixth die was thrown into the mix, 10 times larger and more domineering than the other 5 dice.

"He's mine." a soft majestic voice called out.

"Hmph, Taiji God you want this human? I apologize but it'll end up being a waste, you can still withdraw." The God of metal shouted in the most domineering tone he could muster, he might be a little fearful but the gap between him and the Taiji God couldn't be too large. Only because the Taiji God desisted from participating in the bid for humans could the die retain so much power. Thus there was no reason to fear.

"Mighty junior, you can't just choose to bid amongst us the, 12 God alliance, if not we wouldn't be able to guarantee the safety of this mortal." The Wind God said with a twinkle in his eye, The Taiji God had reached the peak several millennia ago, the strongest God, but the most neutral, choosing to abstain from all conflict amongst the several alliances.

The Taiji God did not respond, but the die began to change, originally numbered 1 to 6, it kept increasing, 2 to 7, 3 to 8 till it reached 7 to 14. But with this move, the luster of the die had completely gone, and the die had become tiny. The dice finished rolling, and with the Taiji God having a 12 which vastly exceeded, the 3,1,3,2,6 that the other Gods had, he was bound to win considering the lowest value on his die had surpassed their highest value.

"Tsss, you would waste so much... For just a mortal?" The God of thunder couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Guhahaha, I see this must be the soul of a love child he had with a mortal" The God of Metal mocked.

"Ahh, I think a couple years ago, the emperor of his kingdom disappeared, could he have died and this is his soul after passing through reincarnation?" The God of Water asked curiously, for it was hard to imagine why he would waste that amount of power for just a mortal life.

"His dynasty is defenseless without an emperor, and we can not allow him to gain this soul or else another emperor will arise, I say we destroy it." The Goddess of Fire who had been silent, finally said as she rushed towards the passage, aiming to destroy the soul.

Doing so would drastically damage her, but a chance to weaken the Taiji God's source of faith would make it all worth it!

"Brilliant!!! Let me help you, weakening Taiji would help bring more harmony into the heavens." Said the God of Harmony with a wide smile. The Taiji God had been too domineering and considering the fact that he was just newly ascended but had such a rapid cultivation speed, it was a source of discomfort for the older ancient Gods.

The Goddess gathered her might as she got ready to tear through the barrier and reach the passage of life, the God of Harmony also channelled his might and he began to assist, A crack opened and they began to cross through.

The Taiji God looked at all this and smiled, these old foggies are just plain stupid. The chance sought after had finally come. The Taiji God took a step forward heading to the crack.

The other members of the 9 God alliance took a step forth to block him.

"Come brother Taiji, let's drink fine tea in my palace." The God of Metal said with a smirk, did he think they'd really allow him to go stop those two?

The Taiji God ignored them and kept heading towards the crack.

"Haha mighty junior, won't you give our alliance face and come drink with us." The other members of the alliance called out as they surrounded the Taiji God. The Goddess of fire and the God of Harmony had begun to pass through the barrier and reach the passage of life.

The Taiji God simply took a step and appeared right behind the God of Harmony, crossing several thousand metres in a single step!

"How!! How can you use the spatial element when you have no authority over it in here?!" The God of Metal was shocked. The vast heavens had rules vastly different from the mortal realm, Only Gods who ascended in their respective elements could use those elements here. The Taiji God being able to do this was illogical, he should be restricted to only darkness and light!

"One of the neutral Spatial Gods must have assisted him." The God of Wind said as he analyzed the situation, casting a glance to the neutral God area, the throne where the Taiji God had waited for 30 years looked extremely imposing. As the peak God in the neutral area a lot of the weaker neutral Gods had gathered under his banner.

The Gods of the 12 God alliance quickly rushed to the passage of life to aid the Gods of fire and harmony, a chance to weaken Taiji would be very beneficial, as they had lost the chance to rope in countless lesser Gods due to his existence. Destroying his dynasty would cut off his faith supply and slowly weaken him.

"Goddess of Fire, leave now or I'd destroy this body of yours" The Taiji God said in a soft aloof voice.

The Goddess of fire ignored him and continued heading towards the soul, it was already heading towards the realm, with the blessing of Taiji already surrounding it. It was clear it would also be born with the power of the Taiji God, and in around a ten thousand years be able to become another mighty emperor for the Taiji dynasty!

A ball of light congealed on the left of Taiji shoulder, countless runes surrounded it as it blasted towards her. The God of Harmony stepped in and used his Godly essence to congeal a shield, the shield resisted for a few seconds before cracking under the might of the beam and continued heading for the Goddess of Fire.

The Goddess of Fire stopped heading forward and prepared to face this beam of light. An attack from a fellow peak God could not be easily shrugged off. She channeled her powers and a sea of flames flooded out, with another swing of her arms the sea concentrated till it was the size if her body, the beam of light which was already weakened by the God of Harmony began to drill this armor of flames.

The armor started showing signs of exhaustion, But the beam of light started to dim and went out.

The Goddess after successfully blocking this attack looked at the Taiji God, but he had moved. She frantically searched around but was unable to catch any trace of his presence.

"Behind you!" The God of Harmony shouted as he rushed towards her.

"Boop." The Taiji God said softly as he touched the back of her head. Specks of light started flowing out of her body as it begun to disintegrate.

The Goddess smiled bitterly, she would have to go remake another body and would be unable to channel any amount of Godly energy while the millennia needed for the creation of the body passed.

"You just removed one of our peak Gods, congratulations your neutral faction is screwed fool." The God of Metal said as he and the other Gods approached the passage of life. He was feeling a little worried in his heart as he could not understand how Taiji defeated a fellow God and put them into sleep for a millennia in only a few moments. The other neutral Gods rushed towards this area as they begun to prepare for a war, but with the Taiji God, they felt a little confident. The Gods from the other

"Hurry, let's destroy him before he can regroup" The God of Harmony shouted, he was feeling very terrified considering his proximity to the Taiji God, he wasn't prepared to leave his church unwatched while he rebuilt his divine body. He quickly tried to go over to the members of the 12 God alliance, but suddenly felt a hand grab his neck from behind.

"Do not touch me, or do you want to sink the world into chaos for a thousand years?" The God of Harmony asked; his followers played a huge role in maintaining harmony across the kingdoms. He used to be the head of the neutral alliance but was removed by the Taiji


"Hahaha" A cold laughter came out through the mask on Taiji's face. A dark aura permeated his surroundings as a hole of darkness appeared in his hand

"Let go!, What are you doing" The God of Harmony felt trepidation from deep within his soul, looking at the mask that was split into two black and white, and normally with two eyes one purely black and one purely white, on the white half and black half normally. But this time both eyes were so dark, he felt his soul being sucked into them. No this wasn't just a feeling, his soul was being absorbed by those eyes!

A few moments later only a dry empty husk was left. The God of Harmony was dead! The Gods approaching stopped and were utterly shocked, it was impossible for a God to kill another God! There were less than 500 Gods and yet one had just been killed before their eyes.

The dark aura around the Taiji God kept increasing and increasing, the other Gods didn't dare to approach, Taiji had obviously gone insane!

"What have you done!" The Goddess of Light was stricken, "Do you not understand the position The God of Harmony played?, The peace we fought so hard for, YOU fought so hard for, you've ruined it all!" The Goddess of Light was extremely close to the God of harmony, they both had churches across several dynasties that worked hard to maintain peace in the mortal realm and did not compete against each other, the church of light performed wonders and the church of harmony spread love between mortals.

The Taiji God ignored her and began focusing on something, the dark aura had grown massively imposing and had reached its peak, a bright light burst forth and all the dark aura vanished. The Taiji God started undergoing a transformation, His long flowing hair that was half white half black, lost all its black and turned all white with a single streak of black left in it, the mask turned all white, and with only the Black eye left. The clothes underwent similar transformation and an aura that surpassed the realm of Gods radiate from him.

"Did you break through?!" The God of Water asked, this was even more shocking than the death of a God, because there was no realm beyond here!

The Taiji God continued ignoring them and looked at the source of the passage of life, and headed towards there.

"What is he doing? He'll die, no one can enter that path." A lesser Goddess said as she slowly shook her head in pity.

"Can anyone do what he just did? He'll surely make it." A lesser God in the neutral faction said with his eyes gleaming with hope.

The Goddess of Light knelt down picked up the corpse of her brother, and looked down at the Taiji God as he headed towards the path of light.

"Was this your plan along? all so powerful God of balance? What was the point, Power? Curiosity? You have attacked your core beliefs by killing a God on the side of 12 God alliance, to balance it all you have to kill a God of each alliance, or am I wrong" The Goddess of light said with a bitter smile. The Gods of the other alliances all looked at her with anger, did she want to pull all of us down due to the death of her lover?

" Answer ME! LING XIANZHI!!"

Ling Xianzhi stopped once he heard someone utter his name, it had been far too long since it had been uttered. "I have surpassed you even in your own domain, with a single thought of mine I can replace you as the God of light, and you think you understand how balance works?. The God of Harmony had to be killed. I do not need to explain myself to existences who have grown comfortable living in restrictions" He continued his walk to the origin of the passage. The other Gods were quiet as they watched him go, many felt a burden lift off their shoulders and some felt a desire to rebel against the rules being placed against them here, who dares place rules against Gods?

"This..." The Goddess of light, lightly muttered as she felt the energy surrounding the corpse. "This is the devouring of the devils. How could he ascend?!"