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Memory: (a man is on his nee over a brig and has a black mask over his head. Two men whit all black clos starts beating the man in the mask. The man screams "sorry sorry!!!! I don't want to die)

Assistant: (Holding up an envelope) I found this behind the bookshelf… (Noor takes it)

Noor: You didn't find anything else…?

Assistant: I've got Zack checking the rest of the room…

Noor: I'm going to call the Boss… I know who he is… and They should know where to find him…

Assistant: Will they shut us down…?

Noor: Yes… There's no way we'll be open for tomorrow's trading, but this has gone way too far… I don't know what I was thinking… we beat him as a punishment, but we should have killed him … (The words die in his mouth as he opens the envelope and pulls out a thick wad of receipts)

Assistant: What's that…? (Bewildered)

Noor: I don't know… It's a bunch of checkout dockets…

Assistant: What have they got to do with anything…?

Noor: Oh my god…

Assistant: What is it…?

Noor: (Peeling through the receipts) He's been to every store within two hundred kilometres… the goods… in every Service station…

Assistant: He can't have put bombs in every store…?! He can't have…! Someone would have seen him…! Surely…?!

Noor: He only has to put one device in any of these stores… That's all it will take to shut us down for the week or two…

Assistant: So, call the Boss…!

Noor: (Recognition dawning on his) You know we don't have his number, so we must wait until Jack arrives.

Assistant: So, what do we do…?

Noor: I'll call him… Cut a deal… It doesn't matter how much he wants… It won't cost anything like what we're looking at…

Assistant: But you can't…! Where will you get the money…?

Noor: You're right… We can't do this alone… I'll have to call head office… Get Zack over here to deal with things…

Assistant: But there's still people trying to come into the store for the product…

Noor: (Dialing the number for head office) Yes… Noor here… Put me through to Zack please… No, it can't wait…! Put me through to Zack now…! Did you hear me…? [Pause] Zack… It's Noor and I have a life and death situation here… I need you to come over here right away… No, it can't wait… [Pause] Zack, I have a death threat sitting right here on my desk in front of me… No, it's a little more complicated than that… No, you can't send someone else over… [Pause] Good! Get here as soon as you can, please! Okay, bye… (Noor presses the button to end the call then dials the number on the note. It rings out. he dials again)

Caller: What do you want?

Noor: Actually, that's what I wanted to ask you Tom… What do you want…? How much will it take to bring an end to this today…?

Caller: You sound a bit desperate Noor…

Noor: You know what happens if I call the BOSS… You don't get anything but DEATH…

Caller: Oh, but I do…! I get the satisfaction of knowing that business just won't ever be the same…! And There are other people I can use to do this… Even if I am in hiding… And what if I involve the cops…? I'm better off in jail, Noor, I really am… I sleep just as well behind bars as I do on the outside…

Noor: Just tell me how much you want, and I'll start the process of getting it together... I'm thinking twenty thousand dollars…? That ought to do it…

Caller: No, that won't do at all.

Noor: (Anger in his voice) Well how much…? A hundred…? Is that what you want…? A hundred grand…?

Caller: I don't want your money, Nooooor! I just want to make you suffer… I want the whole business to take a hit… I know they won't really feel it, even if you are all closed for a week… But there's always next year… And the year after that… I know! We'll have Christmas in July…! Won't that be fun…!

Noor: Okay, I'll call the sum people then… (Pause)

Caller: You do that… Let me know how it goes will you…? (Phone goes dead)

Assistant: Noor, we must call the BOSS…

Noor: Mo, go down to the cash room and tell them to do a rough count… I need an estimate for the day's total… Make it quick… (Mo tries to protest but is waved away- Noor redials as Warren leaves)

Caller: Hello…? Is that you Noor…?

Noor: A hundred-thousand dollars in cash. That's all I can get. Take it or leave it…

Caller: Well that's mighty kind of you Noor… After all, you probably just want to get home to the kid of yours…

Noor: Don't you threaten my kid… Don't you dare…! You're nothing but a sick bastard who can't handle the real world… If you didn't like your job then you should have left… So don't threaten me or my family or this conversation is over!!!