Frost Bite

Kiwaseishi was in charge of their map, she got frustrated and made Hinata stop the car while sitting on the hood and looking at the Horizon he sighed, Kiwaseishi still throwing a rage fit next to the car

"Give me the map," he said coldly

"Like you could do any better"

"just give it" she tossed the map to him "The map is hundreds of years old, it's worthless, probably even thousands" he scanned the map with his wicked "so we scan the map with a wicked, convert it into a 3D model of the area based on our current location and use our eyes to pinpoint where we are at all times, see that mountain? safe, good vantage point and we can train in privacy, that's where we are going next"

he hopped into the car and Kiwaseishi followed shortly after "I knew you were smart but that was amazing" she said with a smile

"No I just used common sense," Hinata said coldly

Kiwaseishi closed her eyes and pouted, this made Hinata smile a bit as he felt it was kind of cute, as they arrived on the mountain, Hinata started to train in an empty patch of dirt surrounded by trees, on the way to their current location he had unlocked his abilities

"Feels like I'm being torn in half, drawn to the ground and to the sky," He told Kiwaseishi

he then placed his hand on the ground, and shot upwards, One of his powers, Gravity Manipulation, he hovered in the air for a while before coming back down, he continued to train it, he walked up trees as practice and attempted to manipulate gravity around animals, which worked after a few attempts, the first few crushed the animals, then he found that he could manipulate earth and things related to it such as metal, lava, crystals, and other such items, so he practiced with those (okay back to normal now)

Hinata was practicing his earth manipulation for a while when he noticed that he could control it better if he used it as an extension of himself, he found that metal bending was the most fun, lava bending was the most lethal and reliable and earth bending was the most useful, He swept his leg across the floor, making lava form in the ground, in a puddle, he then cooled it into obsidian and made a few daggers out of obsidian, he kept these attached to his gauntlets, when he was fighting he had the daggers hover around him and move in tandem with is body, he did a roundhouse kick and the daggers followed the movement of his leg, killing anything that was near him, they were an extension of himself, he found that when fighting lava bending and the obsidian daggers were his favorite, he formed obsidian plated along his arms and legs so that at any moment they could be used as lethal projectiles or much-needed defense (inspiration for this came from Legend of Korra, a League of Legends character whose name I forgot and the very first character I ever made)

The more and more that Hinata trained the more comfortable that he became, using it, after a while, Kiwaseishi had lost her patience waiting on him to finish and summoned a blast of lightning at him, "HURRY UP!" she screamed and the second he turned around she shot the lightning at him, Hinata flipped over the blast and glared at her, the moment he did this, she felt the power radiating off of him and struggled to resist the urge to bow, now she understood what her mother meant when she said Lethals were basically royalty "bow down in the presence of lethal" she mumbled under her breath. Hinata was about to shout at her when he suddenly had an idea

"Kiwaseishi, lets spar, don't hold back"

"Are you crazy? do you have any idea what happens when you get hit with a billion volts of electricity?"

"All the more reason to get used to each other's fighting style," he said with a naughty smirk

"Wow, you really are crazy"

Hinata shrugged and pointed to where the lighting had hit "Again"

Kiwaseishi then charged herself up, her body crackling with electricity, she then jammed her hand into the ground, she closed her eyes for a second and then smirked, in the next instant her eyes were a light green completely, her green lightning jumped and sparked "you asked for it, remember unlike you, I've had these powers for a few years"

She then Jumped into the air and slammed down, a large line of electricity flying fast at Hinata as it burst upwards from the ground

Hinata was shocked by the speed of the attack and closed his eyes and took a deep breath "The faster you think, the slower time moves" he said inwardly. He then opened his eyes and found that the lightning was moving slower than it should, He quickly swept his left foot across the ground, moving it parallel to his hands making a circle of lava around him after he moved a full circle around himself he instantly rose up, his hands now outstretched like a child asking for food as a large cylinder tower of lava rose p from the ground and formed around him, he hardened it into obsidian.

Kiwaseishi smirked, never before had she metal a metal that could stop her, she would just manipulate the electricity it conducted and strike the foe inside, In the next second however her jaw dropped, the material wasn't conducting the electricity

Hinata had made a hole in the floor by bending the earth and shot up from the ground behind her, he then pushed her away by about 40 meters and smiled "Obsidian is an igneous rock, what did you expect?"

"I wish you'd talk about physics, I understand physics, why must you bring in chemistry?"

Hinata sighed "It's super resistant to electrical charges and on a side note, I think I can manipulate your electricity"

"That's not uncommon, Jitani usually develop one of their partner's powers"

"I mean, even without that factor, lightning doesn't just strike from clouds, it goes back and forth super fast between the earth and clouds, I think if you made lightinging shoot down from a cloud and into my lava, I could potentially control it and we'd be able to melt away any non conductive metals so the electricity hit, however, I'm not sure it would work"

"When you learn to control your lava a bit better, let's give it a shot" she smiled and said

"why are you smiling?"

"you're talking to me, how often does that happen?"

She was right, they had been traveling together for weeks, almost two months and he had barely spoken a word to her and he knew it

"Fine, I'll try to play nice," he said in a voice that practically screamed "I don't want to"

"yay" she hugged him, not caring about his attitude

As she hugged him, clapping could be heard in the distance, they both turned around and saw a young man and woman standing there, the man had pitch black hair and red eyes, he wore a scarf over his mouth and nose that had a skull's mouth and nose, or lack thereof, on it and the woman had Vibrant blue eyes and black hair.

"Who are you?"