He's the only one I loved!

Later that night Ye'er Gōngzhǔ sneaked into the east palace where Tàizǐ diànxià resides. 

She comes through the backdoor where  Tàizǐ secretly built for his convenience. It was directly connected to his study room.

She was already familiar with his place as she once came in there.

She stood there quietly watching him as he was sitting in the table and from her distance she saw him painting.

"Come out!" 

She jerked when Tàizǐ still felt her presence.

She come out and charge towards him, he was just sitting in the chair dodging her attack even with out looking at her.

She wore black over all with capes and mask to cover herself.

She took her fan out, that she casually slid at her back and open it, thats the only time Tàizǐ diànxià pays attention to her.

"You surely knew how to get my attention, huh?" 

He said smiling at her, as he slightly lower his head to dodge her attack. 

The blade of her fan pass through an inch above his hair.


She snapped.

"Why are you so sure it was me? What if its someone else, then you probably dead by now!"

She scolded him angrily.

"Who else could sneaked here in my place with out getting noticed?"

This time she smiled and closed her fan and stop fooling arround, she then, pulled down her masked.

"And besides, haven't I told you that even if you reduced into dust I could still recognized you!"

"Stop fooling arround!"

She said blushing, Tàizǐ is always been vocal to his feelings towards her.

"Lets get back to business. .I heard the news. .

It was about how the opposition  ministers plan to deal the issue regarding the embezzled funds. 

"There's really nothing  that could escape from you. !" 

he said jokingly.

"There is. ."

she said dryly."But that doesn't matter!"

Tàizǐ diànxià, clearly knew who she meant.

"I wont stay for long!" 

She said after a long silence.

Tàizǐ diànxià look at her. 

"Go on then. .

"Tomorrow tell your people not to recommend you. .

"Why is that?" 

He asked confusedly and sat straight.

"Why is that?" 

She paused.

"Is that even a questioned.?"

Tàizǐ diànxià stared at her confusedly. 

"Look. ! who's currently managing the imperial fund?"

"Xu Fan. .

"And whose prince did minister Xu supported. ?" 

"Zhang. .

"Exactly. .thats why you have to tell your people to support him instead of you. !" 

She said while writting a character in a piece of paper.

Tàizǐ diànxià stared on the paper and it was written there  "Trap!"

"He's not stupid enough to make his dirty little tricks under your father's nose. .first his going to return all the embezzled fund second he will going to act cautiously to impress his majesty. .

Tàizǐ diànxià nodded.

"Killing two idiots in one stone. !"

"What if Prime Minister yan will. .

"My father was already aware of this. he wont point an arrow on you.!" 

She said while absentmindedly running her finger in Tàizǐ diànxià's shoulder length.

He frowned.

"What is this silly girl doing?"

He asked himself blankly.

"If Zhang will dodge it you just simply point it back to him, given your authority his majesty won't reject it.!"

She suddenly snapped that make him jerked in surprised.

"Right. .in the surface you're recommending him but you are actually going to investigate him!"

She exclaimed excitedly.

"How clever!" Tàizǐ was impressed with her idea. "Having you is a fortune to me!"

She just smiled to his compliment.

"And next time tell your people to recommend Zhang diànxià often times!"

He smiled at her with admiration in his eyes. "I already plan that ahead of time, the more Zhang had an influence the more his Majesty will be wary of him.!"

"Exactly. .make him busy for quiet  sometimes, give him those an important task and as for Xiao Yu. .

"Xioa Yu?" 

Tàizǐ diànxià frowed. 

"When did you become intimate with him?"

He was clearly jealous but Ye'er ignored him.

"Make him stay with you or with me all the time so I could guard him or otherwise tell him to stay away from Xin'er!" 

She sound like complaining to him, but Tàizǐ found it cute and amusing.

"Oh right, I remembered something!"

She said pouting her lips that make her look so cute.

Tàizǐ diànxià smiled, in normal days when her abnormalities wont act up, she's indeed just like the other princesses! 

But who would have thought that the one stood behind him now is the one who could block arrows and wield swords for him.

Schemes for his benifits and die for him!

She's simply too scary sometimes, specially when she was angry. !

"Why do you want to send my sister away?"

"What do you want me to do with her?"

He suddenly asked, imperiously! 

his face darkened with anger when Ye mention her sister.

"By chance. .


Tàizǐ diànxià answered her directly.

"Im afraid I could no longer hold myself with out killing her.!"

She absentmindedly press her palm in Tàizǐ diànxià's shoulder, it was as if sending him a message not to act in rushed.

She stood beside him, she was looking at the ground but there were no words that comes from her mouth.

there's no use of lying when Tàizǐ 

diànxià already knew the truth. .how much more did he knew? 

She doesn't want to be a burden to him. .

Tàizǐ diànxià suddenly catch her hand off guard and pulled her into his lap. .

"What are you doing?" 

Ye'er heart beats fast as if it wanted to come out from her mouth. 

She snapped back into her senses only to be drawn back somewhere else.

"Oh God!" She muttered to herself.

She swallowed her saliva, and started to panicked!

Her brain froze and her strength suddenly drained off.

Tàizǐ diànxià was looking down at her through the deep of her eyes. .

He was still holding her wrist, they stared at each other with love and adoration.

His eyes were a cold grey, they showed no sense of mercy and compasion but his gazed towards her is like a flame that could even melt an iceberg.

A gazed that could block a thousand arrows. .

Its was like reminiscing those hundred of years that past and filling the empty gap of being separated with each other.

"I miss you!" 

His lips touches hers. .

it was a torrid kiss!

and his tears pull down! It was probably his emotion that he'd been keeping inside.

When his tears landed to her check she was suddenly forwarded into the scene of their future.

She was wearing a personalized tailored white wedding dress and walking in the church hall with an elderly man in her side. 

She smiled adorably!

Someone is waiting for her in the front hall, where they were supposed to exchange their vows. .

he was wearing a black tuxedo but when he turn arround he suddenly fire a gun.

She automatically close her eyes and everything momentarily froze.

When she open her eyes, she blink to many times, she saw a blood splashed into her white wedding dressed.

And the man stood infront of her fell down with the bouquet of flowers that she was holding.

She did not realized he grab it before she fell down.

"Tàizǐ diànxià!" 

Her face was flushed in horror as she saw him lying on the ground, lifeless!

"Why it has to be you. .why?"

She sob when she recognized the man. .

she doesn't know that in the present she was really hugging Tàizǐ tightly who become confused for a while.

"Don't do anything stupid for me, do you understand me?!" 

She told him angrily when she realized she was also crying. .

Tàizǐ diànxià nodded quietly, confused!

"You owe your life to me. .No one is allowed to kill you except me! do you understand?"

She then looked at him in his eyes and this time she did not restrained any of her fear anymore she kissed him, torridly. .

Restraining themselves will just make them apart from each other.

How many more years will Im going to regret it? she asked herself.

The fear of losing him is what makes her realized.

"he's the only one I loved from my past, present and even in my future. .

Those feelings of longing. .they been keeping in side.

They almost lost when someone gasped in shocked behind their back. .

She suddenly let go of him out of her embarrassment.

"You surely knew when to barge in!" 

Tàizǐ diànxià told Yu, annoyingly. He was throwing an imperious look to his brother.

"I. .I was

Eight prince was scratching his head, unable to say an exact word.

Ye'ers face was reddened with embarrassment.

"Why I always come at the wrong time!" 

He muttered silently, cursing himself.

"Get lost.!" 

"Fine. .Im going to stay outside!" 

He said childishly.