A woman's weapon!


Yu diànxià exclaimed in shocked. He was murmuring something under his breath when Tàizǐ glared at him imperiously.

"You don't have to do it but don't regret. .

"No. .no, no!" 

He suddenly snap not letting his brother  finished his sentence.

"Hehehe. .Im going to do it!" He said nodding his head many times while scratching it. "Do it!"

"Fine.!" Tàizǐ frowned sourly." We have to help her insured her position and succeed in this marriage alliance!"

"Why we have to do that.?" 

Yu diànxià asked defiantly that almost made Xin'er knocked him down while Ye'er was seriously looking at him as if she wanted to eat him alive.

"First in order to insure her position we have to keep her alive,isn't it?" 

Ye rolled her eyes."Whose going to benefits everything when she's dead?"

"Others. .

"Then if she's going to die here who's to be blamed?"

"Tàizǐ gē!"

This time Ye'er beat him at the back of his head to put some sense into it.

He gasp when he realized everything. Its not that he's stupid but the thing is he doesn't knew any trivial things like this as he wasn't interested in any political matters, its giving him a lot of headache.

"Its not just me who's going to be implicated with this. .the entire kingdom will be put at stake if they decided to warred against us!"

Tàizǐ diànxià said while taking a glance to Ye'er and unintentionally run his eyes towards Xin'er, her hands was wrapped with Yu'er piece of silk that he tore from his clotheline. 

While in Ye'er hand there's also a trace of blood, he frowned. how is that possible that the two of them always got an identical wound? He thought.

"Fù huáng will force to abdicate you afterwards. .but who amongst us will have a guts to do such despicable things?"

"We can't just point to any of our siblings. beside you and Wu,we should be wary with the rest and as for our sister. .Xiang is the most important one!"

"Exactly!" Ye'er agreed. "I don't know why, but I always had a feelings that Xiang is always in danger!"

"She's indeed. .remember the day her quarter got a fire and almost got her killed? It wasn't actually her little mischief. .

"You mean someone had actually tried to kill her?"

"Yes. .someone! unfortunately the maid that initiated it, was killed.!"

"Killed?" Ye swallowed her saliva. "Who did?"

"Poison. .Im still investigating it!"

"A woman's weapon!"

 Yu muttered that made Ye and Xin'er looked at him.

"Yu got a point. .poison is indeed a woman's weapon!"

They all fell in silence, it the surface everything was perfectly fine but who would have thought that in reality everything is actually in a mess.

First. .they have to insure Ah'nuh Gōngzhu's safety to insured both hers and Tàizǐ diànxià's position.

Whatever happened to her will greatly affect not only Tàizǐ diànxià but also the kingdom. 

Who ever had an evil scheme against him is more likely aiming to birds in one stone.!

Plus they have to put Xiang Gōngzhu in picture. .they might use her as diversionary tactics to confused them.

"Who's going to look after Xiang if we all. .

"I already arranged someone else for that job!"

Tàizǐ smiled mischievously that made her raised her brows.


"When did Wu gē came home?!"

Yu suddenly asked.

Tàizǐ shrugged his shoulder and smiled.

Ye'er eyes widened when she remember about Wu diànxià, thanks to Xiao Yu for reminding her. .


as she already knew what was going on. .

"Wu's sudden appearance is not a coincidence, isn't it?"

She asked him even though she already figured out the answer.

"You actually arranged him to meet Ah'nuh Gōngzhu in the street that we almost ruined. .

"But you guys actually helped him!" 

Tàizǐ agreed still smiling, it looks like he could not hide anything from Ye, she actually found it out sooner than he expected.

"When did you knew she already arrived her, with out noticed!"

"Your father. .actually she's been here for quite sometimes. We just figured it out resently what she's doing her when you reminded us a very important thing!"

"What is that?"

"The kingdom's annual celebration and market fare festival. .she's here as a convoy of southern kingdom!"

"What Wu has got to do with this?"

She asked frowning.

"I recalled Wu as he was familiar with the southern kingdom's custome and traditions he's been there in the boarder with your older brother. .

"The one you said. .you arrange for Xiang is Jing'ge?"

She excitedly asked him. 

"You.!" Tàizǐ lovingly smiled at her. "There's nothing I could hide from you!" 

"But. !" She stop when she realized something is off. "When did Xiang knew my brother?"

"What do you think?"

She keep quiet for sometimes. .then open her mouth in shocked.

"They were?" 

She asked while sticking her two pointy finger together. Tàizǐ nodded, while Yu's expression become sour.

"They been keeping in touched through letters!"

"Why it seems all of us sibbling got a liking with the Yan sibblings?"

He thought awkwardly.

"That's what makes it sense.!" 

She suddenly snap.

"See, if Xiang will end up with my brother who happened to be your comrade and close friend, what do you think will happened next?"

This time its Tàizǐ diànxià's time to get stunned, he clearly did not think of the consequences of it, when in fact it was very important.

"They want to send Xiang away to cut off one of your wings. .my family is too powerful for them to provoked!"

She continued when Tàizǐ diànxià did not answered.

"Xiang is indeed in trouble!" 

Tàizǐ diànxià agreed.

Now it all makes sense, however he found that there is something more about it.

Xiang Gōngzhu's accident is not just about cutting off his wings, he sense that someone is trying hard to make her out of the way.

There must be something deeper on it or perhaps a secret that related to her.