A promise of eternity!

That night has peacefully passed by and the morning lights was already spread throughout the bedchamber when Ye'er open her eyes and stretched her arms lazily.

She felt something hard and warm under her left foot while someone tighly hugging her right foot. 

Startled, she suddenly got up and kicked that hard thing in the process that makes that someone groaned in pain.

She almost scream when that someone spoke and warned her. "Try to scream and all the world will knew you slept with me!" 

"Tàizǐ diànxià?"

Her eyes widened in shocked, they were sleeping together in one bed in a very awkward way, they were in upside down.

She just realized that the hard thing that she felt was his. .

Her face reddened in embarrassment, while Tàizǐ mistook her reaction for something else.

"If its not me, who else could that be?" 

He frowned. There was a trace of annoyance in his voice.

"I. .I

"Don't you dare think of another man when your with me, Yan Ye'er!"

She jerked, when she heard his voice. this is the first time Tàizǐ diànxià had call her in her full name, and when her father does the same it meant she's in a big trouble.

before she could react he pinned her down in the bed.

"Even with out me. .or else I will kill that man!" 

His eyes burn with fury and it send a chill of fear on her. He was jealous? She just realized that Tàizǐ misunderstood her.

"I. .I will never.!"

She stutter like a child being caught red handed. His expression did not changed and she doesn't know what to do to calm him down. 

Fire with fire.! her head exclaimed. 

She suddenly grab him and kissed him in the lips with her eyes open and closed it, in a very seductive way, revealing her long tick eye lashes.

Tàizǐ diànxià who caught off guard to her action suddenly soften his expression and kiss her back, Ye's hand was caressing his bare chest as he did not tied the knot on his robe properly.

Her soft moaned drives his sanity away, he wasn't an expert one but as a saying goes there is something that even if you don't read you will knew what it is.

Ye is actually the first woman he allowed himself to get closed to, this is also the first time that his desire was awaken and had an intimate relation with the opposite sex.

His lips now is trailing down her neckline and his hands was on her breast, slowly massaging it.

When his hands touches in it, Ye suddenly jerked, she felt the heat of his hands even though there was still a piece of clothes that covered it.

He particularly felt that something becomes hard down below his belly, it was as hard as yesterday. He realized that Ye just turned him into a full grown man.

He suddenly looked into Ye'ers eyes, questioning her, their eyes meet. 

He then give a final kissed into her lips and run his thumb in it, before dragging her up.

"Forgive me for being so impatient!"

He sighed. He had to stop and snapped his senses back otherwise there's no way to stop him later. 

"The more you're closer to me, the more I become greedy. Im a man Ye, do you understand?"

"I do!"

She said with out looking at him, she was too embarrassed. Knowing the fact that she was the one who initiated the kiss but her intention was just to make him calm down.

"I wont trust my damn brain next time!" she thought furiously.

But she knew that, If she would reason out, knowing her mouth the situation would be most likely become worst.

He suddenly tipped her head up by pushing her chin to met his eyes. 

"Your so sweet and thinking of you drives me crazy! You just made me a man I never imagined." 

"Im sorry I should have. .

"Its alright!" 

He shushed her with his lips. 

"I don't mind you kissing me all the time!" 

He then winked that makes her face flushed in red.

"I need to attend the morning session!" 

He stood up. 

"I could wait till you ready besides Fù huáng said getting a childrens is not as easy as laying eggs!" He chuckled.

Ye'er laughed and secretly let a sighed of relief. "You and your fine humor!" she thought laughing.

Though she wasn't ready but Tàizǐ already claimed her as his and he is her husband after all, she already set in her mind that anytime soon Tàizǐ is going to take her.

She doesn't knew how long did she stared at the crumpled sheet of bed when Tàizǐ emerged, he was already in his court attire. 

"Come'on my love!"

 He said guiding her down in the bed.

"Seeing you in the bed makes me changed my mind!"

"You. !" 

She said blushing furiously, she didn't intend to linger on the bed but she felt too weak to stand up, she was trying hard to calm her senses down and digest everything that just happened.


He said leaning forward and kiss her on the lips. 

"I love you. .You are always mine forever. !"

He whispered sofly that makes her think that she was just imagining things, there's no way he would say something like that, 

It was very rare and it was like a binding words, a promised of eternity!

Legend says that, when a man confessed his love to a woman and happened that their heartbeating beats at exact time as the other, they will be bound for eternity.

Binding words is just like an eternal promise, Its like as if he was marking her to be his forever.

"I love you. .You were always mine, forever!"

A sudden flushed of memory from her past life comes into her.

The same words! Does it meant he accidentally binded her in him, in their previous life? He promised her and now he was claiming it?

This is probably the reason why after her death they had met again in this lifetime!

No one will be so careless to spout that word if you're not ready for the consequences.

She looked straight into his eyes.

"I love you. .Im always yours forever!"


He said smiling before leaving her, she blink her eyes to many times and question herself what just happened? 

"Did I just say someting!" she asked herself blankly. 


He said waking her up from her delimma.

"Take this with you when you go home!"

He then give the scroll to her. She open it, her eyes widened in awe, it was a painting of herself.

"You paint this?" 

"I did. .and there's a lot more of you in this chamber!"

She smiled innocently, she knew what exactly he meants.

She stepped back when Tàizǐ suddenly came closer to her, he frowned and smiled to her reaction.

"Don't worry Im not going to do anything to you, now!" 

He said while fixing her dress and tied the knot in the side of her waist.

"Atleast not now!"

He chuckle and give her a quick kiss on her lips. 

"You just break your promised!" 

She complaint.

"Kiss is not counted!"

He winked that make her blushed again, he clearly enjoyed teasing her. Making her blushed often times makes him fond of her even more.

"Go and meet Xiang, she will be happy to see you!"

He then flicked his finger in his forehead.

"Ouch. .You brute!"

He wave his hand into the air while humming a pecullar tune that only himself could understand.

He was particularly in good mood today.