After 2 hours of waiting the doctor finally came out of the delivery room followed by three nurses who assess her in the delivery room.
" Whose the father of this lovely cute babies?" the doctor asked.
" Their father is not here, can I be the one to stand as their father?" Shan Zi suggested.
" Oh ok you may go and see her" the doctor said and left with the nurses.
The trio immediately entered Shan Cai's room. They were shocked to see the three little angel. The two were in her arms while the other one is on top of her.
" Oh my, look at those cute angels" Shan Xa said in an exciting manner.
" Can I carry her?" he then asked.
" Hey be careful, if you dare to loss even a single strand of her hair I will kill you"Shan Cai replied with a threat.
" They're too cute" Fong Jie said as he carry a little boy in his arms.
" How are you felling now?" Shan Zi then asked.
" I feel better my brother. Aren't you going to carry this little girl?" Shan Cai then asked.
Without any word Shan Zi carry the baby.
" What will be their names then?" a
voice come from the door.
" Han Wie your back, you really do what you said, help me think of their names then, I forgot to think before" Shan Cai suggested
" Hmmm, let's call this brat Shan Alice, and her psuedoname would be only Alice, I love that movie Alice in the Wonderland specially that girl named alice." Shan Xa suggested.
" Your really an abnormal brother, it's your favorate yet you named that after my daughter? My goodness" Shan Cai replied while laughing.
" Shan Ki, that's will be the name of this baby that I carry" Shan Zi said.
" How about the thorn of this three?" Shan Cai asked.
" Shan Wiejie" Han Wie suggested.
" Hmmm I like that" Fong Jie agreed.
" Ok then, It's settled then" Shan Cai agreed since she didn't think of a name.
Shan Cai has a three babies. Two girls and a boy. The two girls were named Shan Alice and Shan ki while the boy is called Shan Wiejie.