No Plan To Fight Back

"Hi" Xu Ling said as he walk near Shan Cai.

"Hello" she replied casually.

Xu Ling can't hide what he feels inside his heart. He can't wait to be the husband of this girl. He makes every moment he have fun with Shan Cai and her kids. If you see how happy they were they looked like a happy family but the people were aware that Xu Ling is single and only volunteered since Shan Xa is busy in his mobile phone.

While Shan Cai us having fun at the family day program her mobile phone keep on beeping voice mails from her relatives who already executed their plans.


"Shan Mian how's the plan, is it working?"

"Yes mother, it goes well, let's see if that bitch can clean her reputation then"

"Very good"

After the program each family start leaving.

"Shan Cai did you see the news?" Shan Zi said as he called her.

" No I didn't, why? Is it so important?" She asked.

"Your studio is reported to be a den of drug addicts, drugs were found inside the guitar room, what's really happening inside the studio?"

"That's not true brother, you know me. Let's talk after we arrived at the appartment" she said then ended the call

She then check her phone and she realized she had many unheard voice mails. One by one she listen to each. After listening she looks calm like nothing to worry. His brother Shan Xa who is driving didnt tell her what he discover because he knows that her sister would mind as what he saw at the moment.

"What's your plan then, Cai" Her brother asked.

"I still have no plan to fight back, let's see how far they will go"

He nodded only for responce.

After they arrived at the appartment they saw Shan Zi waiting at the living room.

" Uncle your early today" Shan Alice said as she embrace her uncle.

"I have things to settle here" he replied.

"Kids go to your room first we have something to talk to" Shan Cai said.

The trio then race headed to their room.

"Before everything listen to this" Shan Cai said as she play the voice record.

They listen carefully to all voice mails that Shan Cai she received.

"Are this relatives of your can't live happily if they will not bother us? I really hate them, all of them" Shan Zi said as he slam the table.

" So my plan is to let them and see how far they will go, before I send this records to the media"

" But what will you do now, your studio is implicated by now?"

" Well, i will send the record of how those witches put drugs and asked some drug addicts to have their session there to the police"

She then send it immedietly after speaking.

"Sir someone send a voice mail"

"Play it" The chief said.

After listening, the chief thought of 'who could someone send a voice mail without giving any other information about these'