Chapter 8: See You Again

| Ezura Mikazuki |

Ezura Mikazuki couldn't quite fathom Shishido's intentions. Was he implying that he wanted to save him? Why would he do that? No one would have blamed Shishido if he had let Ezura perish to secure his escape. Ezura had even anticipated him making that decision. Shishido was undoubtedly selfless, almost to an illogical extent. Was he not going to fight against the grim fate that awaited him?

Lost in thought, Ezura turned away from Shishido, his fingers idly drumming against the window. Propping his elbow against the window frame, he rested his chin in his palm. "You're a strange fellow, Nob—," he began but was interrupted by a sudden cough, clearing his throat. "Shido." His inadvertent mistake brought a smile to Shido's face. Ezura couldn't tell if it was because he had erred or if it was the first time he had addressed him by his real name. Either way, that smile wasn't necessary.

Conversing with Shido didn't give Ezura the usual headache he experienced back at camp. Despite his bothersome teasing, which often left him stumbling over his words, Ezura found it oddly amusing how quickly Shido could get under his skin. The occasional laughter from the men around them indicated they shared similar sentiments. Besides those Ezura assumed Shido had used his magic on, people didn't seem as tense around him.

As the days passed, Ezura Mikazuki began to feel more at ease around Shido. His superiors would have reprimanded him if they ever discovered how relaxed he had become in the company of one of his captives. But at that point, Ezura didn't care. Shido had become a welcome distraction for him, a way to divert his thoughts from the impending summons to the capital and the constant vigilance he maintained because of that tattooed woman. It was a shame that Shido had crossed paths with him.

The dusty trails through the woods and grasslands gradually led to well-paved, white-brick roads as the capital city appeared. As they passed, the people working in the fields outside the town turned their attention to their convoy. The procession slowed as they approached the city checkpoint, where guards were stationed, scrutinizing every person seeking entry and directing those exiting the city.

"Sorry, but I can't afford to be lenient with you now," Ezura said, seated across from Shido in the carriage. He motioned for him to surrender his hands, and Shido complied without a word. If he had any plans of escaping, which Ezura highly doubted by that point, attempting to do so anywhere near the city would be futile. If necessary, he would use his magic to restrain him.

Security didn't take long to clear them, and the watchtower guards signaled for their passage. In Ezura's absence, he had grown unaccustomed to the constant noise of the bustling city. The scents wafting from some shops and homes they passed were achingly familiar. The aroma of freshly baked goods, the smell of wood-burning ovens, and the fragrance of flowers between buildings stirred a longing in him, a desire to relax.

Ezura couldn't bring himself to meet Shido's gaze as he explained their destination. "We'll be taking you to a detention center. All prisoners need to be registered and documented there. Once Her Majesty is ready to... you know," he struggled to articulate it, unlike when he had no problem explaining the consequences to other rebels he had brought in. He couldn't even look Shido in the eyes.

"You'll stay there for the time being. They have experience dealing with many rogue magic users, so don't cause any trouble." Not that Ezura believed he would. However, something still bothered him. "Due to your unnecessary but appreciated assistance during our journey, I'll be sure to put in a good word for you based on your behavior. Things should be more bearable for you."

Ezura was far from a saint, but he knew some other high-ranking officers who passed through the detention center were ruthless. Hopefully, Shido wouldn't have to endure such treatment. Once they parted ways, it would be out of Ezura's hands.

Shido let out a soft sigh as if letting go of his disappointment. He smiled again, just as he had throughout the trip to the palace. "Mika, I've already told you I won't die anytime soon. You'll find me again. Maybe you'll capture me again or give up on the High Elf and stay with me. But I'm not ending things like this." He spoke with determination, his eyes devoid of malice, only hope.

Ezura couldn't shake the uncertainty gnawing at him. Was Shido putting on a brave facade, or did he genuinely believe there was a chance of escape? It seemed hopelessly optimistic, but Ezura wished him luck. Unlike the others, he didn't expect to cross paths with Shido again for the sake of both of them. He would want Shido to be free from Her Majesty's clutches if he miraculously managed to escape. Not because he had grown fond of him; it was something else entirely. Shido deserved a chance to run from such an impossible situation.

Their carriage separated from the rest of Ezura's men as they reached the city's administrative district. They would likely head to the barracks to unwind and regale exaggerated tales of their bravery. Ezura would join them there before long. As his certainty wavered, he didn't want to linger too long after dropping off Shido.

The driver halted the horses by a water fountain statue resembling Her Majesty. Ezura helped Shido out of the carriage and instructed him to wait momentarily as he searched through his belongings tethered to the carriage. He retrieved a strip of cloth. "One last thing. I somewhat trust you not to do anything foolish, but this is a precautionary measure."

Shido's abilities were undeniably troublesome. If Ezura didn't act, the detention center personnel would. The cloth was thin enough for Shido to see reasonably well through it, primarily making it appear as though the magic user was his prisoner. Another officer might have used a bag to cover his head, but Ezura cut him some slack.

As Ezura and Shido entered the building, Ezura tied the strip of cloth securely behind Shido's head and guided him, resting his hand on Shido's shoulder. The few citizens who passed by them gave Shido disparaging looks, muttering insults under their breath. Most norm citizens despised Casters, and that was the way it was. Ezura felt the urgency to get inside, and aside from a few staff members and guards escorting the occasional inmate through the lobby, there weren't many people around. It seemed that there weren't many rebels to apprehend lately.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Ezura recognized a familiar face behind one of the administrative counters. His boots clicked against the tiled floor as he approached him, and he snapped his fingers a few times to grab his attention. "I'm surprised you still have a job, Luca," he remarked.

Completely ignoring the stack of documents on his desk that he should have been organizing, Luca absentmindedly sketched along his forearm. He pushed his blonde hair out of his face to glance at Ezura before returning to his drawing. "Did this one beat you up? You look awful."

Ezura couldn't control how his hand tightened on Shido's shoulder in response to Luca's greeting. It had been almost a month since they last met, and Luca dared to address him this way—that insufferable freeloader. "No, he's completely harmless. However, you'll need to make special arrangements for him. I believe his magic can influence people's behavior through his sight."

Luca nodded, acknowledging Ezura's words with a grunt before turning his attention back to his work. As Ezura turned to leave, he couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling gnawing at him. The encounter with Shido had left him unsettled, and the thought of leaving him in the hands of the detention center staff didn't sit well with him.

Walking away from the administrative area, Ezura's mind buzzed with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he felt relieved that the immediate task was done, and Shido was now in the custody of the detention center. On the other hand, he couldn't shake the sense of guilt that lingered, a nagging feeling that he should have done more to ensure Shido's safety.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Ezura quickened his pace, eager to put some distance between himself and the detention center. As he stepped out into the bustling streets of the capital, he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for Shido. Would they cross paths again? And if they did, what kind of circumstances would they find themselves in? Only time would tell.

It felt like there should have been more to say to him; after all, that brat had saved his life twice. Ezura wanted to repay the debt out of a sense of honor, but the words eluded him.

The staff inside would likely scrutinize Shido's background and abilities more thoroughly than Ezura had. Shido would be locked in a cell, and that would be the extent of it until it was time for him to face Her Majesty. None of this should have concerned Ezura. After all, why should he, of all people, be burdened with anxiety about a rebel's fate? It wasn't his place.

Before Shido could be led away to an uncertain destination, he unexpectedly grabbed Ezura's arm as if afraid he would vanish. His grip was firm, and he tugged Ezura towards him with unexpected force. Ezura anticipated him shouting at him or cursing him for sending him off to be drained, especially after being saved by him twice. However, Shido's words caught him off guard. "Thank you," he paused, and so did Ezura. He stood there dumbfounded, "for calling me Shido," Shido continued before releasing his grip on Ezura.

Was he thanking him for something as simple as using his nickname and treating him like an ordinary person? It was Ezura's fault that Shido's life was effectively over. He attempted to respond, but words failed him. It was rare for anyone to express gratitude to Ezura, let alone a rebel he had captured. The gesture felt out of place. Before Ezura could gather his thoughts and respond, the guards had pulled Shido away, leaving him speechless.

"Hands to yourself," the guards promptly intervened, forcibly separating Shido from Ezura as they led him down the corridors of the detention facility. They used only the necessary restraints to ensure his compliance.