Chapter 11: The Great Escape

| Arlo Vissia |

Arlo's arms were held firmly as Shishido urged him onward with a calm command, "Keep moving, and stay quiet."

With a touch of sarcasm, Arlo replied, "Of course, sir." He couldn't help but mock the rebel's demeanor, which reminded him of a pompous guard. He toyed with suggesting they swap roles; he certainly didn't need a mere upstart ordering him around, even if it was all part of their act. Doubts lingered about whether Shishido was a genuine rebel or not.

Nevertheless, their immediate focus was escaping the clutches of death. Arlo pushed those doubts aside and concentrated on their destination. The layout of the building was a mystery to him, and he doubted Shishido had a better grasp of it. Their best chance lay in using his magic to make a quiet exit through the front door, but the hallways were teeming with guards. That changed when they heard commotion emanating from where they had come.

The unmistakable sounds of boots scraping against the floor, guards shouting orders, and doors slamming open hinted at an opportunity for them. Guards nearby hastened their steps to investigate, leaving fewer of them around. Some staff remained, but if other prisoners had chosen this moment to stage their escape, there wouldn't be enough guards to stop Shishido and Arlo.

Feeling optimistic, Arlo shared, "Hey, I can use my magic for a full minute. It could be longer if I didn't have you with me. I'm debating whether it's worth leaving you behind or not. Once we're out, I have a secure place in mind. You must promise to help me deal with that knight I'm after."

Regardless of whether Shishido agreed to Arlo's terms, he had other options. He was reluctant to expend energy helping a so-called 'rebel' who might not reciprocate the favor.

Hesitantly, Arlo activated his magic. They found themselves in the administrative district of the capital, where anyone searching for them would have a tough time navigating the crowds and the labyrinthine buildings. With his magic at his disposal, they could easily blend in.

Arlo had a hideout in mind, a tavern with a shady reputation, frequented by smugglers, corrupt politicians, and anyone engaged in illicit dealings. It was roughly thirty minutes away, depending on their speed, so they would need to acquire inconspicuous clothing to avoid detection.

Arlo's earlier statement ignited a spark in Shishido, who retorted, "Do you comprehend how much you're demanding from me? You're saying you'll use your magic to help me only if I assist in killing a knight? I've already taken a beating to acquire your keys, which I could have used to escape my cell but didn't. I devised this plan to conserve your energy for the long-term escape. I ensured the other prisoners provided a distraction so that YOU could use your abilities more effectively. And now, you're implying that you won't help me unless I become an assassin for you?" His words were filled with restrained anger as he whispered into Arlo's ear.

Matching his tone, Arlo met Shishido's glare and retorted, "Do you want a medal for all that? Escaping from here is the easy part. You won't last a minute outside the capital without my help. If I recall correctly, you were fully aware of the deal before you decided to assist me. You have no right to complain."

Shishido shook his head, appearing baffled, and explained, "I'm helping you because you were on the brink of death, and our combined abilities make escaping easier. I could have fled without you, and you would have been left to the High Elf's mercy. I don't outright reject your request to help with the knight, Arlo. I'm just surprised that you won't help me. At the very least, you can repay me by getting us out of here. We can discuss the matter of the high-ranking knight once we're in a safer location, alright?" His tone softened as they reached the main hall.

"Trust me, we'll talk about it later," Arlo asserted firmly, refusing to let Shishido have the final word.

In a sarcastic tone, he grumbled, "Try not to let go. It would be unfortunate if I lost sight of you." Arlo grabbed Shishido's arm, contemplating how much he might panic if he were left alone in the middle of the district. It would put him in his place, but keeping him close had its advantages. The knights would scour the entire city in search of them, and Arlo's safe spot would likely lose its security soon. Keeping Shishido around as a decoy or bait could prove beneficial if their situation turned dire.

Activating his magic, their departure from the building was virtually undetectable, save for the front doors swinging open independently. Arlo wasted no time, running as fast as he could while pulling Shishido along. Every second was precious, and he kept a mental count.

With just twenty seconds remaining, Arlo guided Shishido to the side of an inn and made them visible again. Peeking cautiously from the side of the building, he took note of the bustling crowd and carriages passing through the streets. The morning had arrived, ensuring the roads would remain busy. Stealing clothes from a merchant or shop would undoubtedly attract too much attention.

Instructing Shishido with a hint of condescension, Arlo said, "I'm going inside the inn to procure some inconspicuous attire. Stay put."

He would expend the last of his mana to slip inside. Hopefully, he could pick a room with an unoccupied occupant and quietly scavenge for clothing. The distant sounds of whistles and galloping horses reminded Arlo of the urgency of their situation.

| Ezura Mikazuki |

When was the last time Ezura had been so angry with himself? That'd likely be after his parents tossed him aside and forced him to enlist and undergo knight's training. Something about it being for his noble family's pride: they were anything but pleased when his younger self showed an aptitude for magic. Maybe that was their way of remaining in her Majesty's good graces. Either way, his current situation was the same. He had a lack of control over his circumstances.

It didn't matter. He only wished he had the same distractions back to full his emotions. Though, the ale he'd gotten tipsy off of wasn't helping. It just made his thoughts even more chaotic.

Slouched in his chair, face down on the counter; he tried to ignore all the noise that flooded the tavern. He made the mistake of allowing his men to drink without restrictions. The headache growing in his head was his punishment.

"Such a lightweight," Luca said under his breath. Sitting next to him at the counter, he was busy rubbing away the condensation on the side of his glassware, trying to draw something. "I'm not carrying you if you can't walk."

He scowled at him. It wasn't like the skinny little bastard could lift him anyway. "Give me a break. I've had a bad week. At least let me lean on you. You owe me for letting you stay at my family's manor." At least, that's what he tried saying. Most of it was a tad slurred. Who knew how much of it was comprehensible?

Luca seemingly caught enough of it, saying a quick 'fine' in response. "Still upset about that rebel that ambushed you? Or are you feeling down about that special case you wanted me to process? By the way, you can't keep doing that for every rebel that gives you a sob story. The guards are getting sick of it."

"I'm not upset over the attack or because of Shido. I mean, the rebel." It was a little of the latter, but he didn't have the mind to tackle his feelings on Shido. Sitting up, he almost fell off his stool. "Supposed to go to the palace and meet with her Majesty's right hand. I could put it off the day I arrived because it was late, but I can't keep doing that. Nervous."

It couldn't be anything good. If it weren't serious, they would've just sent him a letter to inform him of whatever they wanted him to know. As it stood, he was fully prepared to be demoted or something equally as dishonorable. He could already hear his parent's disappointment.

| Arlo Vissia |

Arlo's knife proved too dull to pick the locks to any room, so he had to improvise. Scouring the open spaces, he searched for any stray clothes their previous occupants might've left behind. He'd rather die than get caught wearing the mismatched top and trousers he found, but it would have to do.

Time was running short. Heavy footsteps echoed in the inn, indicating the arrival of the guards. Arlo glanced out the room's window, spotting the group of guards on horseback stationed outside. Climbing out wasn't an option. It seemed his only way out was to navigate past whatever guards were inside the inn.

Returning to the front of the inn as the knights began to check and clear the rooms, Arlo used the presence of other patrons to blend in as he moved past them. He managed to slip past the guards outside the inn, but one particular guard watched him closely as he passed.

Cursing under his breath, Arlo heard the guard dismount his horse, footsteps trailing behind him. He quickened his pace when the guard asked him to stop. Considering his options, Arlo pondered leading the guard away from where he left Shishido behind the inn. However, he soon devised a better plan.

When he reached Shishido, Arlo initially didn't recognize him due to his clothes. Where had Shishido even obtained such a nice cloak? Arlo gestured for him to come with him. "One's following me. We can split up and meet somewhere else, or we can take him out. Quietly. Your choice."