Chapter 14: Wanted Poster

| Ezura Mikazuki |

"After the breakout, I had the staff comb through the facility's inmate records. So we'd know what the fugitives looked like and what they were capable of." With an arm around Mikazuki's shoulder, Angelo led him slightly away from the commotion at the front of the inn. "The Caster you brought in days ago? There wasn't much on him. Nothing about his ability, date of transfer, or required safety procedures to detain him. Quite the blunder on the staff's part. Those missing things would make it troublesome to bring him to the palace for the siphoning of his magic."

All of that was unrelated to Mikazuki. If he stayed quiet, those glaring errors could've been pinned on the prison's staff. He wouldn't involve Luca, so staying quiet wasn't an option. "I'm to blame for that. I didn't follow the necessary procedures to gain information from him or document it."

"So negligent. What goes on in the empty, pretty head of yours?" Angelo placed a hand on his head, patting it and ruffling his already tousled hair. It was like he was petting a dog.

The demeaning bastard, if he was more intoxicated Mikazuki could've convinced his mind that punching him was a good idea. Attacking the head of security would only guarantee he'd suffer the same fate as the escaped inmates. Mikazuki would settle on imagining punching him instead.

"I wonder if your carelessness had anything to do with the breakout. Is it safe to assume you're aware of that possibility and are only out here to cover for your mistakes?" He was sure Angelo was fully confident about his theory. What else would explain the smug look on his face.

"It's only safe to assume that I'm out here to do my job as a knight. Nothing more, sir." Even if he had a justification to have him investigated and punished for his negligence, Mikazuki knew he wouldn't do it. Not yet anyway. It'd be something for Angelo to hang over his head to toy with him.

"You better do it then. Some of your past capture records are equally shoddy. If I were to report you, what do you think the consequences would be?" The words were whispered close to his ear. Mikazuki didn't answer. With how his body tensed, he didn't need to. Angelo laughed and moved away. "I'd never do that, even if I do love watching you squirm as a result of your failure. Fortunately for you, I have a few ideas where the fugitives might hide. If you beg for my help, I could tell you them before I tell the guards. Wouldn't want them to steal your chance to correct your mistakes, would you?"

So it was a game to him. Yet, Mikazuki was the negligent one? He wasn't keen on lowering himself to the point of begging for the irritant's help. However, Mikazuki didn't have the time or leeway to decline it. Not when Angelo really could have him reported for his actions.

| Shishido Noboru |

Shido's mind buzzed with new questions. "But what about the knight casters? They can sense mana and see the mark. Won't they recognize it and come after you? Aren't you making yourselves obvious targets?"

Ashley glanced down, her fingers fidgeting. "That's partly the intention. I don't fully understand the plan myself, but our primary objective is to eliminate the high elf and her allies. Fortunately, the knights are unaware that those with these marks are casters. Not yet, anyway."

"Who's in charge of this organization? How can I get in touch with them?" Shido inquired.

Ashley cast a thoughtful glance at Shishido, her brow creasing. "The main leader remains unknown, even to me. What I do know is that there are multiple leaders overseeing different factions within the group. Each faction is categorized by skill and power level, and members wear uniforms reflecting their rank. The hierarchy follows a color scheme, ranging from green, red, and blue, to purple, black with gold, and finally, white with gold." She demonstrated by pulling her hood over her head. "We're affiliated with the red faction," she explained, then lowered her hood. "Green signifies the lowest rank, while white with gold represents the highest."

Shido fell silent, digesting the wealth of information Ashley had shared. An enigmatic leader governed this group of casters, whom Shido mentally dubbed the Phoenixes, and they operated under a complex system. There must be a lot of casters in their ranks considering there are six colors. Shido found himself pondering what color he might be assigned if he were to join their ranks. Glancing at Ashley, who was soothing her brother's head as he slept, Shido couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "Why did you both choose to join them, if you don't mind me asking?" he inquired.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ashley responded before elaborating, "For our kind, there are only three options: run, die, or fight. We've already ran for far too long, and escaping the clutches of the elf kingdom is more arduous than it appears. The world beyond is far from welcoming. Our leader provided us with sustenance, shelter, and, hope for change."

Shido scratched his cheek thoughtfully as he listened to Ashley. A pang of sympathy tugged at him, realizing that the twins had likely faced more hardships than he had. He had been fortunate to find a new home relatively quickly after fleeing, but it seemed that Ashley and Aiden's lives had been far more tumultuous, despite appearing to be around his age, or perhaps slightly older.

"You ventured beyond the kingdom?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued. It had been a consideration of his own before he resolved to spearhead change within the kingdom itself.

Ashley nodded. "We did. However, I'd prefer not to delve into the details," she replied, a hint of reluctance in her voice.

Respecting her boundaries, Shido shifted the topic. "How can I join?"

Ashley glanced over at Shido, explaining the process. "To join, you'll need to undergo a series of tests to determine your rank. Once you've passed these assessments, you'll meet with the leaders, who will assign you a color, squad, and brand you with the mark. The mark signifies your allegiance to our cause."

Shido listened intently, feeling a hint of skepticism creep in. The idea of undergoing tests and bearing a permanent mark gave him pause. He wondered if he could assist them without fully committing to their ranks, perhaps serving as a supporter from the sidelines.

Ashley reached across the table and clasped Shido's hand firmly, her touch sending a sudden, searing sensation through his palm. Despite the discomfort, he refrained from pulling away as she pressed on. When she finally released him, he inspected his hand to find unfamiliar words and numbers etched into his skin.

"That's the address where you can go to join," Ashley explained, rising from her seat. "It'll disappear in 24 hours, so you have some time to find the place." She then turned her attention to her brother, assisting him to his feet, though he leaned heavily on her.

"Do you need help?" Shido offered, rising to his feet, but Ashley shook her head. "I-it's fine," she insisted, though it was clear she struggled to support her brother's weight.

Shido draped his arm around Aiden, offering support as they followed Ashley out of the building. He couldn't shake off the irony of aiding someone who had instigated a brawl, but compassion outweighed the grudge. "Where are you guys staying?" he inquired, his tone softened.

"We've got a place just down the street," Ashley replied, leading the way with Shido and her brother trailing behind.

Despite the risk of being recognized, Shido found solace in the crisp night air. The bustling streets provided cover, allowing him to blend in amidst the crowd, even with the drunk Aiden hanging sleepily by his side.

| Ezura Mikazuki |

Stupid, worthless irritant. If Angelo didn't happen to rank above him then he would've put the bastard in his place. How dare he toy with him. It wasn't like he was unaware that he messed up. If the other man hadn't given him useful information he really would've knocked that smug look off his face. An aspiration to save for the future.

Mikazuki brought a squad of guards with him. He should've brought more. The area that Angelo told him to check was on the fringe of the district, further away from the watchful eye of the palace. Even in the capital, illicit activities were bound to happen. Her Majesty's forces couldn't keep tabs on everyone. Honestly, a few of them were likely involved in whatever happened in the underbelly of the city.

The architecture wasn't far off from that of the inner parts of the city. Albeit, they were older and less maintained. That didn't stop everything from seeming grimy to him. Or maybe Mikazuki was being a snob.

"Security forces will likely be all over this place soon. Let's finish our search before they have the chance." If he came up empty-handed, he'd be out of luck if Angelo decided to expose his behavior. If he was at the forefront of the search and managed to capture one of the fugitives, it could help shield him from a potential incident.

The places that Angelo told him to search seemed like they were used to having their affairs meddled with by knights. He visited a metal working shop first, a business involved with unlicensed weapon trades with less than reputable groups outside the capital. The owner threatened to test a newly crafted axe on him if 'the High Elf's dogs' didn't stop harassing her. It wasn't worth the hassle of arresting her for the insolent remark, so after a brief exchange of colorful words, Mikazuki moved on.

The next two locations proved fruitless as well. They were more worried about being accused of illegal activity than the suspicion that they were harboring or aiding fugitives.

"Don't look so nervous. These mutts are harmless." The words were meant to ease the men he brought with him. They watched every person they passed like they expected them to be hostile. That wasn't something Mikazuki would rule out. From open windows or the openings of alleyways, it was clear they were being watched. On foot, he and one of his men, guided their horses by the reins. He didn't want a repeat of the ambush that happened on the way to the capital.

The people passively watching them were the least of his concerns. Mikazuki was more focused on the person trailing them. He almost caught a good look at them a few times before they broke line of sight. How troublesome.

| Shishido Noboru |

Ashley adeptly navigated through shadows and crowds as they made their way to her residence, a strategy that suited Shido well, especially with guards patrolling nearby. While passing a stand, he noticed a black-and-white poster tacked to a pole. At the bottom, the word "wanted" stood out. The sketch resembled him somewhat, though he considered himself more handsome than the rendering suggested. He swiftly removed the paper and crumpled it into his pocket before resuming their journey.

Despite only recently escaping, wanted posters of Shido were already plastered around the city. It was a troubling sign, signaling that his freedom was tenuous at best. When they arrived at their destination, Shido assisted Aiden as he stumbled into the house and settled him onto the couch. The home appeared weathered and neglected, as if it hadn't seen renovations in ages. However, this was a common sight in the area; many houses bore the same worn-down appearance. You get what you pay for.

Shido turned to Ashley, "This is where we part ways. I hope your mission goes well." He wanted to ask further questions about their mission but he figured that it was classified information.

Ashley nodded, "Yes, farewell and thank you for your help. It probably would have taken me even longer to get his fat ass home," she giggled.

Shido couldn't help but chuckle at her insult to her brother. He made his way to the door and waved goodbye as she closed it behind him. Shido navigated the streets, keeping his hood over his head and eyes low to the ground, blending in with the shadows, buildings, and people.

In his mind, a million questions raced, wondering if he had made friends or just met his enemies in advance. He still couldn't make out the Phoenixes. They seemed to want the right thing but went about it in the wrong ways.

He paused in his tracks, gazing down at his hands. The burned mark of letters and numbers stared back at him. Ashley had mentioned he had some time before it disappeared, giving him a window to decide whether to join them or not. If he did join, perhaps he could gain the information he needed, but doubts lingered. The Phoenixes unsettled him, though he couldn't pinpoint why. The memory of the woman who attacked Mika, consumed by anger, flashed in his mind. She seemed relentless, stopping at nothing. Were all members of that organization like her? Individuals with unchecked emotions combined with formidable abilities posed a significant danger. Should he really be apart of something like that?

To be fair, Shido was aware that he didn't know much about Mika, and it seemed like the feeling was mutual. The woman who had been pursuing him may have had a personal experience with him, but Shido couldn't be sure. When he had met Mika, it was clear that he didn't seem to care about ending people's lives, almost as if he enjoyed causing death. It wasn't a stretch to think that someone like Mika would have enemies who wanted him dead at all costs. Despite any confessions Mika may have made, Shido had seen a different side of him during their time together. He let out a soft sigh, pulling himself out of his thoughts. How could that disagreeable knight still be on his mind?

As he made his way back to the tavern, Shido caught a glimpse of a man who he first thought was a knight due to the guards trailing behind him. However, upon further inspection, it seemed like the man was an important figure of some sort, judging by the expensive clothing he wore. Shido took cover, not wanting to be caught up in any trouble that might involve this man. He carefully made his way past the guards and entered the tavern. The sight of people leaving the tavern made him wonder if the man and his guards were the reason behind it all. Shido was intrigued, but he knew better than to get involved.

Shido sought out Arlo, finding him at the bar, alone and lost in thought. He gently tapped Arlo on the shoulder to gain his attention. "Hey, were you on guard duty outside? Did you see the posters?" Shido whispered urgently, his voice tinged with concern. "I've only come across one of myself so far, but they might have some of you too. You need to be cautious when venturing out, especially since there's an important figure roaming around with a retinue of guards," he cautioned, pulling out the crumpled wanted poster from his pocket and passing it to Arlo as evidence.

Shido scowled at the paper now in Arlo's hands. "They really did a number on me, huh?" he remarked, gesturing to the crude drawing of his face. "I definitely look better than this. Perhaps no one will recognize me," he added with a touch of humor, trying to lighten the mood.