That’s enough


With my heart in my throat, I turned the latch of the cubicle door and found Steve standing in front of me, his head bent, eyebrows furrowed, mouth a straight line. He was leaning onto the sink for support. In the mirror, I look like a child who walked in on his parents either fighting or having sex or whichever was more traumatising. The music was so loud outside that he apparently didn't hear me open the cube door.

"Steve," I called him, tentatively. He started, turning to face me, his eyes wide in shock.

"How long were you in there?" he spat. His voice seemed caught in his throat.

"What happened with Antonia, Steve?" I asked, instead.

He turned away from me. I know he didn't want to answer, but fuck, he had to.

"Steve," I followed after him. He was walking out of the john as fast as he could.

"It's none of your business, kid," he muttered, smiling at the crew we passed. He pulled my neck into the crook of his elbow like he usually does, but neither of us were giggling like we usually do.

I didn't know what to say. Jamie sounded really angry. And Steve seemed really hurt. The last time they were like this was seven years ago when Steve confessed to Jamie and Jame rejected him and they eventually got over it because we were becoming a worldwide sensation and Boy Next Door came first before personal feelings and shit.

"He'll come around, Steve," I said, trying to sound reassuring. "Jamie doesn't stay angry for long."

"He doesn't stay angry at you," Steve managed to chuckle though he looked like he was about to cry.

"At you, too," I said, "You know how he always takes your side."

"I don't know, kid, I was a real jerk this time," he muttered.

"Boys," said a curt female voice behind us. We turned around, it was Lia. Yeah, nobody calls us boys anymore except for her and Ned. And Mr. Barnes. "You're shooting a group scene in ten minutes," she said, hurrying off to wherever. She hates us, she always has. I don't blame her, though. She has a high profile job as the personal assistant to a vice president of a record label and one of her tasks is to babysit five boys during a music video shoot.

We nodded and walked to the dressing room for Michelle to check our make up.

"So, basically just push each other for starters," Luke instructed me and Mark. "At some point, open your arms like 'Oh, you want a piece of this?' You know what I mean?"

I nodded. He gave me a curious look, I suppose because I'm not the smiling boy from this morning.

He looked at Burt. "Burt and Steve, I want you to hold them back from each other. Jamie, if you can get in between them or something, I'll let you figure out where to jump in. Mark, LJ, you need to get really aggressive, okay? Really shove each other. You understand?"

We all grunted our assent. Luke added, "This is the last scene, so we can pack up soon. Just one last go, I know everyone's tired. Alright?" We grunted again.


I walked towards Angie like Luke told us and Mark stepped in between us. I reached up to his shoulder to push him out of the way and he violently shrugged my hand off. I looked up at him, glaring, and he looked stunned for half a second, but caught himself and raised his eyebrows at me. I looked at Angie again, she looks scared. But then, she's an actress. I strode towards her again and felt Mark grab my shoulders and push me back.

I caught myself out of the stagger backwards, lifted both hands and pushed his chest. He reeled a bit but lunged towards me almost immediately. At the same time, Steve put both his hands on my shoulders, shielding me from Mark with his own body. We're allowed to talk, and Steve said to his face, "That's enough, Marky."

Mark grabbed Steve and shoved him aside, snarling, "That's not even what you're supposed to do, idiot." Steve snapped and lunged at Mark, shouting, "Who are you calling an idiot, idiot?" I lunged after Steve to pull him back but Jamie pushed me, yelling "That's enough!"

We were so off script.

Jamie pushed Steve next, yelling, "Mark, lunge at LJ." I opened my arms, taunting Mark to come at me, but Steve turned on Jamie, pushed his shoulder and shouted, "Who do you think you are?!"

Then, Jamie punched Steve in the face.


We all stood frozen, staring at Steve crouching on the ground, clutching his eye. "Someone check if he's bleeding," Luke yelled and the staff suddenly came to life.

"I'm alright," Steve said, so softly that you could barely hear him. He stood up and Lia was instantly in front of him with what looked like an ice pack.

Luke coughed before he spoke. "I'm actually okay with that if you guys are. Can we move on to the next scene where Mark takes Angela's hand and drags her away? Or, Steve, do you need a break? Maybe better to keep going before your face starts to bruise?"

We all looked at him, stunned. Or at least, I did. This guy was something else.