An Encore


It was 4:30PM. I had 30 minutes before this thing starts and I had no clothes. Ah, but what else is new.

I opened my phone to the radio app and looked for Steve's show's podcast. He interviewed LJ last night and Burt said it was brutal. I saw that the app remembered up to what point I had been listening, and I pressed play. I adjusted the volume on my earphones, settled into my chair, folded my arms and closed my eyes.

"So, this is your second solo album, would you like to tell my listeners what's special about this album?" Steve asked LJ.

"I don't know, what _is_ special about my new solo album, Steve?" I laughed already. LJ was trolling Steve in the most annoying way.

"Honestly, I haven't really listened to it," Steve countered, which I knew was a big fat lie. He wasn't going to let LJ win, of course.

"Oh, so you can't tell me what you think about the song I wrote," LJ tsked.

"I heard it was about enlisting in the army, I didn't know that you were considering changing careers."

LJ of course took him seriously and stopped joking. "No, it just means that I just want to protect somebody," he said. "It's a metaphor."

"A metaphor," Steve repeated. "What's that?"

"It's food," LJ replied. I was laughing so hard that tears were forming in my eyes.

"What are you laughing at?"

I looked up and saw Kate with Lynn, the make up artist, who was going through her make up bag. I stopped the podcast and pulled the buds from my ears. "Steve interviewing LJ for his new album. The podcast is up."

"Oh, I love LJ's new album!" she said enthusiastically, sitting in the chair beside me, "It's better than his first one. Actually, I was going to tell you that I think yours was the best one of all your solos, but after listening to LJ's, I'm sorry, LJ's is now my favourite."

"Missy said you say that each time any of us releases a solo," I snorted at her. She giggled, then held her face still so that Lynn could fix her eyebrows.

"If it's any consolation," she said, still immobile, "I have a soft spot for Home. Especially that part where you sing, 'I'm so tired, but it's not like I miss you or anything...'"

I listened to her murder her favourite lyric from my single and thought it was the right decision for her to quit music and concentrate on acting. "It's not about you," I said.

"I know," she smirked at me as Lynn looked through her make up bag.

I liked how easy it was to hang out with Kate now, how we can joke around with each other. She's a much better friend than a girlfriend. Last year, we were a mess. Or I was a mess. Yeah, I was a mess by myself. If Tiffany had never told me that Kate thought I slept with Amy, we would never have come to this nice truce. And I don't think I'd be able to make this movie with her either.

"Aren't you getting dressed?"

"Jamie's bringing me my clothes," I said.

"Oh, nice," she said. She kept her face still again so that Lynn could continue to work on her. I put the earbuds back in and pressed play.

"So, this song," Steve said, "you're singing about getting on your knees and begging for forgiveness, is this something most soldiers do?"

"Yes, it's inspired by those drills they do during military training, where they walk through the mud on their knees," LJ replied.

I laughed aloud again and both Kate and Lynn jumped and stared at me. I waved my hands at them in apology, and kept laughing.

"That's so interesting, J," Steve said. "I noticed this since last year when you released your first solo, your songs all seem to be about breaking up. Did you actually break up with someone?"

"Well, I was going to ask you about that, because you wrote most of the songs," LJ replied, although he sounded like he was about to lose it.

"Ah," Steve said, agreeably. "That's why this album is ace. Let's listen to your latest single, shall we? Ladies and gentlemen, here is LJ and..."

I pulled the buds out again, still cackling. Burt is right, it is gold.

I opened the group chat and texted, "Guys, best interview ever."

LJ: [I'm disappointed, actually. Steve didn't ask me who my ideal type was.]

Steve: [Duh, I know it's me, so why ask?]

Jamie: [Ewww, you guys. Mark, I'm looking for parking, will be five minutes.]

Steve: [WTH? We got here earlier than you? That's like some weird glitch in the matrix.]

LJ: [He was probably having sex, give him a break.]

Jamie: [Shut the fuck up, LJ.]

Steve: [Yeah, LJ, ewww. Don't talk about your Mommy that way. Mark, Missy said to tell Kate her band is here.]

I quickly typed, "Haha, k." And put my phone away. I looked at Kate. "Your band is here."

"Yay," Kate grinned, as Lynn shifted to her hair. "Are you guys doing another round of solos again or releasing a full band album or what?"

I thought about Burt who was up in North mountain, catching fish in the river and walking Billy to and from school every morning. The longest he had been back in the city was when he made and promoted his solo a few months ago. Before that, he was 100% gone from the public eye and Barnes worried that nobody would remember who he was. But his album hit #1 in two days and people said it was going to sweep all the best male awards. Big F was now so rich from both Burt and Steve that Ned told him to take his time and come back when he was ready. Which may have been a bad idea. If you were Ned.

All our albums did well, but Burt's was so good that he could retire for two lifetimes. I see Michelle more than Burt these days, she still does the odd make up job, and, as promised, was the official MUA for all our public appearances when we were promoting albums. Except this one, because she had the baby yesterday. We're flying up there tomorrow to visit. Burt said I can be the godfather this time, I can't wait.

I looked at Kate earnestly. There was a time when I thought she would have my babies. I was so young and stupid back then.

I smiled at her. "We're going to do a Goddess Athena tribute album."

"What?!" Kate laughed.

"It's the album everyone never knew they needed," I imitated Antonia trying to sell us a concept. "We'll wear hot pants and heels, I've already worn them for this movie, so you know, it's not that hard." I started shimmying and singing her verse. "Even if your overwhelmed heart were to explode, even if it flies off with the wind, right now, this moment, the world is yours..."

"Stop it!" Kate slapped me, laughing so hard. Lynn pulled her hands back, and grinned along.

I stopped singing and continued to convince her. "It will be great! Steve will sing Missy's parts, of course. LJ will sing yours so he can concentrate on dancing. Jay-fanny is a ship name for a reason. Burt can sing Princess' parts. Oh, and everybody else's parts because there IS 8 of you, Vivi's, Sue's, Honey's. And I'll do Jenny's parts because I'm the prettiest."

"What do you mean so LJ can concentrate on dancing, I have substantial singing parts," Kate argued, hotly. There's the temper I know and don't really miss.

"It's _our_ album, so you can't do anything about it," I shrugged. "You just have to be grateful we're keeping your memory alive."

"You dork," Kate laughed.

I grinned and opened my phone again. Missy posted a selfie with the other girls and Steve and LJ. Steve had his arms around her waist, and was resting his chin on her shoulder. LJ had his Rock Star on but his hands were clasped together like he does when he doesn't know where to put them. Poor schmuck only got Rory to talk to him again a few days ago, he doesn't want to sabotage it by having his arms around a Goddess Athena in a photo. At least, he was still wearing their blue couple bracelet from 3 years ago.

Missy's caption read "Family reunion at Marky and Kate's new baby! Jia you, guys!" 25,000 likes in 2 minutes.

A comment from Tiffany: [I wish I was there! Jia you, K-Mark!]

"What is K-Mark?" I asked aloud.

Kate laughed. "That's our couple name," she looked rightfully embarrassed. "You know, like Jay-Fanny. Is that Tiffany? She slipped, stupid girl. It's just supposed to be among us."

I nodded. "How come you never told me we had a couple name?"

"Because it's so lame," she laughed. Then she said. "She's coming home this weekend."

I nodded again, not looking up from my phone. "To see Micky."

"Well, yes, among other things, but you never know."

I looked at her. She was acting all coy, like she does when she's making fun of me. "Are you shipping us?"

"Maybe," she shrugged. Then started singing. "'s not like I miss you or anything..."

I snorted and looked at my phone again.

Juliette posted a photo. It was a picture of the flowers that I gave her last night. I've been to the ballet a lot recently.

Her caption read, "So I was told that #MarkNextDoor went to watch our show again last night. Why do I never see him? There is such a thing as meeting the artists backstage! Hint hint! And to whoever it was who left me these flowers, thank you! I hope you enjoyed!"

I smiled. And pressed the heart under the photo.

"Mark!" Jamie burst into the room with my clothes. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," I got up, chucking my phone onto the table in front of me. "A boy next door needs to get laid, too."

He punched me hard in the shoulder as I laughed at him. It was so worth it. "God, Jame, you're really glowing this time."

And, he really was glowing, I shit you not. He grinned as he said, "Shut up and get dressed before I break your legs."

/The end