Divorce Part 3

Mu Sheng brought Yao Xi to his club in the city center. Although it was not too famous, club had his regular customers who liked the quiet atmosphere of the place.

"I have prepared one of the apartments upstairs for you," said Mu Sheng, taking the suitcase from the trunk.

"Thank you," Yao Xi replied gratefully.

Once again she wondered if she should have accepted Li Ye Han's money. She could then rent a small, cheap flat. She would not feel so uncomfortable, falling to Mu Sheng head.

"Give me a break," he protested immediately. "You know that no one has lived there for a long time, you can stay as long as you like."

They went through the club's door, over which now hung a dim neon showing the phoenix, with its wings spread wide, and Yao Xi thought it might be a good sign for her.

She started a new life. If the phoenix symbolizing rebirth was not a good omen, she did not know what could be.

With a quiet sigh she crossed the threshold, when she was immediately greeted by the familiar scent of alcohol mixed up with the smell of people dancing there the day before.

Although the club was still closed at this hour, the smell was as intense as if it had soaked into thick walls, even all-day airing didn't help to get rid of the smell.

Mu Sheng led her behind the bar to the narrow staircase leading to the back room.

On the second floor there were apartments in which the club's employees could live when they finished their late night shift.

The man led Yao Xi to the second door on the left, turned the key in the lock and went inside.

Behind him, Yao Xi noticed a small flat, modestly furnished. It consisted of a small living room, a spacious bedroom, a bathroom and a small kitchen. There was everything she needed, and even more, because it was enough for her to have an ordinary field cot somewhere in the corner of the back room, to make her happy that she had a roof over her head.

"If you want to change something, the colors of the walls, or furniture, you have a free hand," Mu Sheng told her, putting the suitcase on the sofa in the living room. "I wanted to refresh that house for a long time, but somehow I have never found motivation."

He smiled innocently, scratching the back of his head.

Yao Xi entered the bedroom, which contained a large bed, covered with a blue blanket and a chest of dark wood, over which hung a narrow rectangular mirror. Through the dark blue curtains pierced the rays of the afternoon sun, which showed dust particles flying in the air.

"Make yourself comfortable and feel at home. I have to prepare the local for opening in a few hours."

"I will help you," she offered hurriedly, trying to avoid him in the door, but he put his hand on her shoulder and said in a serious tone, "Stay. You need to rest and unpack. You should also eat something. I did not manage to do shopping, but you can order something with delivery. If you need something, I'll be downstairs."

After these words, he turned and disappeared, closing the door behind him, leaving Yao Xi alone in her new apartment.

Not knowing what to do with herself, she decided to unpack clothes and put them in a dresser.

There was not much, which is why Lao Xi decided that it would be useful to clean up. Although the apartment was well-kept, it was full of dust, and cleaning took her the whole afternoon.

When she was done, music started playing from the bottom, which meant that the club would be open to customers at any moment. She glanced out the window, and the sky outside was already dark blue evening.

Satisfied that she would help Mu Sheng, she went for a quick shower to wash away all the dust and detergents from her body.

She left the bathroom just as the knock came to the door. She thought it was Mu Sheng, who came to see how she was doing, so she opened the door in the towel, that wrapped her body. She was still dripping water from her amber hair, when she opened the door: "I'll come to help you soon, I'll just get dressed," she said without even looking at him.

She turned away, leaving the door open "Give me five minutes."

But before she could take two steps, she felt a strong yank on her right shoulder, and in the next moment she was already pressed to the closed door of her apartment.

As she raised her head, her pupils widened at the sight of the man in front of her.

A black, perfectly tailored suit emphasized his muscular figure, but despite his elegance, the aura he emitted had chilled blood in her veins.

Like a demon walking on the Earth to spread terror and destruction.

Li Ye Han's blue eyes were frighteningly cold, which filled Yao Xi with fear. She had never seen him so terrifying before.

"Only a few hours after the divorce, and you have already found a new sponsor that you even open the door dressed like that?" Li Ye Han asked, his tone dripping with rage and contempt.

His whole being radiated danger, to such an extent that Yao Xi was afraid to even breathe.

The oppressive aura poured in through the pores of her skin reaching the bloodstream, where it dangerously raised the temperature of the blood.

"What? Do you feel guilty that you forgot your tongue?" His low voice was for her, like chains binding senses and soul. She could only look at the impeccably demonic face that kept her tied up again and again. "Or are you trying to find a credible lie?"

With each word again, Li Ye Han's face approached her dangerously, so that now they were separated only by the distance of the butterfly's wing.

In her wildest dreams she couldn't imagine that moment.

Why did he come here? We divorced. Even if I wanted to bond with someone, it had nothing to do with him.

Did I reproach him when he was with Ruo Yan? By what right does this man reprimand me who I meet, when he was unfaithful from the beginning ?!

The blood in Yao Xi's veins was buzzing. She reached such a degree that it would explode like a geyser.

At first she was terrified, always afraid of this man, but at the moment she felt like immortal; nothing he could do would cause her any harm.

It is true, that adrenaline eliminates fear.

She found new layers of courage that allowed her to push away Li Ye Han.

The man didn't expect this and staggered back two steps. His face was confused.

"And who says that?" She snorted, covering herself with a towel that had come loose on her body. "At least I was waiting for a divorce. I didn't publicly fool with other men when I was your wife, unlike you. " Her anger reached a new level in which her face was red, her hands sweaty and her breathing unnaturally accelerated. "You have no right to reproach me, when you are far from ideal yourself. After all, we are already divorced, who I meet with, has nothing to do with you."

For a moment Li Ye Han stood, staring at her with an inscrutable expression on his face, as if he were thinking about her words, but the next moment he returned to his usual, indifferent and merciless face, and a sarcastic smirk blossomed on his face, as he put his hands over his chest : "Do you think that you can compare yourself to me? I think that you think too high about yourself, thinking that what is allowed for me is also allowed to you?"

His voice became more and more cruel with the next word, and the look hard.

He looked like a cold businessman. A powerful CEO for whom all other people are just as worthless as the ants.

"I'll tell you who you are," he announced coldly, taking a step toward her, making Yao Xi retreat the same step, until she was back with her back to the cold door. "You're just the adopted daughter of the Yao family. A naughty woman who used tricky tricks to get into a powerful family." Li Ye Han's face was at the height of her eyes as he leaned over her, resting his hands on either side of her head. "I can despise you, but that does not mean I'll let you make a cuckold of me."

His hot breath brushed against the naked skin of Yao Xi's shoulders, causing her body to be covered with goose bumps.

It was only after a short moment that she understood the meaning of his words, and her face turned white with horror.

She tried to free herself from his arms, which were like rods closing her in a cage, but Li Ye Han foresaw it and, grabbing both her hands, pinned them to the door over Yao Xi's head.

"Tell me," he whispered close to her ear, sending an electrifying feeling that crawled down her body, leaving a path of hot desire. "Did this whole Mu Sheng fuc*king you already?"

She hated herself for being so weak. She hated her body that it responded to every little touch of this man. She hated the expression on his face when a quiet moan escaped her dry mouth, as his hot hand slipped under the towel and found her the most vulnerable place.

She heard him breathe faster when he pressed his body to her, which caused her another silent moan.

Every day, for seven years of marriage with this man, she wanted to be touched in this way. Then she would give him all of herself completely, begging for more.

But now?

Before Yao Xi's eyes, appeared the face of Ruo Yan, three years ago, when she saw with her own eyes, Ruo Yan with Li Ye Han in his office, and Yao Xi whole body shuddered with shivers of disgust, effectively shaking off the erotic mist of lust, that captured her mind and body.

"Don't touch me!" She shouted, trying to break free from the iron grip, but Li Ye Han in response only strengthened the grip on her wrists.

"Was not that what you wanted?" He asked in a hoarse voice, continuing to examine her bare skin. "Didn't you want it?"


"Perhaps you would prefer it to be Mu Sheng?" He growled angrily, ignoring her attempts to free herself from his grip.

Yao Xi pursed her lips, afraid to provoke this man. He was an overbearing tyrant and she believed that if she didn't speak, Li Ye Han would calm down his temper, and then he will let her go.

How could she know that her silence only enraged him more?

He took it as a silent confirmation!


Forgive my long absence. You will not believe it, but for the last few days I had a small hospital at home. Everyone was sick, of course, except me, which apart from work as a cook, cleaner and laundress, I had to work as a nurse for three children (yes, three, because my husband is the biggest child during illness).

Can you imagine? I didn't even have time to scratch my head, not to mention reading my favorite novel. Waaahhhh ... It was a nightmare.

The only thing I dreamed of was hugging my favorite pillow and sleeping for a few days, but as usually happens with mothers, my children didn't give me such luxury :)

Now it's better. Although the kids are still having a cold, but my worst patient has only a runny nose, so he helps me with my chores.

I hope you didn't cursed me too loud for not updating? I'm sorry, I didn't think that the disease will attack in the least expected moment, when I started to enjoy writing for you :)

I promise to catch up in the shortest possible time, so please give me a few moments and I will reward you with some additional chapters when I finish edit them :)

Remember not to give up hats and scarves yet :) The weather does get more beautiful, but still is just as treacherous :) So that You don't end up in bed with a high fever :)

Kisses: *