Eye to Eye - Part 2

The next day, Yao Xi woke up as the sun shone on her cheek. She was not sure if it was late in the morning or maybe it was afternoon. For a second she wondered where she was. She was lying on a large white bed, surrounded by a flimsy veil, which was moved by the spring breeze coming through the open window.

She rubbed her heavy eyelids and stretched lazily. At the same moment she hissed involuntarily as the sharp pain tugged near the navel.

Yao Xi's lips were white and she had to clench her teeth to quell the scream. She completely forgot. Within seconds, Yao Xi's mind sent her pictures of yesterday. Remembering what had happened, she almost cried at the thought, that she survived through a meeting with Satan himself.

She was proud of herself, that she managed to stand eye to eye with Li Ye Han.

"Well, maybe not literally, but it's a feat," she cheered, and her enthusiasm effectively repressed the pain in her mind.

She rose from the bed in a fantastic mood, and the hot water in the shower pleasantly soothed the sore muscles. The perfect mood of Yao Xi embarrassed all the servants when she appeared in the dining room, humming an unspecified tune, going to the kitchen for breakfast.

The interior of the dining room was a strange mixture of sophistication and simplicity, elegance and practicality. The windows and walls were decorated very intricately, which gave the room a rich, though not exaggerated appearance. The furniture was massive, simple and heavy; made of dark red polished wood.

In the central part of the room, attention was drawn to the huge dining table, which, according to Yao Xi, would easily accommodate all servants in the entire estate of Li.

There were fresh flowers in the vases, and the table was swaying from the dishes placed on them, but at the moment when the aromatic scent burst into Yao Xi's nose, she couldn't think of anything else.

Her stomach made a loud growl, begging for satisfaction. She swallowed loudly. She didn't remember when she last had something more in her mouth than a colorless hospital gruel, which reminded her of a sheet of paper rather than a meal.

The tempting scent drew her towards her, ravaging her senses, until there was no other thought in her mind, except that in which she tempted herself to taste each of the dishes.

Yao Xi even forgot that she should have breakfast in the kitchen. Everything on the dining table was for Li Ye Han, and Yao Xi couldn't even sit at the same table with him. She usually followed this rule, she didn't want to make any problems, afraid that Li Ye Han would get angry with her, but today it was different. She didn't care at all.

Who cares if the lordship will be angry. She was hungry, and only that was what counted at that time.

She took a little different dishes, first, deciding on slices of chicken meat soaked in a juicy and tasty sauce. She felt the absolutely delicious taste in her mouth, spreading all over her palate and in her delight she reached for another piece. She almost purred in awe, like a cat, when she absorbed most of the prepared dishes. Only when her stomach was so swollen that nothing more could fit into it, with a sense of satisfaction, Yao Xi took a deep breath, leaning more comfortably in a chair.

When she casually looked up, she almost choked when she saw Li Ye Han. He leaned casually against the door frame, watching her with narrowed eyes. Everything she ate, dangerously approaching up, as if her body felt guilty and wanted to return everything

All her good mood, in which she woke up, evaporated in an instant. She was breathless and terrified, breathing unnaturally fast. In the mind of Yao Xi, a very realistic and disturbing vision suddenly appeared. She imagined Li Ye Han burying her somewhere alive with a merciless look. Yao Xi swallowed bile with difficulty, coming up to her throat.

"I don't think he'll kill me, right? It's just a bit of food. "She moaned inwardly, praying that Li Ye Han would have some problems with his eyes today. "Maybe he will not notice me from such a distance," she tried to comfort herself, though ineffectively. Her heart quickened rapidly as the man began to approach slowly, like the emperor ready to shorten the head of the one who dared to insult his majesty.

Her heart stopped beating for a second. It was awful how this man could influence her. He didn't even speak yet, and Yao Xi was already shaking like a jelly. Probably, when she died of his hand, she evolved fear in herself, which she did not know the meaning until she died.

It was much easier for her without this unnecessary emotion.

She thought that if he wanted to get rid of her in this life, he wouldn't have to bother too much. It was enough for him to show up suddenly, as now, and she would get a heart palpitation and it would be after her. Why stain your hands?

In her mind, Yao Xi has already refused all the prayers she knows to all the gods she could only think about. And she almost laughed when she imagined the priest in black robes, with a bible and cross, who came to Li's house to perform an exorcism on Li Ye Han. She wondered if she should get some holy water to be ready to fight this incarnation of Satan. "This is not a stupid idea. I would feel safer knowing that something can protect me from the forces of darkness. "

He had such power over her that she was terrified. And it took a minute before she remembered how it swallowed.

"It's not like that I've taken from his mouth, he will not be hungry," Yao Xi tried to cheer herself up, seeing Li Ye Han take the place opposite, not taking his hawkish look from her.

She lowered her eyes, not wanting to look in his direction. For a second she wanted to believe she was invisible. She crouched in the chair, trying to minimize her presence.

"Wuwuwu ... What do I deserve? If he goes on like this, I will be afraid even of my own shadow "

"Breathe", she ordered herself in her mind and after twenty breaths, the heart of Yao Xi finally began to slow down. "You cann't be so weak. You act as if you murdered his whole family with a pancake, and you only ate breakfast. Normal human need, he will not kill you for that ... Probably ... "

Yao Xi's eyelids trembled for a few seconds, struggling inside, and when she made her decision, she opened her eyes in which determination was visible.

She used all her willpower to take on the most unmoved facial expression she could afford, although it did not match her true mood.

She waited for Li Ye Han to start eating breakfast, but he only poured himself a cup of coffee with his long, manicured fingers.

Suddenly she jumped, realizing that one of the servants was standing next to her. She frowned, there was no living soul here yet, and now, when the master of the house arrived, they would pretend to show how well they were doing their duties. "He doesn't care, you don't have to try," she snorted inwardly, seeing that the same maid who had just stood by her now poured into her glass of water. Yao Xi, pretending to be controlled, refused to drink water from a maid who had ignored her existence a moment earlier, and instead reached for a plate of snacks.

She was full, her belly filled to the brim, but in this situation she didn't know what to do with herself. Her nerves were wrapped in a knot, but the food was the first thing that occurred to her not to look at him.

She considered escaping to her bedroom, but Yao Xi's pride didn't allow for that. She stubbornly claimed that she had done nothing wrong to escape with her tucked up ears, like a coward. Therefore, despite her absolute reluctance to be in the company of Li Ye Han, she forced her muscles to stay in place.

She focused her attention on the plate in front of her and was surprised to find that for such a delicious-looking cheesecake, there would still be some space in her belly, so with a small smile on her lips, she set about eating, consciously ignoring the presence in front of her. That is why she completely overlooked staring at her from the cup of the piercing eyes of Li Ye Han.

The corner of Li Ye Han's mouth flicked unnoticed as he watched the girl in front of him, but quickly returned to his usual colorless appearance, and Wen's butler, who was watching his master all the time, wondered for a moment whether his eyesight was beginning to fail.


The whole meal ran in silence, and Yao Xi deliberately massaged her bursting belly. She wondered if her greediness would have any effect on healing wounds, but she thought that even if it did, it was worth it. Everything she tried today was absolutely perfect.

When she lifted her head, she found that she was completely alone. Nowhere was Li Ye Han, Wen's butler, or even servants.

"Is it possible that I am suffering from short-term memory loss after an accident?" She wondered, looking around the dining room, but when she was sure that everyone had disappeared, she shrugged and rose from her chair. She felt a few kilos heavier, and walking made her small difficulties. "Who cares," she muttered under her breath, and in her mouth she still felt the cacophony of flavors. "For all the goodies, it's worth tiring in this house." Although she had to admit that once she was gone, the only thing she would miss in this house, were the talented chefs who could create such masterpieces.

When she reached her bedroom, the dream of delicious food was gone. Now she had to deal with something more important. She had to fight all unnecessary thoughts and stimuli in order not to distract her too much.

She pushed back the memory of unique flavors on the back of her head, promising that they would not be there long.

Yao Xi was now to develop a detailed plan. Today was the first step in its implementation, so everything had to go perfectly, there is no mistake.

She had to fight. About herself. For her future. And for dreams.

Dreams, which she rejected all her life, believing that she is not worthy of them. Ever since she remembered, she was always told that she had no right to dream. She believed it.

Until now.

She was going to live a life that was always denied her. Her chances were taken away. Now she had to recover everything. She believed that was why she was reborn. She thought that someone upstairs wanted her to live only for herself. And even if she has not found any dreams yet, she had a goal.

A goal that will be implemented this evening. At the birthday party Ruo Yan. On her own birthday. Births whose dates nobody remembers. For seven years she spent the day celebrating Ruo Yan's birthday. And although they celebrate their birthday on the same day, there was always only Ruo Yan, no one remembered about Yao Xi. Even grandfather, she didn't blame him. Xi never told him, didn't want to impose herself. But that didn't change the fact, that every year she was sorry when Ruo Yan was showered with presents, wishes, smiles, and to Yao Xi no one told one nice word.

If anyone cared about her, would ask when Yao Xi's birthday is, right? If anyone was interested in her, would have his own ways to find out ...

But that was supposed to change. Today. Tomorrow. Next year. Only Yao Xi.

Determined to regain what she was taken from, Yao Xi clenched her fists. She went to the wardrobe. At the very bottom was a small box, which resembled a case in which glasses are stored. She lifted the lid to check the contents. After making sure everything is in place, she closed it and put it in her purse, and a cruel smile came out of the emotionless face of Yao Xi. She looked like a goddess of revenge.

A malicious spark flashed in Yao Xi's emerald eyes as she imagined reaction Ruo Yan's and her guests for birthday present.

At that thought, Yao Xi felt like she was under the influence of a drug. The euphoria stirring in her veins made her feel alive and, as never before, ready to act.

Ready for revenge.