Cheng Yazhe

After leaving Li Ye Han's table, Yao Xi, guided by the sense of smell, found herself in the second, smaller room, where the huge Swedish table was set up with the tastiest dishes she had ever eaten.

Yao Xi was starving after a long-term coma, and then during convalescence, when she was fed only with a nasty porridge, that's why she was making up for lost kilos.

Putting a little of each dish on her plate, she couldn't wait for everything to end up in her stomach. She felt like she was starved for a year.

Once her plate was swaying under the weight of all the delicacies, that she had managed to put on it, there was a giggle behind her.

She turned away, wrinkling her nose at someone who dared to laugh at her hunger. She saw the amused face of a young man watching her with attention. His gray blond hair was so bright that it seemed almost white, but it was his eyes that attracting attention. Large, in the shape of almonds, which in the light falling from crystal chandeliers shimmered with violet color.

Yao Xi for the first time in her life has seen such a unique color of irises. A happy glow sparkled in them, giving the man a funny, boyish charm.

An unexpected image appeared in Yao Xi's mind. It was only a distant memory of sleep; pale and so vague that it is almost illegible, as if it was watching through a steamed window. However, she could perfectly see the same pair of violet eyes.

For a moment she sank in them, fascinated. She had the vague impression that she had met him somewhere before, although when she tried to remember something more, Yao Xi's mind was merging into one black stain. Unable to look at him and think clearly at the same time, she turned her back on him.

" It's rare to see a woman who's so appetite " his magnetic voice touched some hidden memories she couldn't attribute to any event in her life.

It is as if she was reborn in the body of a completely foreign person, whose memories she didn't have, and only the body remembered.

It was the strangest feeling she had ever faced. Including her mysterious rebirth.

" Because women are usually modest and keep moderate in eating to maintain a perfect figure for men, who can do anything for them. " She turned her head, giving him a disdainful look and replacing those words extremely strong dose of sarcasm. " That's what you mean?"

Yao Xi watched as the man's eyes widened in initial shock, then burst out with a hearty laugh. The sound was clean and pleasant. He tempted and attracted with the promise of wrapping in the warm sunshine. Yao Xi has never met such a man before. Some incredibly radiant aura was blowing from him, at which she felt fresh and at ease. As if they had known each other forever. It bothered her a bit, she was sure that she had seen him for the first time. Only these eyes and aura seem to be strangely familiar ...

" You could say that " he admitted, laughing masking significant grunt. " Nowadays, too many women pretend to be someone different, trying to please others and adjust to the standards of beauty imposed on us by the media, promoting what is artificial, and forgetting that true beauty lies in simplicity and honesty."

" Because men are always simple and honest, " she concluded ironically, demonstratively pushing a fork with a dripping piece of meat into her mouth, on which view most men would have escaped in disgust.

She looked at him with a challenge visible in green eyes, waiting for him to leave, too disgusted by her lack of etiquette. Lip glistening at the corners of Yao Xi mouth. Her appearance was nothing like a well-mannered, well-educated young girl from a good family.

Yao Xi ears were quietly commented on her lack of manners, which were exchanged between the people who watched her. But that didn't seem to interfere with the man standing in front of her. He watched her with an eyebrow raised in amusement.

After a moment, he reached into the front pocket of his tuxedo, taking out the folded silk handkerchief and offered it culturally.

Yao Xi didn't accept the handkerchief, instead wiped the stain with her forefinger and licked it deliberately, making the indecent sound of munching.

She was annoyed. She wanted to enjoy the delicacies in peace. She didn't know when there would be another chance to fill her stomach. Yao Xi doubted she would get anything to eat at the home of Li Ye Han after today. She was already mentally prepared for the punishment she was waiting for.

She wanted to get rid of this obtrusive man who disturbed her in eating, so she didn't care about manners, but apparently it didn't bother him.

Still with a polite smile, he reached out to greet her and introduced himself: " I am Cheng Yazhe."

Yao Xi looked at his outstretched hand, but did not accept it, only put another portion of meat into her mouth. Finally he left hand.

What was wrong with these guys? Do they not understand that she's not interested in them? Who cares what he was called? She had more important things to do, for example, this juicy-looking chocolate-coated chicken that smiled at her from the plate, tempting her with the smell and asking for a taste.

" Begone! Bane!" She cursed in the mind of this intrusive guy.

Cheng Yazhe continued, completely unimpressed by her grossly ignoring: " I am the president and owner of MOONLIGHT ENTERTAINTMENT, we promote young talents. We are the second largest company in the entertainment industry, right after EMPIRE " he announced with pride, but in his voice you couldn't hear the arrogance that usually accompanies such conversations. It didn't sound like boasting, but rather a reason to be proud. " I would like you to join our company. With your beauty and personality, I am sure you will achieve great success."

For a moment, Yao Xi's eyes flashed as cog began to start in her mind. She remembered that in her previous life MOONLIGHT had stubbornly pursued EMPIRE and competed with them at every step, and Cheng Yazhe was on the same level as Li Ye Han, in terms of influence and popularity.

And she wouldn't care if it were not for the fact that they are both their enemies. And as the popular saying says: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Cheng Yazhe must have seen the expression of interest in her face, because he reached into the inside pocket of the tuxedo and took out his business card. Giving her it, a smile he smirked when he said, " I sincerely hope that you will decide to call."

Taking advantage of the moment when Yao Xi reached out her hand for the card, he gently took the wrist and placed a gentle kiss on top of her hand, then with a gallant English bow, he said goodbye and left as quickly as he had appeared.

Yao Xi has been paralyzed for a short while. She stared at the black business card, where the gold inscriptions shone: President MOONLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT Cheng Yazhe, along with the telephone number and address.

Yao Xi's lips unknowingly formed a cruel smile when a beautiful vision flooded her mind, but in the next second, a sharp tug at the navel made her suckle with air, and she knew that the pain proves that she exaggerated the effort Dr Sun had warned against, surgical sutures began to crack.

She cursed her mind for lack of imagination when she put on those twelve-centimeter heels.

She bit her lip in pain, praying to make her stitching lasting until she leaves the hotel. She looked around, looking for the least crowded way out, but as soon as she raised her head, the wound tugged again and she felt she would not last long. She was on the border.

Yao Xi had to leave immediately if she wanted to avoid confusion. If she started bleeding now, instead of helping her, people would make a sensation from it, just looking how embarrassed she was. After all, who would like to extend a helping hand to an adopted orphan without a family background from which they could make benefit?

She put down an almost full plate of snacks on the table, and her heart almost broke with regret that she hardly tried anything.

[Bastard] she cursed in mind a man, who interrupted her in the only act that gave her pleasure.

She turned away, wanting to leave, but a stain of red appeared before her eyes. She took a step to avoid her, but the stain blocked her path. Impatient, she raised her head and saw the red face of Ruo Yan in front of her. At the corners of the eyes there were still wet patches of tears.

" Are you leaving now?" She asked, her voice filled with false concern.

Yao Xi didn't have time for games and tried to avoid her again, but Ruo Yan once again blocked her way.

" The banquet is not over yet. I still haven't told you about the presents I received " Ruo Yan sounded as if she wanted to share great news with her best friend. " Don't be angry at Li Ye Han for his outbreak before. He just wanted to give me a present in private. You understand his temperament. He doesn't like to flaunt himself with wealth. And finally, the newly built complex of residential estates is not a small gift. He didn't want people to think he was bragging.

The words were seemingly innocent, but Yao Xi understood the allusion contained in them. Ruo Yan wanted to let Yao Xi know that her husband had thrown her away to be alone with Ruo Yan and give her some cosmically expensive and luxurious gift.

The whole Ruo Yan person was filled with triumph and sense of victory when she looked at Yao Xi with superiority.

If it was in a previous life, maybe she would be hurt by those words, but now she was really indifferent. She didn't care for it at all. They could begin to show their public feelings, and the only thing that Yao Xi would feel is dislike and disgust. Rich people really had a high opinion of themselves, thinking that the whole world revolves around them.

Yao Xi already had enough of this stalking for the white lotus today. The impatience that flowed from her was so strong that it almost made an invisible aura around her. The pain grew stronger and she felt the blood from her wound on her stomach begin to wade through the dressing. In a moment, her entire gown will be bleeding.

She just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. She struck Ruo Yan with a slow but determined move.