I'll cut off her arms and legs, and send her to the brothel

While Yao Xi was still unconscious, Ruo Yan almost thrashed her eyes with lightning, with rage.. In her bedroom, she could finally shed the mask of a good and innocent girl, and be herself.

Her true temperament was the exact opposite of what she showed outside. And the only witness was her personal maid, Ming Wanwan, who was now massaging her swollen cheek.

Ming Wanwan was now pitifully lying on the floor in her mistress's room, begging for mercy, even if she knew it was pointless. When Ruo Yan takes off his mask in a fit of fury, nothing will stop her until she feels relief. The maid could only helplessly wait out her mistress's rage, hiding her face in her hands, while Ruo Yan kicked and tugged at her without a hitch.

"Useless garbage!" Ruo Yan screamed, loading another solid kick into the ribs of a young girl, until she curled up in a fetal position. "Who said this slut would be too embarrassed to show up at my party?" She screamed as more blows landed on Ming Wanwan's aching body. "Who said to invite this trash, to look good in front of people?"

Ruo Yan in her fits of fury looked and acted like she was crazy. The whites of the eyes were bloodshot and the breathing unstable. Her hands were shaking, as if she were a drug addict in rehab and was just starving for drugs. And that will not pass, until she takes her dose. In the case of Ruo Yan, only physical violence could help her.

The wild rage broke in her veins, radiating to every nerve, but she no longer had strength. She beat and scream so long until her throat and hands ached, so she stopped and sat on the bed, her face in her hands, trying to collect her thoughts.

Ming Wanwan stopped sobbing, fearing that any sound could draw Ruo Yan's attention. She slowly lifted her body, resting on weak hands, but there was no strength left in them, so she fell back to the floor, panting heavily.

"What should I do now?" Ruo Yan muttered, swinging back and forth, her hands on her head. She looked like she was in a trance. "This slut did it purposely to slander me"

Ruo Yan spoke to herself, when she suddenly remembered the maid who had crouched in the corner of the room, wanting to minimize her presence and fearing to breathe.

She looked at the quivering girl violently, as if she had just realized her presence: "Wanwan, why are you lying there?" She asked in a surprised tone, as if she had forgotten that she herself had brought the maid to such a state. "Get up and give me the phone. I have to call."

Poor Ming Wanwan had no choice but to ignore her sore body, and fulfill command. Accustomed to such treatment, she had to withstand if she wanted to help her mother pay for medicines.

Ming Wanwan dragged her bruised body down into the living room, where Ruo Yan left her purse and came back upstairs with her mistress phone. Due to the injury, it took her too long and she didn't miss the expression of impatience on Ruo Yan's face, who wrenched her phone from her hand with a snarl, like a hungry wolf, and dialed a phone number, that she hadn't used for a long time.

After the fourth signal, a magnetic, lazy voice was heard in the phone, in which Ruo Yan heard a trace of irritation: "I thought I had expressed myself clearly last time. I contact you when I need you. "

Ruo Yan ignored the thrill of terror crawling across her back. The very sound of that voice made the girl tremble with fear. She knew perfectly well that she can not anger this man, if she wanted to survive. Ruo Yan had no choice but to take a chance. Only he could help her now, even if she would have to pay a huge price for this favor.

"You must help me." She stated, trying to sound sure, but with the last word, her voice broke, trembling uncontrollably. It lasted only a fraction of a second, but the man on the other side of the phone seemed to catch it, when he said with amusement, "Oh?" And Ruo Yan could already imagine his raised eyebrow.

"Yes, you must help me." She repeated, this time more clearly. She tried not to pay attention to the oppressive, murderous aura she had sensed, even in spite of the miles separating them, as she continued: "I can have serious trouble, and then I will not be able to help you anymore."

The silence that followed was worse than when he spoke. Ruo Yan talked to this man only a few times, always on the phone, but she knew that the longer he was silent, the more dangerous he was. And the more polite and gallant, the more ruthless and inhuman.

She could only pray that the benefits of her help would be greater, and that it would be more profitable to keep her, than to get rid of her.

"How can you be that sure I need you?" He asked in a tone so gentle that Ruo Yan felt her heart stop, sensing the warning hidden in the question.

Ever since she had consented to the man's conditions, she knew that one day he would stop needing her, and that man would not hesitate to kill her to get rid of the potential danger. Ruo Yan, however, hoped that she would remain safe for some time. At least until she finds a way to get away from him.

"If you didn't need me, I would have rest somewhere on the bottom of the ocean, in concrete shoes long ago," she said with certainty.

In response, the man laughed loudly, and the sound was like the laugh of Lucifer himself.

"You are clever. I think I will find some use for you. Say what you want. "

Ruo Yan bit her bottom lip, trying not to scream with happiness. She didn't realize that she was holding her breath in anticipation all the time. She let out a breath and briefly told the events of tonight, coloring the story, so as to turn everything in her favor and make of herself a victim. At the end she asked in a pathetic voice: "Help me block the media."

"That's it?" The man snorted, as if annoyed that Ruo Yan had interrupted him for something so trivial.

"And yet ..." she hesitated, clenching her teeth at the thought of the whore, Yao Xi. Ruo Yan began to rage again, losing control over herself and only the dangerously impatient grunt on the other side of the phone restored her composure. Or rather, anger was replaced by the fear that engulfs her. "There was leak information about the marriage of Li Ye Han. Help me block it. Not only in the media, but also in the high society. "

If the previous request didn't impress the man, he was clearly angry now. So much so that even in his voice there was a change when he asked, "How did this happen?"

And Ruo Yan was just waiting for that question. She couldn't wait for the man to announce that the days of this slut are numbered, which is why she hurried to explain: "It's all the fault of this whore, Yao Xi. First she provoked me to hit her, and then I do not know where she started to bleed. Then she pretended to be the victim, when she told everyone that she would divorce him. That whore even accused me of causing her a car accident. Now everyone thinks that I tried to kill her with jealousy, and that she was in a coma because of me. " Ruo Yan spoke faster and faster until she began to pant out loud and had to stop for a moment, to catch her breath. "I'm begging you, if you don't kill her, I will do it myself, but before that I will cut off her arms and legs and send her to the brothel."

Rage and hatred filled Ruo Yan's senses. She had never been so full of hatred before. She was always poisonous, there was always someone who annoyed her, even only with a appearance, but she never had such a deep feeling for anyone. Usually, it was enough for Ruo Yan to humiliate someone, but for Yao Xi she wanted something more. She wanted this brazen whore to suffer such pain that she could not imagine, that she would die in the worst of torments and that her soul would be fried in hell, condemned to eternal damnation. Only then could she satisfy her hatred, which has reached a whole new level, leading Ruo Yan almost to insanity with Yao Xi.

"What did you say?" The voice roared so loudly that Ruo Yan dropped the phone to the floor. She raised it with trembling hands, afraid to even put it to her ear.

"Repeat what you just said!" He ordered, and Ruo Yan felt the voice echoing from the very bottom of her soul. Convinced that his rage is directed at this whore, she repeated calmly, unable to stop the malicious smile. Of course, she would not be herself, if she did not add something to plunge Yao Xi.

She was happy that she would finally get rid of this trash.

"If you dare even look askance at her, I guarantee that I will send you to the brothel without arms and legs. Understand?! And if I find out that you have something to do with her accident, I will personally throw you into the pit of full poisonous snakes. Am I expressing myself clearly? "

Ruo Yan's mind became empty. How could this man take care of this garbage? What did this cheap woman deserve, so that everyone would care for her ?!

She bit her teeth so hard she almost broke them.

[Forget it], she reminded herself of herself, afraid to anger him. The most important thing is to gain his help first. Later, when she gets the power of Li's family and combines it with Ruo, Ruo Yan will be invincible. No one will be able to threaten her, not even someone like him. And that whore will not escape from Ruo Yan's hands.

"U-Understand." She stammered humbly, but inside she was boiling.

"Good" a man spoke and his voice returned to his usual lazy tone. "Remember that I am not a man of great patience. If you dare to disregard my order, you have to take into account the consequences, "he warned. "Don't forget that it is thanks to me that you are, who you are now. And I can always make you come back to being nothing. "

After these words, the call ended, and the signal sounded like a verdict. Ruo Yan threw her phone, which crashed against the wall into small pieces.

Hatred was even oozing from her teeth, like a poison of a viper. She couldn't understand why the trash was so lucky. And how it happened that even this cruel man stands behind Yao Xi, not letting even touch her.

Ruo Yan took a few calming breaths. It doesn't matter. Now she had to focus on herself. Suddenly, remembering the most important thing, she turned to the floor, where her ruined telephone lay.

Ah, this madman didn't say if he would help her!

She rushed to the place where the telephone lay, but nothing remained of it.

"Ming Wanwan!"

"Y- Yes, miss?" the maid frightened, immediately standing up, and despite the pain from every part of her body, she ran to Ruo Yan.

"I need a new phone. Immediately."

"Of course." Ming Wanwan ran out of the bedroom faster than she even could thought.

She spent too much time with Ruo Yan, serving her, so that she would know what would happen if Ruo Yan were wait too long.

"Yao Xi, just wait," Ruo Yan hissed, as she started up the new phone brought by the maid. There were many spare phones available at the property, all she had to do was synchronize the device.

Moments later, the sound of the incoming message resounded in Ruo Yan's bedroom as a final judgment. Ruo Yan pressed her fingers with trembling fingers, and her eyes widened as she read the next words: "I will deal with the media. Don't test my patience, because you can't endure the consequences. " At the end message, a smiley face with a colon and a closing bracket was added, and Ruo Yan's heart shuddered. She knew that this emoticon was the exact opposite of its meaning.

She had to act carefully. She could not afford the anger of this unpredictable lion. Not yet.

"You're lucky, Yao Xi," she laughed ominously, dropping the phone into the drawer at the bedside table. "I will let you live for some time. At least until I'm free of the psychopath's influence. "

Then, as if nothing had happened, she turned to the maid with a hearty smile decorating her beautiful face: "Wanwan, what are you standing for? Prepare a bath for me. "

Taken aback by this sudden change, Ming Wanwan stared at the bewilderment at Ruo Yan. Never before had her fury attack passed so quickly. Usually it lasted until Wanwan falls unconscious, but today it only ended with a few bruises. Ming Wanwan couldn't be happier.

"Hurry up." Ruo Yan dashed with a smile. "And then you can choose whatever you want from my wardrobe for your hard work."

That's how another of Ruo Yan's attacks passed, which was known only to her maid, Ming Wanwan. Even the parents and the rest of the family didn't realize the real face of the young heiress.

Everyone saw in her only a clean, delicate flower, that wouldn't be able to hurt even an ant. But no one was aware that there was a true sociopath beneath this innocent mask, feeding every day with the horrific visions of torture, which Ruo Yan will give Yao Xi, as soon as she fell into her hands.