A widower is Much Better Than a Divorced Man

"Anything else, Mr. Li?" She asked in an irritated tone, unhappy that he did not understand her allusion.

She was really tired, didn't have the strength or inclination to play Li Ye Han games, which ended in defeat every time. She just wanted peace.

Yao Xi was tired of feelings that poisoned her soul. Love and hatred fought a constant struggle inside her. And every time hatred won, something suddenly happened that effectively eliminated the whole effect she put on to get rid of this deadly love. Everything started again and she honestly had enough.

"I want to know how you provoked Ruo Yan that she hit you." Li Ye Han's voice was the same as always, cold and serious. Yao Xi has already got used to it, but this time she froze. Probably because of exhaustion she had problems with gathering thoughts. For a moment she was stunned by these words, but after some time she understood, and her eyes were obscured by a dark mist.

Ah, she should have expected that. Li Ye Han came here today to seek justice for his beloved ... What else did she expect?

Yao Xi closed her eyelids again, trying to swallow the bitterness of regret that appeared in her throat like a big bump.

She was not so desperate that at the expense of her own life, she would plead for a man who despises her. It was Ruo Yan who first began to cause her problems.

It was enough if both of them give her peace so she could forget about the shocking feeling that had accompanied her over the years. A feeling that was so strong that even the death of Yao Xi from Li Ye Han's hand could not destroy it.

She was so stupid that she could not understand it. Every normal woman would give up the last thread of love for a man who killed her own. It only proved that Yao Xi had lost her mind.

When she opened her eyelids again, the deep shade of the emerald in her eyes faded, losing its natural glow. She slowly looked up, emitting a cold and dispassionate aura as something deep inside her changed. There was not a single flash of light from Yao Xi pupils, they were so dark that they seemed capable of swallowing the whole world.

At that moment, she finally understood that nothing she would ever do or say would matter. Yao Xi always in the eyes of Li Ye Han will remain the person who provoked Ruo Yan, even if Yao Xi died from her hand, for Li Ye Han it would be exclusively Yao Xi's fault.

"Do you think I provoked her?" She asked in a voice dripping with venom as her mouth twisted in a mocking smile: "She isn't worth it. Ruo Yan doesn't deserve to risk my life for her" Now Yao Xi was really angry! Nevertheless, she showed no weakness in front of his piercing gaze. She shrugged nonchalantly as she continued with a provocative smile: "Now that everyone is blaming Ruo Yan for my accident, you'll have to personally investigate it if you want to clear her name." Yao Xi's smile deepened as she lazily stroked her chin with her pale fingers pretending to think about something. "In fact, it even happened well. Now that even the media know about this matter, it will be harder for you to protect your woman. And I have one plea for you, Mr. Li, actually it's one piece of advice. "Yao Xi turned an ice-cold glance straight at Li Ye Han, and her body, although wounded, weak and sore, gave off a dangerous atmosphere. : "Tell your beloved one that you don't have to hide your intentions any longer. If you want to kill me, do it straight, instead of acting like a coward. And next time, make sure that I'm definitely dead. You must think of some more effective way. I am sure that with your capabilities you are able to use something less reliable than a car accident. I would like to see the face of a man who will take my life away, so I hope that next time you will have the courage to do it in person. "

Yao Xi, watched how the expression of Li Ye Han changes with her every word. He looked as if he did not know what she was talking about, but Yao Xi was not fooled. She knew that he had to use someone else's hand to get rid of her, so as not to leave any traces of being involved. If Grandpa learned that he had something to do with her accident or death, Li Ye Han would have had considerable consequences. Knowing grandfather's temper, he could even disinherit Li Ye Han.

Yao Xi only wanted to make him aware that she knew their plans. Perhaps she shouldn't have revealed that she had discovered their plan. They both will now be more vigilant in their actions.

But Yao Xi didn't care. If they wanted to get rid of her, they would do it sooner or later. If she was going to die, she wanted it to be on her terms. Yao Xi didn't want to be treated as a trifle by Li Ye Han and Ruo Yan, but rather, as a worthy adversary, and if they want to get rid of her, they must strain their gray cells more.

"What are you talking about?" Li Ye Han asked, frowning in confusion, which disturbed his handsome features.

"Mr. Li, please don't insult my intelligence," she giggled briefly. "Despite what you think of me, I have a brain and I can make the right use of it. Unlike some people surrounded you, I'm not stupid. "

"Do you think that Ruo Yan and I planned your accident?" When he finally realized the meaning of her words, Li Ye Han narrowed his eyelids angrily, and the atmosphere in the room cooled immediately, like a heavy rain on a hot day. "Why would we do this?"

"Tsk, tsk ... Mr. Li, Mr. Li ..." Yao Xi shook her head, disappointed that Li Ye Han was still trying to pretend to be ignorant. She much more liked behavior of Ruo Yan, who had dropped her mask of innocence when she realized she had been discovered and no longer had to pretend. "And I thought you were intelligent ... Is not that obvious? As they say: A widower is much better than a divorced man. Don't you think so? Now that I've answered your questions, I would be grateful if you let me rest. " Suddenly, as if something occurred to her, Yao Xi raised her eyebrow provocatively and asked ironically:" Unless you changed your mind and decided to finish the farce and kill me now ? If so, then hurry up. I assure you that now is one of those few occasions when no one will suspect you, not even your grandfather, given my current state of health. "She nodded toward the hanger with the drip bag attached, which connected with a long transparent tube with her vein and she said in a helpful, conspiratorial tone: "Just inject a syringe filled with air into this tube, and you get rid of me.

The face of Li Ye Han didn't flinch, but Yao Xi saw subtle changes in his expression: caution, guesses and even a bit of guilt, although Yao Xi thought that the latter had to be just her imagination.

She turned away from him casually, as if the fact that he could kill her at any moment completely didn't concern her. Yao Xi looked as if she did not care what Li Ye Han will do to her, but deep inside, she was terrified to death.

It would be a big lie if she said she was not afraid. In spite of his indifferent and lazy attitude, Yao Xi's mind was still chasing thoughts, throwing images of her from the last hours of her previous life.

Yao Xi didn't just want to give Li Ye Han an advantage. If he sensed how paralyzed she was with fear, he would only feel greater pleasure. And Yao Xi didn't want to give him that satisfaction. For nothing in the world!

When she remembered the soulless smile of Li Ye Han, when she begged for mercy, when his whip had rubbed her skin in her previous life, she swore she would never show any weakness again! She will remain impassive until the last breath.

Suddenly there was the deafening sound of the slamming door, which Yao Xi snatched violently from painful memories.

She opened her eyes and was surprised to find herself alone in the room. After Li Ye Han, there was not even a trace left of him just as if he melted in the air. Li Ye Han left behind only the unpleasantly oppressive atmosphere that suffocated like smoke.

For a moment Yao Xi watched the IV drip carefully, wanting to see some traces of anomaly, but it seemed that Li Ye Han did not take this opportunity.

Suddenly she let out a long, deep sigh and realized that she was holding the air unconsciously. Yao Xi relaxed her muscles, which she involuntarily tensed. Now she could breathe deeply when the threat passed.

And although she knew it would not take long before she could face death again, now the only thing she dreamed about was a moment of peace.

Unable to resist the horrible drowsiness that seized her in a moment, like poisonous mist, Yao Xi sank into a deep and peaceful sleep. And for the first time in a long time, Yao Xi did not dream about anything. She remained in the dark emptiness, which she greeted almost with relief after nightmares every night, and a demon with cobalt eyes in the main role ...