Chapter 40

She felt the excitement growing in her and for the first time in her two lives, Yao Xi wanted to learn something about herself and her family ...

And the intensity of this feeling made Yao Xi's larynx tighten with tears in hold, blocking the access of fresh air to the lungs. The need was so strong that Yao Xi was literally choking.


And memory broke and disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, leaving Yao Xi with a feeling of overwhelming loss.

She wanted to stay in this state for some time and watch a familiar stranger, to find out some details, tips that could give Yao Xi a reference point. She did not know when she could experience something similar again.

Yao Xi finally shuddered, and although she was back to reality, her pupils remained strangely misty, and in her heart there was a void which didn't want to fill.

Feeling familiar pain and numbness in her right hand, Yao Xi looked down and almost choked on her own saliva.

In front of her eyes appeared another piece of paper - this time the whole was filled not with words, but with strange signs reminiscent of musical notes.

Yao Xi's eyes almost popped out of the eye sockets when she realized that she had written it herself.

Similarly, as before, Yao Xi found herself under the influence of a strange and mysterious trance, in which she seemed to write a text and a melody, completely without her knowledge.

The mind of Yao Xi was working at full speed when she tried to find some logical explanation for this phenomenon. Unsuccessfully.

Finally, she gave in with a deep sigh: "Forget it. You have not been able to explain your resurgence. Certain things need to be accepted. "

Yao Xi looked at the notes, but did not understand a single sign. She never learned anything related to music. Sometimes she just hummed something under her breath, or quietly sang in her daily activities, but that's all. The Yao family has never lost time or money for Yao Xi education. For what? If she did not have to live for a long time anyway. They provided her with the simplest, most modest education in a public school, for fear that she would not even be able to write her own name and humiliate them.

Thus, Yao Xi only completed primary school, junior high school and high school. Everything in average schools, under the supervision of teachers, who were not really interested, would anyone pass the exams, and the students were treated as a temporary things.

About college, Yao Xi did not even dare to think. Her substitute mother and sister would have set up hell on earth if they learned that Yao Xi would like to study ... it was absolutely impossible.

Yao Xi, still confused and immersed in her own world, returned to her senses only when the nurse arrived and announced that Yao Xi should leave the unit.

Handing Yao Xi a copy card with the test results, the nurse began to sort the bed, giving Yao Xi the same understanding that she should leave now.

With no other choice, Yao Xi murmured silent thanks and left the hospital building, constantly wondering where she should go.

She hid the case with her strange trance somewhere deep into her mind, promising herself that she would come back to the subject when she fully recovered and sorted out her more serious problems.

She could not count on her grandfather's help, and she would not come back to the Yao family, even if they paid her for it. She would rather live like a homeless person than return to the house where only her death was waiting.

She had no choice. She had to return to Li Ye Han's villa for now. At least temporarily, until he contacts his grandfather and discusses divorce with him.

Yao Xi had to grit her teeth and force her to return. And although she did not want to, she had to stand with the devil under the same roof. She prayed, however, that Li Ye Han, as in her previous life, would hardly ever be in the villa at all. That would definitely allow Yao Xi to breathe.

Leaving the main hospital building, Yao Xi stopped suddenly at the sight of a tall man blocking her passage.

His silvery hair gleamed in the sunshine, giving them a golden hue, and the violet eyes seemed familiar, although Yao Xi had trouble remembering where she might have seen them before. Dressed in a casual, loose outfit, he seemed to be available, but his beauty was too intimidating to get close to him. The collar of the V-shaped shirt revealed bright skin and a tempting collarbone. The delicate outline of the muscles under the cotton shirt was emphasized at every step, stimulating the imagination.

The man smiled at her radiantly, emanating elusive attractiveness and took a few steps toward her, but Yao Xi cleverly avoided him and moved forward, avoiding him.

After the initial shock, Cheng Yazhe shook off quickly and ran after the girl, trying to keep up. For someone who has recently undergone a complicated operation, she moved extremely fast.

And although he felt regret in his heart, he still showed a free smile on the surface: "Miss Yao really does not remember me?"

The tone of his voice resembled the voice of a small child who had learned that Santa Claus did not exist.

Yao Xi stopped in semi-darkness and looked back. An expression of disorientation was on her face, and the crease between her eyebrows indicated that she was trying to remember something.

Cheng Yazhe: "It's only been a few days, and Miss Yao has already forgotten her knight in shining armor ..."

Yao Xi: "..."

That was Yao Xi who hit her head, but why did this man sound like he had a problem?

Cheng Yazhe: "Never mind, if you do not remember me," he took on a sad tone and nervously raked his silver hair through his hand. "We met at the party a few days ago. I even gave you my card. "

Only then did Yao Xi recognize him. It was he who interfered with Yao Xi in enjoying all the delicacies and made that she did not manage to escape in time from Ruo Yan.

Remembering this, Yao Xi gave him a furious look from under half-closed eyelids.

Cheng Yazhe laughed merrily: "Looks like you remember me, though. I'm honored."

Yao Xi ignored his comment and turned away, wanting to leave, but Cheng Yazhe caught up with her again.

Cheng Yazhe: "I'll take you home." He offered kindly, pointing at the parking lot.

Yao Xi thought for a moment. She knew that Li Ye Han would not send a driver to pick her up from the hospital. She was sure that he did not even know that she was being discharged today. She did not have any money for a taxi. She could only go all the way on foot, which in her state would probably take at least a few hours, or let Cheng Yazhe give her a ride, since he offered his help himself.

Yao Xi nodded without saying a word and followed Cheng Yazhe into the hospital parking lot.

Neither of them noticed the man sitting in the black shiny car, his face black as pitch and his hands clasped on the steering wheel so much that they were bleaching.