Chapter 43

Cheng Yazhe did not understand why he was so angry. Yao Xi was a complete stranger to him, so why did he care so much about her fate? Just like on the day of the party, some unknown force guided him when she was lying on the floor bloody. And then the same strength told him to give her his blood. So now he had an irresistible urge to take her from this place and hide somewhere where she would be safe and happy.

If his family or friends saw Cheng Yazhe cares about a woman, they would think that he is not the same person. Normal Cheng Yazhe was raw, cold and adamant. In these respects, he was very much like Li Ye Han. They were both cruel and ruthless. So why is Cheng Yazhe now behaving differently? Is it because of compassion?

Cheng Yazhe never felt anything like that, so he could not name it. He behaved strangely, it was undoubtedly true. But was it compassion or something else? He did not know.

The only thing he was absolutely sure was that he hated looking at the misfortune of Yao Xi. He hated that there were people who treated her as if she were nothing. He felt a strange stab in his heart.

Cheng Yazhe turned on the headset on the dashboard, dialing the number. The device was synchronized with his cell, so he only had two clicks to call. Without looking away from the road, he listened to the sound of connecting, and after a few seconds the space of the car was filled with a woman's voice: "Young master?"

Cheng Yazhe: " Check out for me all the information about a woman named Yao Xi, adopted daughter of the Yao family. I want to know everything from the day of her birth to today. I need full documentation, especially from the last three years. The entire report have to be on my desk on Monday morning before the board meeting begins. "

There was the sound of a pen tapping on paper when his assistant scrupulously recorded it.

"Anything else, master?"

Cheng Yazhe: "That's all. Remember that I want the most detailed report, including her interests and preferences. Especially since her wedding with Li Ye Han. Check also what he has been doing for the last three years, where he lived, whom he met and what the real reason for his marriage was. "

"Of course, young master, I will take care of everything ...."

Cheng Yazhe: "Do not you understand something?" He growled when he heard hesitation in the assistant's voice. Was his order not clear enough?

Assistant: "No, boss. ..... I understand everything, it's just ... "

Cheng Yazhe: "If you have something to say, then speak. Do not waste my time."

"Why is the master so interested in the identity of this woman? Is this a potential celebrity? If necessary, I will recruit her myself. There is no need for a young master to take care of it personally and lose his precious time for some actress. "

Cheng Yazhe: " Do I pay you for talking? You just have to do my orders! "

"Of course, master," she stammered, frightened, "I'm sorry, I'm just ..."

But Cheng Yazhe did not want to continue to listen and hung up without a word. Why are people nowadays unable to make a simple command? Did he expect so much from his people? Was he too demanding? Why did everyone always have to interfere in his affairs?

Cheng Yazhe pressed the gas pedal, accelerating. He held the steering wheel with one hand and massaged the pulsing temples with the other. Nothing irritated him more than working with stupid people. He had to seriously consider changing the assistants who worked for him and finding those who would do all his orders without a word. It should not be so difficult, is it?


Neither Cheng Yazhe nor Yao Xi realized that since they had left the hospital parking lot, there was someone who was watching them all the time.

Li Ye Han waited in front of the hospital in his black Aston Martin for Yao Xi exit. He did not know why, but he wanted to take Yao Xi home personally.

The last time he was in the hospital with Yao Xi, he instructed his assistant to keep an eye on her health. So when the assistant arrived at the Li Ye Han office this morning asking if he should send the driver to pick her up from the hospital, Li Ye Han refused.

After completing all the necessary formalities in the company, he left and went straight to the hospital, but for some reason he could not force himself to get out of the car.

And so he waited more than two hours in front of the building. And when he saw Yao Xi passing through the sliding glass door, he did not know how to behave in an instant.

Li Ye Han suddenly felt that he had come unnecessarily. Instead, he should send the driver. Why did he appear in person?

He was already imagining the expression of Yao Xi, who was mocking that there must be a hidden motif behind his arrival to get rid of her.

He could not stand her accusing eyesight - especially when he was innocent in this case. And he suspected that if he suddenly appeared before Yao Xi offering his help, he would only make an idiot of himself, because the girl would not believe in his good intentions anyway.

Li Ye Han wanted to leave immediately and send his assistant instead, but it was too late. Yao Xi has just left the building.

Before he could do anything, Li Ye Han noticed a man talking to Yao Xi, and when he ran after her, Li Ye Han recognized Cheng Yazhe in him and an unpleasant feeling filled his chest.

Li Ye Han felt an inexplicable anger as he watched them get into Cheng Yazhe's car together.

He did not know if it was because he had been waiting for two hours completely unnecessarily, or for some other reason, but the whole interior of Li Ye Han was bubbling up, filling the air with a cold atmosphere.

It turned out that Yao Xi did not need his help at all and actually he made an idiot of himself.

Li Ye Han slammed his fist on the steering wheel until a redness appeared on his hand, which he ignored. He started the engine and drove off, but his dark eyes did not leave the silver car in front of him. He watched the passenger seat with such intensity as if he could see the woman sitting there through darkened windows, and Li Ye Han's face was unreadable.