First meeting(5)

School was about to start in 2 weeks, while my sister was out shopping I just got hand-me-downs from her. But it didn't matter to me I loved fashion so whatever she gave me I would restyle it to make it look like the latest fashion.

Even thought I liked fashion it was just smothering I took as a hobby, my real interest was learning business so I can take back all the things my father stole from my mother.

My second year of high school has started it was fine at first because nobody really bothered me and I just did my own thing,until my sister and crew evil greedy girls just like her. I wished that they try to beat me up this year I would just break their bones just one would be enough.

I was right most of the time I would walk home or get something to eat on my way home. She had gotten mean girls to come pick on me but she doesn't know that I've changed.

She wasn't there because she didn't want to get in trouble instead she would pay others to do her dirty job for her. 10 girls were easy to beat it's took about 10 minutes.

After that little workout I got some spicy noodles at my favorite noddle shop and went on home.

Coming and seeing my sisters reaction was so funny, she was so shocked to see that I had no scratch on body. I just said hi with a smile and went to my room.