First meeting(18)

From the moment that Ruyu finished telling his story Yumi had the most shocked look on her was as if she discovered something. "You…you…LinLin was you mom"?

As soon as Yumi asked him the question he gave her the same shocked face back.

"h-how do you know my mother"?. Yumi started to tear up as she spoke. "She was the best friend of my mom, and she was the only one that stayed as a friend to my mother after my father through her out, thought I only saw her a couple of times I could never forget her face"

Yumi was sobbing but then Ruyu too started to tear up as he hugged Yumi in his arms. "That was you wasn't"?. She was confused. "What are you talking about Ruyu"?. He put lifted her chin and looked at her with a smile, her heart skipped a beat, his smile warmed her heart. It was so beautiful.

"Yumi What is your favorite candy"?.

"Chocolate with Caramel filling"

He hugged her even tighter. "Ruyu what's the meaning of this"?. She was so curious why was making him acting like this. "Yumi do perhaps remember the crying boy you met at the cemetery 13 years ago"?. She looked at him with shock but then a smile. He still had his arms around, it was so warm she couldn't help but hug him back.

"Yumi thank you so much, that was my mother's birthday, I missed her so much I couldn't help but bulk my eyes out, but then god sent me a cute angel that warmed my heart with her smile and Carmel filled candy"

"You know Ruyu you gave me hope that day, I thought I was the only one that lost someone so important and was so heartbroken, but god works in many ways, he put our broken hearts and put them together, if I had to go through all that horrible time with my father and his family just to end up here, I would do it all over again"

"Me too"