First meeting(23)

It's been over a month since the couple became official Husband and Wife.

Both were in the study doing their own work when Ruyu spoke. "By the before I forget I was wondering if we could go to Japan next week because my family wants to meet my beautiful wife". He smile walking to her desk. "Oh so we're going to meet your grandparents, I would love to meet the two that raised my handsome hubby". She smiled back, her face resting on her hand.

Ruyu smiled happily knowing that his wife knows the only people he considers family are his grandparents, wife and the rest of the people living under the same roof as him. "Is that so". Lifting her face. "Tis so". After she answered their lips were already locked in.

It's been a week and the two had just arrived in Japan heading to Ruyu's grandparents house. About half an hour later they would arrived.

Yumi looked at the enormous mansion. Ruyu could see she was nervous. "Don't worry they don't bite, they'll love as much as I do". She smiled hearing that from him. "Ok". Ruyu got out of the car and and holding his hand Yumi followed him.


While inside all the servants were in hurry as the old Mr.Lee kept criticizing everything. "Hurry clean that again what if my granddaughter-in-law gets sick, who spiked that water what if she slips and fall, we don't know if she's pregnant or not". The old Mrs.Lee couldn't help but laugh seeing her husband being so worked up.

The old Mr and Mrs. Lee were well respected people. They had brought the business world to a whole new level, they had countless companies and many properties around the world, but no body know they were the 10th generation of leaders of The Dark Kingdom gang. Their names were written in many books.

The old Mrs.Lee was amused seeing act that way. "Dear calm down, if Ruyu chose her she is already good enough, you know how high his standards are". She signed at the last part, Ruyu had a very high wall that nobody could just break, and for the girl to go through so easily, she was no less then a goddess.

*Dink Dong*

One if the maids came into the living room. "Sir they're here". The old Mr.Lee's eyes lit up, both rushed to the door. The door swung open and they could see their grandson coming through, he had such a face that seemed like it can never have a smile on it. It was so serious and gave off such an powerful aura.

Both his grandparents saw their beloved grandson, but what they wanted to see was his wife or their future granddaughter-in-law. And there she was behind him, her body was so small compare to standing his. She had long black curly hair that reached her waist, compare to his straight black shined hair that curled around his ears and some strands of hair reaching his eyes.

"Oh you must be Yumi, come and give grandma a hug". Grandma Le reached out her arms to hug Yumi, as she did the same. "It's an honor to meet you both". After the hug Yumi went to grandpa Lee and gave him a respectful bow. He had a very scare look on his face, but it soon turned to a smile. "Oh come here you". He have Yumi a great hug.

As they were all greeting each other, one of the maids came in. "Sir and Madam, the food is ready". As Yumi and grandpa were heading to the dining hall, Grandma turned to Ruyu. "Dear what does she like to eat, I forgot to ask you that earlier". He answered his grandma. "She isn't a picky eater"

They all ate and talked about many things as the moon and the stars started to appear. Grandpa turned to face his grandson . "Ruyu I wanted to take to you about the other business(meaning the gang) Yumi dear you can take if you like, we don't want to bore you with all this business talk". Ruyu took a sip of his wine. "It's alright grandpa she's understands business also". The old Mr. Lee didn't quit understand what Ruyu had meant but he also wanted to see what Yumi would do when she finds out what her husbands other job is.

"Well The Dark Kingdom has been doing good, seems as the boss you have been running it so beautifully, especially these past months your work seems different but very fulfilling". Both the grandparents quickly turned to look at Yumi hoping to see the shocked and scared look on her face, but all they saw was a very calm woman sipping her wine like what she heard wasn't surprising at all.

A smirk appeared on Ruyu's face as he can finally start to brag about his wife. "Well thank you, but you should be saying that to my wife". Both were shocked to hear what he said. "Wait you mean Yumi already knows and she is also running the gang"?. "Off course isn't my wife amazing". He turned to Yumi and gave her a kiss oh her cheek.

The two grandparents were amazed but still had their doubts. So they asked her a question. "Yumi what do you think about the gang"?. Sure enough they got their answer just by the look on her face. Her eyes looked like they had sparkles on them and she had a big smile on her face. "It's amazing I love it, it's also very professional and modern, not what people thing gangs are like".

After that they all talked even more knowing that they don't have to hide anything from her. "Madam the bedroom is ready". Grandma got up from her seat. "Great Yumi dear come, let me show you to it, you it used to be Ruyu's old room". She was excited to see some of his past childhood. "I'm going to go and take a shower and sleeping right after but don't take long to come over". She kissed him and turned to follow grandma.

Now it was just Ruyu and his grandfather. "So grandpa did I chose a great wife or what…I mean do you also like her"?. A chuckle came from grandpa seeing Ruyu being so worked up waiting to hear his opinion. "Off course she's beyond great, and she already runs the gang, I mean it's like finding a needle in a hay stack". Soon grandma Lee joined in. "What your grandpa said, but Ruyu she's doesn't seem as simple, what's her past even thought it's the last it stills effects a person future".

Ruyu told them what had happened to her in the past with her family and running way. They were filled with anger as they heard what their granddaughter-in-law had gone through. "Those bastards, I never liked the Yan famous anyways, they were always so greedy". They felt so sad to hear someone going thought this in their own family. "I know as much as I want to wipe them off of the face of the earth, Yumi has her plan for them so they should probably start counting those days".

They all get assured to hear that she was not someone that anybody could just push around, they felt happy knowing their beloved grandson had married a woman as untouchable as him.


It was morning and Yumi and Ruyu had just came down for breakfast and both were greeted by the two grandparents already seated and drinking their coffee. As soon as they sat down grandma started to speak with excitement. "So Yumi dear when's the wedding, and when am I going to have great-great-grand children". Yumi almost chocked but Ruyu came to her aid and gave her some water before she answered the question. "Grandma Yumi just graduated and running many things like the gang and some other company's, I don't want to hold her back at her golden time to rise".

Yumi was truly happy to hear that and secure their future together. Underneath the table she put her hand on his and mouthed him. 'Thank you'. Then she presided to answer the other part of the question. "Grandma we plan to at least wait a year before we think about reviling our marriage, many people will get jealous and all, and with the underground world many people will start to target us".

Grandma saw what Yumi did seem reasonable, she didn't want them to be targeted and besides she like having her granddaughter-in-law all to her self. "And also grandma after we officially come back to Japan what don't help me out to plant the wedding". Grandma Lee was beyond happy hearing Yumi say that. She told one the maids to bring a phone and she stated calling all the people she knows to make the best wedding. If it were it happen that is

After this one the couple had many trips to the grandparents they all loved Yumi. And in about 10 months she would back home.