Hey guys author here and I'm very happy to say that >The CEO and his WIFE< will be back next week on July 5th.🥳🥳

I have planned out the whole story and we're doing so good right now and I'm very happy with how it's going.

I was actually thinking to come back this week, but I want to have lots of chapters done so that I don't want to keep you guys waiting for an update for a long time.

That's all for right now. Wait for the updates on July 5th. Also a little spoiler or what not, I'm already having plans for my next novel, that you will know about soon, but I'll only publish it when I'm only a few chapters away from finishing it.(probably at the end of summer).

Thank you guys for waiting and understanding why I had to take a break and I'm really excited for you guys to read more of it.

See you soon. ❤️❤️❤️