It was around 8 pm when Yumi and Mo got home. Black and Gold gate opened letting in the black and white Rolles Royce.

When they entered they were greeted by Aunty Ze.

"Hi aunty, is Ruyu here yet".? Yumi took off her coat and put down her purse, then walked to aunty Ze to greet her. "Yes dear, he came a short while ago". She then put her hands on her chin. "This is actually the earliest I have seen him come home in all my years".

Mo giggles and smirked as she walked up to aunty Ze. "He was bit jealous today so he couldn't wait to have her in his arms". Aunty Ze had her hand over her mouth that was in the shape of a "O". "Oh my, since when did Ruyu get jealous"?. Then her face changed to a confused look. "Wait how did he get jealous".?

Mo's face went back to being serious. "Apparently the leader of the Black Crows gang is after Yumi, he had someone follow her around for the past week, it's so creepy". She wavered her hand saying hold on as a call came in.

Aunty Ze didn't look happy, she turned her head to look at Yumi who was making a drink. As soon as they made eye contact, aunty Ze looked away.

Thought it was only for a second, Yumi saw the look on aunty Ze face. It was a look of judgment and a look of worrisome. She was stunned seeing aunty Ze like that, but she also knew Ruyu has had a rough past so she didn't judge quickly.

"Aunty you're not doubting my loyalty are you"?. Before aunty could answer, Mo came barging in. "Yumi the stalker is on the phone with Yu Ming right now". Yumi looked at aunty Ze and sighed and then looked at the energetic Mo.

"All right send him the message, and put them on speaker". Mo nodded and went to work while putting the call between the stalker and Yu Ming.

Stalker: "Sir I don't know where she went, she just disappeared". He sweating, no one has ever successfully escaped from his grasp. She was a first.

Yu Ming: "Is that so, it seems I underestimated her. Keep following her as much as you can, in a few our plan will take place". He was grinning from ear to ear just thinking about seeing her again.

Before the stalker could answer, the phone gave a *Ding*.

"W-What a message!! This is an unmarked phone how could anyone send messages to me"?!. He was freaking out.

Yu Ming was surprised to, but he was more curious to what the message was. "Quickly read what it says".

The stalker proceeded to read the message. "I-It says, "stop following me around it's creepy, keep doing so if you want to lose your head, ps: Yu Ming go find a life, I'm to busy to be playing your stupid cat and mouse chase". He was trembling from head to toe.

Has she been listening to their conversation so far, is so then she also must be aware of their plan. Even though he hasn't talked to her face to face, just observing her from afar, someone could see that she is a very capable lady. After all even Ruyu showed her some respect, just thinking about what she could do to him made shiver down to his bones. Dark Kingdom was also know to be the most ruthless gangs out there.