It was monday morning when yumi deciede to go to Zani alone, the others didn't know but Mo and Ruyu had a bad feeling that something was about to happen.

Yumi left in her car and started driving towards Zani entertainments. As she was approching her destiantion, she has had that feeling of be watched or followed.

She never gave it a second though nor did she care, she just went on with her morning with a big smile as she drove to the humongous building up ahead.

Suddenly her phone rang, it read Mo. "Yumi why aren't you letting me come to work with you today, im getting worried and so is Ruyu he's been a bit absent minded all morning". Yumi gave a big sigh and rested her head on the palm of her hand. "Mo somthing is about to happen tonight, i need you to be at home and stand by, also dont tell Ruyu about this until i tell you so alright"?.

Mo was a bit confused but she trusted Yumi and that she knew what she was doing. "What's going to happen because if you think it's bad than it must be really bad". She was getting a bit anxious and nervous just thinking about what yumi was talking about.

"Mo just do what i say and get some of my favorite toys ready and... well you know the drill". A big grin appeared on Yumi's face as she was arriving close to Zani's.

While as Mo was kind of still confused but there was one thing that she was sure of, and that was that whoever is going against Yumi is either dumb or think to highly of themselves because they are about to meet their maker. "Alright i got you, but when is this taking place and do you have all the things you need to stay safe until i come with back up"? Mo was running around pacing back and f forth.

"Yes yes I have everything I need, now just get ready and wait for me to call you at night and remember don't tell Ruyu". By now Yumi was parking her car as she made her way out of the car. As she was walking towards the building, she felt the same feeling she had earlier of being watched. But nonetheless she didn't care at all and just smiled as she entered the building.

As soon as the call ended Mo went to work as Yumi told her and got all ready till sunset, now she was just waiting for Yumi's call.