One of Jean-Paul's men's came barging in. "Sir there have been attacks by the entrance, boss is telling you to handle it".

Jean-Paul scoffed and stood By the front of the room. "Alright listen up, you three look after her, the rest come with me". As he said, three stayed while the rest started following him.

After they left, the three that stayed behind started investigating Yumi. "Hmm she is such a pretty lady". One of them finally spoke. "Indeed, do you think boss will let us play with her later"?

"Haha I wish he did". They all started laughing. It was so funny that even Yumi started laughing.

Her laugh was scary that it startled the three men. "Jeez you guys are so pathetic, I though it would be fun but it's so boring to get caught". As she did earlier, with just a little move she got out of the cuffs and started stretching.

They all immediately got out their guns. "Oh I don't think you would want to do that pretty lady, if you test us we have no choice but to shoot".

She didn't care to listen to what he was saying, and just started straightening up her suit. "I'm sorry did you say something, I couldn't care less". She then proceeded to check her watch as a call just came in.

"Ahh…baby how you been, did you need something I'm kind of busy right now". She was getting a bit nerves, she really could never hide her feelings from Ruyu.

"Yumi where are you right now"?. Yumi could here the change in his voice, he seemed mad but also calm. "I'm just …taking care of some pests, don't worry I'll be home soon".

Before she could hear a reply from Ruyu, one of the three men spoke. "You seem to not care whether you die today huh, let me make it come true". But before he could even draw his gun, he felt a great on his left leg. "What the f*ck, what happened".?

He looked up to see a gun pointing at him from Yumi's hand. "Interrupt my call again and the next shot will be at your head".

Her aura was deadly, though he got shot at the leg, he got more scared of her than the pain of his leg.

"Yumi why didn't you tell me you were going to be destroying Black Crows, that's our thing". Yumi giggled at his reason for getting mad. "I know I know, but I was going to call you when the actual fun began, which is very soon so you might want to come soon".

"Who do you think I am, I'm already on my way, see you soon baby". After that Ruyu hung up. There was a big smile on Yumi's face. "Jeez what did i ever do to deserve you".

She heard something, it was a gun click. "Jesus you guys are still so pathetic". Without looking she picked up her gun and shot something. Within two seconds the three men laid on the floor with bullets in their head.

"This is so boring, I really hope Mo brought some fun toys". After that she just walked around the bodies and got out the door.