After leaving the soldier's office, Yumi started heading for the exit after Mo had sent her the map of the place through her watch. 'Hmm why isn't anybody here'.? She began to wonder why she was able to leave so easily, it was all too suspicious.

Just as she was thinking that, she felt eyes on her. 'Well speak of the devil, just as I thought. Let's see how many of you there are'. A small grin appeared on her face as she kept on walking as she was before.

'Ten, that's it. Does this Yu Ming guy lack men or something jeez'. She though she was going to have a fun trip, if she knew it would be this boring she wouldn't have even bothered to be kidnapped, such a waste of time. As she kept on walking, they all appeared one my one. Five appeared in front of her and five in the back, she was surrounded.

'Well lets just get this over with'. As they attacked her one by one, it didn't look like a pack of wolves coming on to their pray. It looked more of a pray going straight to their doom. They thought just because she was a woman they had the upper hand, But Yumi was not only a wolf in a sheep's clothing but also more of a poisonous butterfly. Because she was small and had a bit of a ego, it was quit tempting to fight her or to put it truthfully more like fall for her trap, and before you know it your life would flash before your eyes.

She kept on walking, stepping over the bodies laying on the ground. 'Ugh seriously that wasn't even a tenth of my daily practice at home, who trained these people'?!. Yumi kept on walking as boredom got to her as she was carelessly swinging the baton in her hand side to side.

After a few minutes of walking, again she reached a doorway. There was no sound coming from it and as she can tell there doesn't seem to be anyone beyond the doors. She thought 'well let's hope this one is going to be fun'.

But nonetheless there was only a gush of air beyond the door. She was quite disappointed to say the least, her look was that of a cat that just finished toying around with their little mice. It was boring to began with but now Yumi was just getting irritated.

She kept on walking while also trying to see where she might be at the building, and soon came to a railing. She could see that she was a couple of stories high, at most three. But what was at the bottom was what caught her attention.

There seem to be little ants of men just frantically moving around weapons and machines, if anyone didn't know any better they would have guessed this might be a military base.

Their undivided attention was just on the weapons and not on the women that was standing so graciously by the railing a couple of storied high.

Nevertheless while she was just entertaining her self with the little ants, Yumi's watch buzzed, finally Mo was able to reach her.

"About time you reached me Mo"

"Sorry boss, their system isn't hard but it sure is annoying, but where are you now"?

Yumi smirked as she sent Mo her current location.

"Come here and we will have lots of fun"