The Rooms

With only a few stragglers the population in the main area of the building have all turned a into an electric blue color on Vycter's map. The only ones who remained neutral were those who were in the backrooms of the cathedral.

According to some of the male runaways, the girls hiding seemed to have been uneasy. They didn't have the best of interactions and were mostly hiding from men in general. As well as the soldiers outside who were rounding up runaways to send off to camps to be turned into soldiers.

So now the question was, would they come out on their own, or would Vycter have to use his own form of persuasion? He could use his three main companions as lures, but it probably won't work for the most part.

Apparently trust wasn't something they were known for having. Of course they had probably been disturbed by the screams, possibly startled. It was likely they'd be reluctant to show themselves no matter what went on.

Walking into the back, Vycter pocketed his hands.

Eying the corridor which lead to various rooms on both sides, he could definitely see where they were hiding on the map. Though he couldn't see specifically into the rooms unless he zoomed in on the location. The only problem with that was he needed to keep watch to make sure no soldiers burst into the cathedral without him knowing.

Ceilia sighed softly as it seemed he was going to be collecting more people to follow him. While there had been less than a hundred people in the main room, she was wandering why he was bothering with the other girls whom were being reclusive. "Vycter?"

Glancing over at her, Vycter smiled softly. "Yes, Ceilia?" He'd ask bluntly as her big eyes reflected his face deeply within. If he looked at her any longer, it'd be a repeat as what happened in the mountains.

Right now probably wasn't the time for a make out session or for him to cope a feel. Letting out a sigh, he would look forward.

"What can new do?" Ceilia found herself asking an entirely different question, as if she felt drawn to serve him rather than question him. Was this loyalty?

"The three of you can seal the exit," Vycter innocently dismissed her conflicted tone as he would begin to slowly walk down the corridor.

Kayelin, Ceilia and Soniya all rushed passed him to seal the exit. They knew exactly what they were doing. He was having them trap the girls within the hall should they try to run from him. It was cruel and if they resisted his methods were obviously brutal.

Walking into one of the rooms, Vycter stared at a blackboard which lined the room. It seemed like it was used for teaching a class. The desks were small so he assumed that it was for some sort of Sunday school for kids or something.

Many of the desks were either broken or in mint condition, but all of them were covered in dust. His eyes scanned over every nook and cranny, he knew there was someone in the room with him. He could hear the faint sound of breathing, heavy breathing.

Walking over towards a large looking locker, he would look it over, in the corner of his eye he could see a broken lock resting on the ground. The locker also seemed to be missing such a lock.

Letting out a soft sigh he would open the locker revealing a girl dressed in military fatigues. He blinked a few times seeing this. She had short brown hair which was hardly long enough to be styled. She had big almond shaped brown eyes, which were glossed over. She looked as if she was about to start balling.

Without a second thought, she lunged out of the locker directly at him. However just as she was about to land a punch on him, he stepped aside and tripped her. Letting her stumble and them fall into a few desks.

"Really?" The man asked with a light chuckle, "You're going to lunge?" He asked curiously as he walked towards her. Her leg was stuck in one of the chairs so it was rather hard for her to move away.

"Are you some sort of deserter?" Vycter's mouth widened slightly as he couldn't conceal excitement.

"S-stay away!" The girl yelped causing a ruckus as she kicked and thrashed around. It only made her predicament worse than it already was.

His eyes narrowed on a mark that appeared wrapping over her shoulder blade. "Hm…" It wasn't necessarily a cut, but it looked like scar tissue. As she continued to panic, he literally grabbed ahold of her shirt and tugged.


He had torn the top of her fatigues and shoved her onto her stomach, then proceeded to remove the rest of the shirt. She was wearing a muscle top underneath, so there was nothing revealed other than the fact she lacked a bra.

She had a petite frame and appeared physically delicate. Though as he stared at her back, he could see what looked like whip marks all across the back of her body.

Vycter's expression changed from one of excitement to one of displeasure. As the girl began sobbing, he would reach over her shoulder and cover her mouth. "Do you want to get revenge for what they did to you?"

Her sobs were muffled, but when he asked that question she immediately froze. Revenge? He was offering her revenge? Her eyes glanced to the side, she tried seeing him from her peripheral vision. His expression had completely changed.

Just as she was about to answer however, she felt a tingling sensation rush through her body before a high pitch sound rushed into her mind. He kept her mouth covered as she screamed into it. Tears profusely running down her face as he did so.

[ Indoctrination of Private Eni Lance complete. 500 EXP. Harem Progress 4/12. ]

Slowly standing up and pulling the girl from the broken desks, he would walk over to the office chair behind the teachers desk and set her down. Moving one of the straps to her muscle shirt down from her shoulder, he paused seeing the depth of the scarring

His cheek twitched as he turned away from her and walked out of the room and into the adjacent one. He looked around before noticing there was someone curled up behind one of the many computer desks in the room. This was clearly the office room which all the teachers once resided.

The pattern on the girl's pants looked similar to the fatigues the other one was wearing. Another military girl? Raising a brow he began walking towards the computer desk and before passing it, gently knocked on top of it.

The girl beneath popped her head out. This girl had a head covered in black stubble as if her hair was just growing back from being shaved. Her eyes were black too and slightly slanted. Her jawline was rounded and her ears were flared outward. If she was from Earth, she'd look like a native Japanese.

The one thing that stuck out though was the black and blue marks which showed along her collarbone and left cheek. It was hard to be brutal as he was seeing this girl had already been brutalized by someone else. On top of that, they left evidence and bruising.

Closing his eyes partially, he would reach out a hand for her to take. She looked at him, hesitating as she had definitely heard her former colleague's muffled screams just prior to him coming into the room.

"What do you want with me?" Her jaw seemed to click as she spoke, it wasn't hinged correctly.

That's when Vycter simply walked over to her, causing her to fall back an stare up at him as he grabbed her by the jaw.


The girl was frozen for a few seconds as pain surged through her jaw as it was forced back into place. Though it wasn't the pain that froze her, it was the surprise of the man just relocating her jaw. "Ow…" Was the only word that left her mouth before he placed his hand on her forehead.

"Eh?" Blinking a few times, she looked up at his hand. Like Eni she felt a strange tingling sensation, but then there was nothing.

Raising a brow at this, he tilted his head slightly. "Hm.. Someone has a strong mind."

"I'm psionic," huffed the bruised up girl as she crossed her arms after sitting up straight. "My name is Rin Jacobs, pleasure to meet a fellow Psi." Her voice seemed forced, she had an awkward feeling about this man.

That's when she noticed the object in his free hand. It looked like a garage opener. "What is that thi–" She was cut off by the sudden firing of the phaser, a yellowish particle beam quickly knocked her unconscious. He then proceeded to indoctrinate her while she was no longer capable of mentally defending herself.

[ Indoctrination of Private Rin Jacobs Complete. 500 EXP. Progress: 5/12 ]

[ Rin Jacobs has the basic understanding of Technokinesis, you like to learn it? ]

"Yes," Vycter stated in his mind as he was asked if he wanted to learn the basics of Technokinesis. He was then informed that it would take literally six hours for the information to be planted into his mind due to its complexity. However if he didn't have the perfect affinities within his Psionic talents, it would have taken much longer.

Learning that the supposed runaways were actually deserters who had fled after unjust punishments, it seemed that there was someone intentionally abusing female officers. It didn't take long for him to piece things together as he began to lure and drag them out of the rooms.

It seemed that only Rin Jacobs however was a Psionic, since less than 1% of the planet's population was known to have such abilities. However the other girls didn't fit the 'criteria' to become part of his harem yet again.

Rin Jacobs had a similar body type to Ceilia being boyish in figure and having an almost flat chest.

[ New Quest Added: Avenge those once Abused. 5,000 EXP. ]

"What is this, the flat chest Alliance?" Ceilia asked, resting her head on top of Vycters while he was on his knees.

A teasing tone escaped Kayelin's lips as she was standing nearby, "Kinda looks like it~!"