Caera Stratos

Walking to the base was child's play. All they had to do was get inside, get friendly and talk about what was going to go down. The Princess seemed rather confident with her exterior expressions, yet he could feel that she was a bit off. Was she worried for her life? Cute.

Reaching over with one hand, Vycter attempted to place a hand on her shoulder. However what he wasn't expecting was his hand to go directly through her shoulder. Her body reacted similar to that of a hologram. With his weight on his hand, he almost fell because of the unexpected lack of physical contact. However a foot or so down, he found his hand on a smaller shoulder.

The two of them froze, though more specifically the princess who wore a look of shock on her face.

Vycter clinched his jaw as he lightly squeezed the shoulder that was in his hand, which also had a little of her hair tangled with it. "Ghost Hologram?" He'd exclaim as the hologram turned off. Before him was a younger looking girl with the same hair cut as before.

He had veins popping out the side of his head as he saw this. Even though he had seen the Princess in his previous body owners memories, he never recalled this.

Her eyes slowly turned to the side to look at Vycter's expression which seemed to be rather relaxed. Something she wasn't used to when or if people were to find out who true age and size. Most people saw her as an elegant adult, yet this was just a teenager in fancy princess garb.

Letting out a sigh he would stare down at her as she would finally turn her head to face him.

Her body guards had already drawn their weapons as soon as they had seen him touch the Princess. But it seemed that they didn't really know what to do. To him they weren't much of a threat. They were practically surrounded by his goons, so it didn't matter if they let out a single shot. It was likely they'd hit their own Princess instead.

"Who said you can stop unloading," The Princess shouted at her guards who immediately went back to work after being shaken by her words.

He smiled at the mermaid haired lass in front of him as he would place his hand on the top of her head. As if ruffling her hair, her dignified expression seemed to waver in and out as he played with her silken hair.

"Are you done?" Huffed the Princess as she kept a calm stance, her arms lazily hanging at her sides. Though at any time, she looked like she could jab her fingers into his gut.

"No," Vycter stated as he knew what she was capable of by just looking at her body type. He began moving his hand a bit rougher, causing her head to move around with it.

The Princess was getting a bit dizzy with her head being swung around in motions by his hand. It was clear he was now treating her like a brat. Either that or he was doing something she wasn't yet prepared for. "What. is. it. you. want?" She asked slowly as she was having a hard time concentrating on the words she was releasing.

"Well aren't you cute." Vycter ignored her question as he came to a stop, patting her on the head and fixing her brutally ruined hair style.

"Sir, You're surely mocking me." Her eye twitched impatiently as she looked up at him. She wouldn't act up against him, lest she didn't want to die here. There was a Kingdom that needed her to save them from the tyranny of her brothers.

"Yes, yes I am," The hand which had patted her head, grasped the hair along the back of her neck as he leant down to be face to face. Their faces were centimeters apart which drew the attention of her closest guard, another woman.

Seeing her marching over through his peripheral vision, he grinned. Just as she was about to shove him away, he used his free hand to aim his phaser that looked more like a car remote, and pressed the stun button.

A pale yellow beam erupted from the weapon and sent the Princesses Guard crumbling to the ground unconscious. Everyone stared in disbelief, he had just shot one of the Princesses Guards.

"It's alright," he felt the Princess trembling in his hand. She was either afraid or angry, or a bit of both. "She's not dead. Just unconscious." His eyes moved back towards the Princess who suddenly paled at the expression on his face.

His eyes were dark, ruthless and brutal. Yet he had a smile of friendship and sympathetic upturned brows. He was a monster? Deep within his eyes, the Princess recognized the sight of yearning. He was wanting something and he was trying to get it out of her?

Shifting her jaw slightly, the Princess regained her complexion rather fast as she made a stern expression. "Fine, then have someone carry her inside. We're not leaving her out here. Otherwise we're leaving."

Vycter shrugged lightly as a couple of his Lieutenants came out and picked up the woman from the ground and carried her in by her arms and legs. "Shall we begin?" He asked as he began leading the Princess inside, the hand which had held her hair was now forcedly gripping her hand.

The Princess let out a light murmur, "You're holding my hand a bit tight..."

Vycter didn't respond and as they entered the interior of the base. Her eyes went wide. The architecture within the base was reminiscent of the Imperia section of the Galactic Museum. Her eyes gazed over the lighting emplacements and weapon turrets. Everything was intimidating in design, yet very simple and sleek.

Even the little droid which was squeaking whenever it came near someone and continued cleaning the floors and leading children around.

"You're employing Children?" The Princess asked as she watched some kids going running by, she wouldn't stand for it.

Vycter shrugged lightly, "Not Necessarily. We found them wandering through the forests after their homes were burnt down by Loyalists and Soldiers of the Local Government. They had no where to go back to. So they've been assimilated and are being educated."

Hearing him say that they were assimilated, she didn't exactly understand what he meant. Were they brainwashed? Allocated with the rest of his troops? Given chores and jobs? What was he doing with the children?

She watched a group of girls go by wearing white double breasted uniforms which also looked similar to the Imperian style. Then she recalled the grey double breasted tunics from before, they were the same as well. Was he using the Imperian outfit as a way to bring about a New Order?

"Are you the Vycter we remember?"

"That Vycter died." Was his only response to this, as his eyes glanced over at her. "Im the Neo-Vycter." He proclaimed, his voice teasing and soundingly like an entirely big joke.

The Princess stared at him as if he were insane, but that was a given. He just proclaimed himself to be a "New Vycter" since the original one "died." She had no idea that he was literally telling the truth and it was too hard to believe.

The Princess slowly let out a sigh and muttered under her breath as she gazed forward, "Is this some sort of Anime...?"