The life before

The dream...She first saw bits of sky and trees. She runs as fast as she could.

''Let me play with you. The little voice screamed as she runs after a bunch of kids that looked at her with despise'' the little body seemed to have problems catching up.

''We don't play with bastards.''One child yelled and run faster.

''Don't yell that loud. It's a shame for our family. Do you want the whole town to know it?''Hollered older boy. He runs closer to the boy and smacked his head.''If the father finds out what you said in public we all will get beaten.'' he turns around.''You can't come with us till you grow up to be strong enough to catch up on us.''He said and turned to run.

The kid felt sorrow and pain. It seems no one wants to play with it.then it blurred again.

It's rainy and the child was on knees and hit with a thick stick all over the body.

''You little bastard I told you not to follow them. Now the whole town knows of you. Why did you hit the nobles bot with stone.'' he said while beating her.

''It was not me, it was an older brother.'' she cried and said. It is so unfair. She was not even there when that happened. She came back home and just got punishment.

''You dare to put that on his head. All your brothers and sisters said it was you. I will beat you to death.''As he continued beating her it went blurry again.

''Come here I have something to tell you. We are going to the capital. If you want to come you can but only as a maid. If not stay here and die.''Said the man that I couldn't see the face.

''But I am your daughter. How can you leave me here?''She felt the despair of the child.

''It is time I tell you the truth. Your late mother was my childhood friend. I took her in when she was pregnant with an unknown man. After she gave birth to you she made me promise that I will take care of you till you are big enough to care of yourself. It is now.''He said coldly.

''As she was never married to me you couldn't be signed as my name. And as a bastard child, you will have a hard life as well. Your mother was orphan. Now you are one. I do not wish such bad influence near my children. I do not wish anything to say. Get out of my house. Now!'' the child started shivering.

In a daze, it came out. The man's wife started beating her up and taking the clothes.

''We bought this with our money. Finally, we get rid of you. The stain you are we can not bare. Out!'' she said while kicking the child's body out. She had only one undershirt on.

She struggled to get up. She was already weak for while as they didn't give her enough to eat. Then she slowly started walking.''I am a bastard. I am really bastard. Hahhahahaa'' the voice started crazily to laugh.''There is no place to go. Everywhere I go I will be bastard.''

She walked and stumbled for a while. Then she fainted.

''We can sell her to those nobles as their plaything. She seems to be cute.''Said one voice.

''There are always those that like to play with children. Sometimes we are just lucky to find such gold peace. Let us drink some ale I am thirsty.'' said the second one.

''Wait I have something better. I bought this from an old man. He calls it poison. It's quite strong, can you handle it?''

''I can. Let's see who can last longer.''

Then the sounds of them chatting and drinking. But after a while, they seemed to get drunk.

''I can't let them sell me. It's better to die.''Something was on her head but she could still see through the cloth. Slowly turning head she saw the two men asleep as the donkey slowly pulled the cart.

She slowly turned around and with thud fell off the cart. Then she looked at the man and saw that they didn't wake up. One started scratching himself so she runs to the nearby gully and jumped inside.

While she tumbled down she hit her head on something and it went blurry again.

''Its better if I die now. Live as it is not worth living.'' whisper could be heard and then nothing else.

Kendra started turning uncomfortably. The dream continued. Now is all dark nothing else only darkness.

''Hello? Can someone turn light on?'' she asked cautiously.

And it turned on. She could see the original owner of that body. The child looked at her with a smile.

''Hello I am Kendra. I was waiting for you to come back. I already made your life easier. With time you will find other ways to earn money and live as u wish.'' said Kendra while trying to get closer to the child. But no matter how much she walked it seems that the child is getting further.

''Thank you but I don't want that. I lived from small on with name bastard. I have been beaten, starved and kicked out the house. I don't want to live the hard life anymore.'' she said while looking at Kendra in sorrow.

''If you let me stay bit longer I might find you a new family that will love you. Even if not you own a house now on your own and Isaa is a cute child. She will love you.''Kendra tried to persuade the child. ''Later maybe we can go in search for your father. Maybe he will take you in.''

''If my father is still alive then he would have come to take me out that hell. But even if he were alive I would be still a bastard child. I do not want to live like that again. Let me go, please. If nothing else I heard father, I mean that man say that mother seemed to have loved me truly. I want to see her and stay with her.Please.''Kendra saw that the child made up her mind to leave the world.

''But what about your body and Isaa?''She asked.

''You can have it. You seem to be a good person and you deserve to live again. As Isaa. She loves you. Not the body then you as your soul. I can feel it. But you have to know a few things about me. I understand all languages as they are my own. I don't know how but that it is. I can breathe under the water. And I think I could fly as well but I am afraid of heights so I didn't try. Animals can sometimes understand me. I can't understand them tho. I seem to feel elements but I am not sure. There is more but I have no time to explain.''Said child hurriedly.''Isaa has powers as well but for now small.''

''Powers. Wait am I Google Translate now? What the hell. I can understand all languages. Powers?Elements?Isaa as well?'' said Kendra in confusion.

''I have no time to explain. Go find...''The soul slowly perished as the child didn't say the last words.

''Wait what is your name???'' she yelled as she watched the soul turning in specks of light and disappearing.

Kendra woke up sweating profusely. Isaa woke up and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

''Go back to sleep I just had a bad dream,'' she said while laying down and tucking in the child.

''Brother has sometimes bad dreams as well. That is no good. Brother must be strong to protect me.'' she said while cuddling in Kendra's arms and falling asleep again.

Kendra shook her head and patted the child's head.''I guess this is it. I have to work now for me. And my little sister.''She said while tear dropped out the corner of her eye. She fell sorry and grateful to that child. This time she will live well and happy. And make her dreams come true.