147.Fastest end of war

As the Illusion dissipated the crowd from outside could clearly see a small group of people and loudly cheered and called.-

"Everyone, just stand still. This will be over very quickly." Lord's words resounded loudly throughout the valley.-

Sudden laughter could be heard and a strange-looking man appeared in front of them. "Old Lord, look that son of yours. He is quite a pretty thing. We might not kill him and keep him as playtoy."-

The crowd opened up and the bundled man was dragged in. The strange man stared at still munching young Lord and was stunned.-

" Don't you want your father back? Sitting there and not helping, how is that filial..." This was the first time to see this kind of situation.-

Young Lord just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled while stuffing his mouth with strawberries. "To be a father has to be earned. He left when I needed him most, now seeing him is like seeing a stranger. Has nothing to do with me."-