189.Task done, but the gift is...

Kendra liked the smell of the bug repellant so much that she chose to plant some with her. After the plant had seeds she picked as many she could and stuffed it into her bag.

Actually, the food was all dried and all she did for days is to make simple earthware. There was no other way to keep so much food safely.

"Luckily I learned this." She made simple earth pots and stuffed it with enough dried herbs and vegetables.

This world is so abundant that if humans lived here and could care about nature, not destroying too much of it, they could live inside extremely comfortably. But humans... But Kendra then hit her head...

This world already had so many other beings, who said that humans will enter this heaven. Even demons could live here peacefully. Maybe dragons? Or ancients? She had no idea what ancients are but Fluffy is quite a cute one.