229.Kendra let them, but Taskmaster is worried <3

When they came to the village whole bunch of people were training vigorously as is to show their power. They roared, grunted and made all kind of sound that made Jason and Kimi just shake their heads, Kendra rolled her eyes and only Pallca seemed to be happy.

''Yes! This is how warrior clan it should be. Not a bunch of weaklings then strong people. Amazing power use there, unfortunately, they do a couple of things wrong. Never mind I will teach them.'' He looked bluntly at the man and women and just happily nodded his head while Malek looked at him with a perplexed expression. It seems he really didn't expect that.

''Uhm, Kimi, dear, cutie, sweetie, could you please tell me who this person is?'' He pointed at Pallca that stopped fights and showed them the right postures. 

Kimi rolled her big eyes at him. ''He is your guild patron. Pallca.''

Malek needed a few moments to realized the words she just said and suddenly a huge yell could be heard. ''Who?!''