Grandmaster Fintan rushed towards Xara and took out his space pouch a strange ball.
Moira looked at it in wonder but waited to hear what is going on.
"Kendra... Our Kendra is in trouble. Her power is gone." He anxiously showed the dark looking ball.
Suddenly a small light separated and started humming in front of his face. He rolled his eyes. "You do know that as long Kendra is not around, I can't understand you not even a tiny bit."
Moira was surprised. "What? What kind of power is that?" She truly heard this for the first time. She did understand the language Constructors used, but she never heard someone uniting in the same language. Except in higher realms all the humanoid forms understand each other, most of the time...In the mid realm, everyone spoke the same language automatically. But all other realms was normal not to understand between species, even between humans.