This is the original book by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at Thank you in advance :)
The room was looking like storage of a bunch of things. Pots, pans, firewood? Wait, what? Firewood?
"Was the previous owner constantly hungry?" Taffy was flabbergasted by the number of strange things.
Kendra looked through the stuff and shook her head. "This was someone who was beginner, like me. This person was just worried that in case of strange occurrences her or she won't be able to survive. Look. There is no food, but everything else is here."
Even blankets, simple grey robes, warm clothes and... Shoes? "Few dozen pairs of shoes? This person..."
Kendra put smaller pair of shoes on and it was a bit bigger than her foot, but still wearable. "Huh? Was it a child like me or maybe a smaller person?"