456. Getting stronger vs. having more skills

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means its copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

"Brother, is that frozen water fairy from stories?" The boy in his teens stared at the frozen girl that clearly was alive. "Is she protector of the ice lake?" 

Actually, because of the dim light inside the water, all they could see from where they were standing a mass of long white hair and a pair of dangling feet.

"Molok, is she alive?" The young cultivator looked at the strange posture she had. 

"That girl is very much alive. And the way I see it, she has ice resistance. And no, she is not a water fairy. Semi and Luke hit the top of the lake with fireballs. I want to see will she notice us then." Molok was now sure she had ice ability but was probably a low cultivator as she didn't feel their presence.