"Do You have these herbs? The Lilac star, the white lily, the black rose and earth kelp?" Ye Feng Tian asked the cashier. While the middle aged cashier nodded dazedly, Ye Feng Tian suddenly took out a whole bag of silver ingots. Putting them on the counter, she asked casually, "How much are the herbs?"
The surrounding crowd that was watching suddenly felt perplexed by this godly handsome youth. 'Did he know that those herbs were only worth a couple coppers, and this boy just brought out a whole bag of silver!' the surrounding merchants were eyeing the young 'handsome' youth with his bag of silver jealously. While the merchants were all internally shocked by 'Ye Feng's' crazy antics, the surrounding maidens suddenly had their eyes on fire as they stared at 'Ye Feng' with crazy love filled eyes. Although Ye Feng Tian didn't notice anything strange, her maid Xiao Fei did.
Shivering, Xiao Fei whispered something into her 'young master's' ears before retreating quietly to the side, trying her hardest to not die from the daggers the other rich noble ladies were staring at her with. Nodding in understanding, Ye Feng instead took out a handful of coppers and asked if those were enough. Laughing, the cashier nodded his head and accepted the copper coins while packing up the herbs for the handsome youth in front of him. Grabbing the herbs in one hand, Ye Feng grabbed her maid's hand and swiftly left the store. In a blink of an eye, the two were gone.
Some of the surrounding young maidens were feeling depressed. They all wondered the same thing, 'where did our precious cold prince charming go?'
Unknown to Ye Feng Tian, the nickname 'cold prince charming' had already spread far within the circle of rich noble girls.
It was already sunset and Ye Feng Tian and Xiao Fei had traveled to all the famous places in the entire capital city of Wang Kingdom, buying all kinds of things. Herbs, weapons, even food and other miscellaneous things . Xiao Fei also wondered, 'where did her miss even get all this money to buy these things?' but she nonetheless kept her mouth shut. She had asked already, but the freezing gaze from those stunning pair of violet eyes had kept her silent, not daring to carelessly ask her master questions carelessly anymore. After all, she was still a servant, a lowlife that had no position in this world.
Finally the two had arrived at an abandoned orphanage. Xiao Fei stared puzzled, opening her mouth, she was suddenly stunned at what she saw.
Ye Feng Tian had already walked into the shabby and poor orphanage, her beautiful and otherworldly violet eyes stood out like a sore thumb within the darkness.
Noticing another person enter the small shack, the children all sat up straight, their dark but also terrified eyes met a pair of illusive but also mysterious violet ones. Ye Feng Tian bent down and suddenly reached out with a warm steam bun in her hand. Offering it to the children who weren't much shorter than her, she also took out some herbs and water, laid them on the ground and pointed at them.
"These are herbs to heal your wounds," she pointed at the herbs then to the food and water, "you guys can eat and drink these freely." She said, expressionlessly. Her eyes scanned the crowd of children, in a mere second she had already assessed all the skills of the ten or more orphans. Nodding her head, she stood up and asked, "who is in charge here?"
Suddenly a tall and stoic looking girl stood up, her voice was suspicious as she asked the handsome young man in front of her, "I am. I doubt someone like you would just casually help a bunch of poor orphans like us. So tell me, what do you really want from us?" as she said this the other eleven orphans suddenly also broke out of their entranced state and stared suspiciously at Ye Feng Tian.
Ye Feng Tian expected this much, but to her surprise when she was just about to answer the stoic girl, Xiao Fei suddenly butted in. "Imprudent! Don't you know your place? How could you speak to my young-" before she could finish, however, Ye Feng Tian cut her off.
Facing the stoic looking girl, she explained, "to make you my army. You can call it, the devil's force."