As Ye FengTian slowly stepped into the shadows she glided across them. Seemingly her presence was concealed, not a trace was seen as she observed the group of ten orphans.
The oldest and stern looking girl was leading the group as they ate happily, a rare expression of joy on her stoic face.
She ate as she said loudly, "hey I heard that apparently were going to start training soon!" She paused to swallow a few mouthful of rice before going on to say, "wonder what kind of training it's going to be!" She excitedly spoke.
Suddenly a boy on her right was slightly confused, he looked nervous as he asked suspiciously, "doesn't anyone find it strange? Suddenly a stranger of a formidable background wants to help us weak and powerless orphans?"
Another girl suddenly spoke out, she had pig-tails as she a smile on her cute face bloomed, she lightly blushed as of remembering someone, she commented brightly,
"No way! That handsome man wouldn't do anything bad to us!" She smiled at the nervous boy, the nervous boy instantly frowned when he heard what the girl said.
He kept quiet, picking and playing with his food with his chopsticks, pondering silently
Suddenly a cold and icy voice sounded out from no where, a shadow of a figure appeared over the dining table of the orphans.
Everyone was shocked as their eyes met up with a strikingly handsome boy. His features where Devine and had hints of feminism but still looked heavenly, but the most attractive feature was his amethyst coloured eyes. His face was very small unlike other handsome men, his aura cold and icy like winter, yet it was strangely dark with hints of oppression.
"It's good to know that someone out of here has brains." Ye FengTian coldly spoke. She was glad that someone had the intellect here to actually be suspicious of their situation, for that she was actually quite satisfied with that boy.
But, she was a Veteran General in the past, she brought her army to victory, she never forced anyone to follow her, those who wanted to stay, they could. Those that wanted to leave, just leave. So, she was very unused to and unfeeling even towards kids who complained about their conditions. Thinking back, the army seems to always be apart of her somehow. It seemed that she could never run from that fact, even if it was a cold part of her life.
She snapped out of her thoughts. Silently she walked to the front of the dining table, facing all the stunned children she calmly spoke, her tone laced with ice.
"If you don't want to start training. Or even have a hint of my intentions. You may leave." The children all stared at her, some were terrified, some awed and some nervous.
One brave child felt that his peers where all overreacting, his brain wasn't the sharpest so he bluntly asked, "Okay, but what exactly are your intentions?"
Ye FengTian didn't seem fazed by this question. She relied emotionlessly.
"To train you to be my personal force. Betrayal means death." She laid it out cleanly. Betrayal meant death, it was as simple as that. She could be tolerant to those distant family members, but not those who she would personally train.
The room went silent. A few terrified boys and girls couldn't stand her cold aura, they quivered and silently cold sweat crept up their backs.
"Alright. Based on my information you all have no surnames. I will give you one, from now on your names are to start with Yin."
Ye FengTian glanced emotionlessly at the children. Scanning the room, she continued on,
"Write your name and your age on this paper. If you can't write your name I will give you one and write it for you." She said coldly, she wasn't really much of a speaker, especially to children. It was funny, when she died she was merely a teenager, but based on certain conditions, she was forced to grow and mature faster than those her age.
The children looked at her, some of them had tears in their eyes and others where smiling at her.
Ye FengTian had a rare second of emotion pop onto her face, her usually expressionless face actually displayed confusion as she stared at the orphans.
She handed the paper to them all. Regardless of why these children where smiling or crying at her, Ye FengTian didn't really care.
'She found it strange though, why was all the girls here also having a fever like Xiao Fei?' Ye FengTian silently wondered as she glanced at
their red faces.
Just like what Ye FengTian did to Xiao Fei, she raised a hand to each of the girls foreheads and felt them all for a millisecond. The cool sensation all the teenage girls felt had lasted for only half a second, yet they were truly dying internally.
Ye FengTian felt like there might be a fever or flu epidemic. Or else why would all the girls she had met so far be suffering from a high fever with red faces?
But Ye FengTian had forgotten every time she met these 'sick' girls, she was dressed as 'Ye Feng.'
She said softly with a slight sigh, "Xiao Fei must have passed the fever on to you girls. I'll bring some medicine tomorrow." She spoke, her tone surprisingly soft, but still carried that icy air around it.
At that moment even the boys started to second guess their sexuality...Why was this boy's voice so extremely beautiful and heavenly when it was spoken softly? This shouldn't be normal, right?
All the girls seemed like they would pass out after 'Ye Feng' had spoke to them softly. They wanted to exclaim that they weren't sick, but realising that if they pretended to be, they could get special treatment from Ye Feng! This was absolutely not something to pass up!
The girls all silently came to an agreement to keep this a secret.
Author's comment: ...sigh...Xiao seems you have influenced other people too...
Seeing the girls almost faint that made Ye FengTian even more concerned for their health. Nonetheless she had come here today to complete a mission.
Collecting the pieces of paper she mesmerised the names of all the students from when she was observing then write their names, which to her surprise they all knew how to write, Albert being orphans with no education they actually could write their names. It was impressive.
After committing all the names to memory she started explaining the schedule and training regimen.
She stared calmly with a her usual emotionless face that was devoid of any feeling. Her amethyst eyes gazed over the group of shocked teenagers, they all looked either sick or frightened.
"We start training tomorrow, sleep early and wake up at 4am. Your allowed breakfast."
She said emotionlessly and left. She didn't look back, she was tired, she had used up all her mental energy speaking. Today alone, she had spoken more sentences than she would have normally said in the span of a year.
Behind her she could hear the whispers and protests of the orphans, some where even muttering if the training regimen would kill them. Of course, Ye FengTian only had sleep on her mind, she couldn't be bothered to hear those protests.
'Sigh, interacting with humans are so tiring...' Ye FengTian thought, exhausted as she disappeared from the orphans in less than a second, slipping away as if she had never even been there, hiding among the shadows as she swiftly made her way back to the Ye mansion, all she could think of was her new fluffy bed that would await her at home...