A price to pay.

Ye FengTian silently made her way through the dark alleys of Wang Kingdom. Her mind was spinning with millions of things that no one could understand. She had thought about her arrival at this strange ancient world. Her family, their betrayal and that...dark energy that she kept feeling ever since arriving here.

It wasn't the first time she had experienced such an energy before. Before her betrayal, during that time frame she felt a dark energy always lingering within her, she found that it was hard to control, to the point that during those times she had considered if she was perhaps mentally ill.

Later, when her step sister betrayed her, that was the last trigger. That day, she wasn't like her usual self, instead she was like a corrupted devil. She felt things she had never felt even at what she considered, the darkest points in her life. Even at that orphanage, she never felt like...that.

She remembered the last thing she heard before arriving here. "So the chosen ones just going to give up like that."

What did he mean, chosen one? Was he the believed, 'god' or was he some sort of guardian? But that was, beyond human comprehension.

She knew that, this transmigration wasn't scientific. In fact, she wouldn't be surprised if her being here meant a disturbance to the natural law of life and death. She wouldn't be surprised if...she had to pay a price.

What she found strange was that she kept feeling, familiar with this place. A strange feeling that she didn't understand simply because she had no recollection of ever being here before her transmigration.

And she had somehow kept her original appearance the same. Was this an alternate universe? She remembered that every time she met her 'family' members, she had to keep a facade on. However, she knew some people knew her true self.

Expect she couldn't be bothered to care, they couldn't expose her anyways. But, that facade, was apparently what the original soul was like before she arrived.

Ye FengTian felt another wave of dark energy threatening to push through her. Her tied up hair suddenly dispersed, revealing her long silky hair. Her amethyst eyes glowed in the dark. A chilly aura was released into the dark sky, covering up to a five metre radius from where she stood. Slowly, the hair around her became dark. Filled with a darkness, an energy even Ye FengTian was struggling to keep under control.

Pain...it's painful..

At that moment, Ye FengTian knew that this...was the price she had to pay.