Ye FengTian suffering-1

The line of aristocratic young girls aged 13-16 had finally made it into a courtyard with the sign, 'Jade Entrance Examination' on the front banner hanging from the door.

Ever since Ye FengTian had lined up beside her step sister Ye Yu Chen, she has said nothing, not even a word.

Whenever Ye Yu Chen asked her something she would always reply in her habitual 'en.'

"I heard that this year, the crown prince is coming to the examinations for us girls! I can't wait to see his highness, I bet he's hear for picking a new fiancé, I heard his old engagement was broken off!"

One of the girls in front of Ye Yu Chen whispered to another girl beside her, she was about the same age as Ye FengTian.

The two weren't chatting very quietly either and so eventually the interesting gossip attracted other girls similar to their age, and soon they all started chatting up a storm.

Ye Yu Chen couldn't help but chuckle as she listened to their chatter, she then sighed as she turned around to see her own sister, still silent as ever.

Ye Yu Chen couldn't help but think, 'little sister-I mean the devil, why are you so quiet and different? Aren't you the same age as those gossipy girls? Won't you say some words so that your lovely sister can hear your heavenly voice again...'

Yes it was true, it seemed ever since Ye FengTian had threatened to kill Ye Yu Chen in her 'devil form' (what Ye Yu Chen calls it) she has completely turned into a masochistic.


Eventually after the line of young teenage girls finally made it into the large empty hall way, Ye Yu Chen bid farewell to Ye FengTian.

As she was older, she would take a different entrance exam with friends similar to her age. After all she had Already passed her first entrance exam for Jade Academy before, and whether or not she passed these exams didn't matter. She was already a student and the exams she took were actually just exams to grade and assess her progress so far within the academy.

Of course, that would mean students Ye Yu Chen's age that didn't pass the entrance exams could try again the next year and so fourth, all the way till they wee sixteen, if even then they still couldn't pass, which was unlikely, then they would simply not be able to attend Jade Academy and graduate from it.

Ye FengTian slightly nodded her head to her waving step sister before she followed the separate line to the real entrance examination room.

Now the line of forty so girls had shorten quite a lot, with only about twenty five left.

Eventually, after stepping through the entrance examination room, the girls were greeted with a strict lady, about fifty years of age.

She had a fan in her hand as she silently analysed the line of girls. As she did so, the gossipy group from before had been too busy chatting away to notice the strict madam with a fan giving death glares towards the girls.

Soon enough, the madam sighed and her patience had run thin.

"Silence! It's the first day of the examination and you all are already breaking the rules! No chitter chatter within this hall, do you understand! If I catch you speaking out of line one more time I will take it upon myself to make sure you do not pass!" She yelled out strictly, obviously speaking to the gossiping group of chatter boxes from before.

Now, the entire hall was deathly silent. The gossipy girls had a scared look on their faces as they lowered their heads, too ashamed to respond.

Which instead led the madam to become even more angry and frustrated, to the point where she decided to ignore the group of girls.

She cleared her throat, "Ok now! I am Madam Wu and besides being in charge of overseeing the examinations go smoothly, I will also introduce you all to your roommates and the rooms you all will be staying in for the next few days. " she proceeded to open a long scroll under her arm, spreading it out, she began to read them out.

Eventually, everyone was sorted out into their rooms, in which Ye FengTian was staying with four other girls her age. The three of the girls within her group was actually apart of the gossipy group from earlier, so they immediately started gossiping and chatting away, as if they had completely forgotten the warning from the Madam Wu earlier.

'So noisy, so chattery, so annoying....why do I have to suffer like this?...' Ye FengTian silently thought as she reluctantly followed the other four girls to their room.

"So, what's your name?" A cheery, sunshine, happy go lucky girl asked Ye FengTian. She had a evening smile with angelic eyes and cute features, she also had long flowing ink hair, she was indeed beautiful.

"Ye FengTian." Ye FengTian replied back in a soft voice, although, if one listened carefully, they would be able to hear the absolute emotionless tone within it.

"Ah, that's a nice name-wait Ye Feng—" she suddenly gasped, making the other three girls In front of the two suddenly turn around to throw confused glances at the cherry girl.

"Y-your!" The cherry girl seemed to have stars in her eyes as she pointed one finger at Ye FengTian's greyish white veil, concealing her true features.

"No wonder your eyes are so beautiful! It's because your the rumoured more heavenly looking young Miss in Wang Kingdom! Your that Ye FengTian!"