She found it amusing that the assassin would have the guts to blatantly threaten Wang Xue. He was a prince of the kingdom and a possible future emperor. Unless this person was resolutely ready to die for their mission or—no, it was never that simple, she should have remembered the time when she met Wang Xue. In truth, any matter regarding the imperial family would not be simple. Nonetheless this was her least concern. Ye FengTian's gaze turned darker as she stared straight into the eyes of the black covered assassin.
The assassin was wearing a black cloth that covered half his face. His eyes were merciless and one could tell that they belonged to a callous killer. He was definitely professionally trained and compared to the ten assassins Ye Yu Chen had claimed to be of 'S' class, he was definitely levels beyond that.
The thing Ye FengTian was most interested about was his way of holding the knife to his victim. Well, Wang Xue couldn't be considered much of a victim to begin with. He seemed to be more of a hostage.
As she confirmed her theory on the assasin's goal she never took her eyes off of him.
The way he held the knife was simply too strange. The poison the maid carried was also odd. It was impossible, yet.. out of all the places...what were the chances?
Suddenly screams and shouts of terror rang out within the archery ground in no time. The realisation that one of the Royal princes had a knife up his throat had frightened everyone out of their wits, even the other princes sitting beside their half brother were shaken. They had immediately stood up to make a run for it. Although, they clearly had the skills to fight with the assassin. Some had expressions of shock and anguish while others held expressions of pure terror. It was a sight to behold.
Along with the crowd was a suspicious silhouette , she was calm and collected yet her acting was superb as she pretended to be shocked and frail, tripping here and there but never actually touching the floor. Her eyes casted glances at her maid beside her, as she fled the scene.
However, just as Ye FengTian was about to go and kill the assassin, she felt her blood freeze. A warm and youthful hand was wrapped tightly around her arm. Out of pure reflexes she impulsively shook the hand away with cold, sharp strength before casting her darkened gaze at the whimpering figure on the floor.
When her gaze landed at the petite figure her gaze instantly reverted back to it's originals empty and expressionless one. She held out one hand as she gently asked,
"Are you ok? Sorry. I used too much strength." Her voice was smooth and heavenly to the ears yet when she spoke there was an undeniable underlying coldness hidden beneath.
As the figure on the floor slowly reached out her hand, Ye FengTian jerked back a bit. However her reaction was so minute the person holding her hand was oblivious. The figure being helped up suddenly felt Ye FengTian pull her up so swiftly it was as if she hadn't been on the ground a second before. It was a strange sensation but nonetheless the figure lifted her face and thanked but also apologised to Ye FengTian.
The petite girl apologising was in fact Fei Yu.
Her small face was red as a tomato and her round eyes brimmed with tears. And although usually this scene would draw an immense amount of attention and gossip, nobody payed it any mind as they ran screaming for help, desperately trying to rush and squeeze their way out from the exit.
Facing this situation Ye FengTian was shocked so stunned she nearly forgot about her original goal. However she couldn't simply leave Fei Yu here. It was too risky. So instead, she thought of an excuse.
"Sorry for pushing you. I—never mind that. Go and escape. I'm going to attend to some matters first. If they ask you where I am...then say that I went to the restroom." Ye FengTian said a little coldly as she suddenly disappeared from Fei Yu's view.
Following after in quick ascension, Fei Yu's world blacked out. And she was no longer within the vicinity of the archery grounds.
After Fei Yu was no longer an obstacle towards her goal, she turned to face the assassin who was currently threatening the fifth prince of Wang Kingdom, Wang Xue.
The assassin had never in fact never taken his eyes off of Ye FengTian and as a result he was shocked still when he realised that after he blinked, her silhouette was no longer within his field of vision. It was like she had disappeared into thin air. Confused and suspicious, he took caution executing his next few moves. Although secretly perturbed he spoke very indifferently, a false facade of calmness masked his face as he brought the silver blade closer to the snowy neck.
Just as it was about to touch and cut the skin a sudden whirl of wind gushed out. Although prepared and anticipating the ambush the assassin barley went unscathed. His shoulder was cut deeply. Now wounded, he knew his odds of winning were slim, and whoever this master was was not going to let him off. Acting swiftly he decisively made a run for it.
Jumping over the table he dashed out towards the maid beside Wu Mei.
Shouting, he yelled "Fall back! The plan has failed-" however, the maid standing next to Wu Mei had her eyes wide open, her face filled with shock as she witnessed his head fall off right before her eyes. She shivered relentlessly, her knees going week and her hands rushing to cover her mouth in an attempt to stop herself from vomiting. As a result, the bowl of pitch black liquid fell and broke, its contents spilling everywhere, burning every surface it came in contact with.
Before the maid could even process what happened she instantly made a run for it. However, before she could even take a step forward a shadow loomed over her short stature. The shadow was only slightly taller than her yet it towered over like a dark, endless void.
Suddenly, a silver blade directed itself against the neck of the maid. The way the blade was held was the exact same as the way the assassin did earlier. It was also the same blade the assassin had used against Wang Xue.
A cold and chilly voice suddenly rang out within the oddly silent field.
"You're going to be caught anyway, possibly even tortured. So answer my questions, if you know what's best for you. Who was the poison meant for? Who sent the assassin? And lastly....where...did you get that poison from..?" Her emotionless voice had suddenly turned much darker when she asked the last question.
"I-I don't know who gave me the poison. All I know is the An Shu Family was the one who ordered my young Miss to use the poison on the Second Prince of the kingdom, Wang Zhou. The assassin was supposed to exort something out of the Fifth prince, Wang Xue, before killing him. The assassin, I believe was sent by the An Shu family." The maid answered back stuttering, her knees quivering, her entire body shaking.
"Who are the An Shu family?" She asked emotionlessly. Her eyes glancing unnoticeably at Wang Xue and Wang Zhou's imperial badge.
"The An Shu family are close relatives to the Emperor and the royals. Which is why I'm shocked that they would plot against the royal family I mean—"
Her words suddenly cut off, her expression changed into one of fear.
"Please! I didn't want to do this, I was forced!" The maid clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as she exclaimed. She hid them discretely but they were still seen by Ye FengTian.
Suddenly, blood splurged everywhere as it covered the face of Ye FengTian. Apparently, the maid has grabbed the knife and sliced her throat, or so it seemed to appear that way from the now lifeless corpse.
Ye Feng Tian displayed an emotionless face. It was cold and robotic yet within the depths of her amethyst eyes one could still ever slightly make out a gaze filled with a deep loathing of something or someone.
"Since you have witnessed this scene then I will remind you that today I have saved your life. And to you, 'Ye Feng' does not exist. He is merely a stranger you will never encounter, understand?" She spoke without emotion. Her eyes and figure never turning around to face the person she directed her words at.
A pale skinned youth behind her nodded docilely, but his gaze was overflowing with amusement.
Author's note: For the late update I made this chapter especially long.