Humble lessons: 02 Compassion

(A day after being fired Shannon gets a call from principle Lewis stating that his termination has been revoked and that, should he wish, he may resume his teaching position, later that morning as Shannon is preparing his class room Bethony walks in locking the door behind her)

Bethony: Hey there "Mr." Alderman, how's it feel to have your job back?

Shannon: I'm guessing you had something to do with that.

(Bethony chuckles lightly as she walks over towards Shannon sitting on his desk positioning herself infront of him)

Shannon: Thank-you Ms. Bethony, I very much appreciate what you've done.

Bethony: Well, I didn't do it just for you, so if you want to show some appreciation, I have a few ideas.

Shannon: I…. I don't think that's a good idea Ms. Bethony.

Bethony: O-oh, I'm sorry- I didn't mean, I-i should probably go.

(Bethony quickly leaps off the desk and rushes towards the door only to be grabbed by the arm as she attempts to leave)

Shannon: Hold on, hear me out, what I meant to say is that, I'm a teacher now, so doing something like kissing you isn't a good idea, I'd be fired sure enough but above all I don't want people to talk about you because of it.

Bethony: ….So you wouldn't mind as long as I graduated?

Shannon: I wouldn't have a problem with it, no, but its more then that.

(Bethony turns towards Shannon with a puzzled look on her face)

Bethony: It sounds simple enough.

Shannon: Like I said yesterday, you've got to start changing your attitude.

Bethony: ….So what should I do?

Shannon: For today, "be nice", should be easy enough.

Bethony: "Be nice"?

Shannon: You have a very "particular" reputation and it makes you out to be something I know you

don't want to be seen as.

(Bethony turns her head away in shame but soon Shannon gently takes her by the chin and guides her head back towards him)

Shannon: I've seen the more …. gentle side of you....

(Bethony begins to blush)

Shannon: And I think that if you start slowly showing that side to others, you'll find people can be just as kind as I am.

(Bethony moves in close to Shannon)

Bethony: (Blush, whisper) I'm a little nervous.

(Shannon brings himself closer to Bethony)

Shannon: There's nothing to b-.

(Suddenly Bethony kisses Shannon and begins running out the class)

Bethony: Alright, I'll give it a shot, see ya later!

(With Bethony gone Shannon walks over to his desk to sit on its edge, rubbing his bottom lip as he chuckles)

Shannon: (Lite chuckle) This is going to be a long year.

(Later that day as Bethony is walking down the hall distracted with what Shannon said earlier a female student is passing her by, the young girl accidentally bumps into Bethony dropping her things)

Young girl: (Nervous) I-i-i'm sorry Ms. Rockwall, I'm really, really, sorry, I should've been watching where I was going.

(Bethony looks down at the young girl as she hastily gathers up her things, a moment goes by then Bethony soon kneels down to the floor, helping her)

Bethony: Skittish little thing aren't you, here let me help you out.

Young girl: (Nervous) M-ma'am?

Bethony: Don't call me "ma'am", we're both students aren't we, the names Bethony got it?

Young girl: (Slightly nervous) Y-yes ma'am!

Bethony: Didn't I just tell you its Bethony.

Young girl: (Nervous) R-right, Bethony.

Bethony: (Sigh) Don't worry, my barks worst then my bite, (lite chuckle) just as long as you stay on my good side.

(The young girl falls back with a scared expression on her face)

Bethony: (Re-assurance) Kidding, I'm kidding.

(Bethony stands up and help the young girl to her feet and hand her the remaining books she's dropped)

Young girl: (Slightly nervous)Thank-you, ….Bethony.

Bethony: (Sigh) You're welcome.

(As Bethony begins to walk away the young student begins walking with her)

Bethony: Oh and uh sorry for bumping into you like that, I was a little lost in thought.

Young girl: (Slightly nervous) A-about what, I-if you don't mind my asking?

Bethony: Well, how to be "nice", I'm trying to change my "attitude", not entirely sure where to start.

(The young girl continues along side Bethony with a surprised expression draping over her face)

Bethony: There a problem?

Young girl: (Slightly nervous) N-no, ….well....helping me was a good start, at least that's what I think.

Bethony: Hmm, maybe.

Young girl: Could I give you my honest opinion?

Bethony: Hey, it's a free country isn't it.

Young girl: Well, I personally think that being nice is easier then people make it out to be, being mean is what's hard, because I think that no one wants to intentionally hurt others.

Bethony: ….You think so, huh, you know what, I like you, what's your name?

Alison: M-my name, its Alison!

Bethony: Alison huh, that's a pretty nice name, ….so what grade are you in?

Alison: Well I suppose I'm a grade under you.

Bethony: (Lite chuckle) Really, those books didn't look like they where a grade under me.

(The two continue there conversation as they walk down the hall, the school day ends and Bethony is walking off campus, as she steps outside of school grounds, waiting just on the other side of the wall are a group of men standing in her path)

Bethony: ….Can I help you?

Thug leader: You remember beating on a kid that made fun of your hair?

Bethony: Do you ask that to all the pretty girls, or is it just me?

Thug leader: Cute.

Bethony: Thank you.

(The other men start to chuckle until there leader signals them to be silent, just as Bethony takes her stance she stops herself and reflects on what Shannon said earlier)

Bethony: ….(Deep breath) Listen, I'd like to apologize for hurting your…. friend, in hindsight I should've just let it go but I didn't, so the only thing I can say now is, I'm sorry.

Thug leader: ….I have to say, that's the first time I've actually heard a genuine heart felt apology, but the kid already paid us, so from me to you, "sorry".

Bethony: (Sigh) Yeah, me too.

Thug leader: What?

(Bethony suddenly lunges towards the group of men, launching her knee into the face of the leader, she then jumps off of him and towards another nearby thug, taking him by his jacket she tosses him towards the wall as another thug rushes in from behind, using his momentum she pulls the man forward, spinning around she drives her elbow into the back of his neck then spins around again launching her leg into the stomach of another on coming thug, as another thug approach her from the front she preforms an outstretched back flip catching him under the chin with her foot, landing she swiftly and with great force launches her elbow into another thug who attempted to sneak up behind her, with all the men down Bethony stands and takes a deep breath, just then Alison runs from behind the wall towards Bethony)

Alison: Bethony!

Bethony: Alison?

(Alison rushes over to Bethony and begins searching her for bruises)

Alison: Bethony, are you okay?!

Bethony: What, oh yeah I'm fine, pucks like these aren't really much of a problem for me.

Alison: ….We should call the cops.

Bethony: You think so?

Alison: Yes, ….just because you beat them today doesn't mean they won't try again!

Bethony: ….Naa, for now lets just let it go.

Alison: WHAT?!

Bethony: (Lite chuckle) Ow my ears, (sigh) listen, its a bit more complicated then them looking to cause some trouble, but if it makes you feel any better I'll call the cops next time if they do this again, deal?

Alison: ….A-alright, if you say so.

Bethony: And If it makes you feel any better you can walk me home.

Alison: Sure, and while where at your house, we can do a bit of studying.

Bethony: (Vague) Uh-huh.

(As two girls walk off the leader begins to stagger to his feet holding his face as he leans up against the wall)

Thug leader: (Frustrated) That bitch.

Shannon: Language.

(The thug looks up and sees Shannon standing on the ledge of the wall)

Thug leader: Who are you?

(Shannon jumps down from his perch and stands in front of him just as Bethony and Alison leave turn the corner)

Shannon: A teacher, but enough about me, I'm more curious about you, specifically what you heard.

Thug leader: What I heard, the hell are you talking about?

Shannon: Language.... did you not hear what she said, she said that she was going to "let it go", that she wasn't going to call the cops this time, if I were in your position I'd think about following suit and dropping this whole thing.

Thug leader: You think I'm just gonna let this go after what she did to my boys, that little girl is in for a world o' hurt once I get my hands on her, and when I say that little bit-

(Suddenly Shannon launches his foot towards the thug creating a crater in the wall next to his head)

Shannon: (Stern) Language.

(Shannon brings his leg down from the wall)

Shannon: Let me make this very clear, because the next time you see me, it won't be so that I can repeat myself, you come near her, this school…. or her friend again, the wall should be enough of an implication to what I'll do to you and your "boys", wake them up and get lost.

Thug leader: Y-y-yeah, s-sure, no problem.

(The leader wakes up the rest of his men and begins moving away from the school, as the last thug moves out of sight principle Lewis walks from around the corner)

Principle Lewis: Oh, Shannon, your still here, I thought youd've left ages ag-

(Just then principle Lewis notices the crater in the wall)

Principle Lewis: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!

Shannon: Yeah, there where some..... kids from another school playing around and…. well.

Principle Lewis: Do you know what school they're from?

Shannon: Was I suppose to ask them that, I just gave them a lecture and sent them on there way, sorry.

Principle Lewis: (Deep sigh) It's, it's okay, I just have to report this, it'll be by the grace of god that I can get someone out here to patch this up before tomorrow.

Shannon: ….Well, good night, principle Lewis.

Principle Lewis: (Sigh) Glade to have you back Mr. Alderman.
