Humble lessons: 08 To play

(As school begins to let out Alison and Jasmine are walking down the hall heading towards the exit)

Alison: Jasmine have you seen Bethony?

Jasmine: Yeah...., as soon as the bell rang she rushed out of class, wired.

Alison: Yeah, she's been acting very …. "antsy" all day.

…: Have you girls been keeping up with your studies?

(The girls jump back, and as Jasmine lands she takes a stance, the girls soon recognize Shannon peering out of a nearby closet)

Alison: Mr. Alderman?

Jasmine: The hell ya think your doing, you scared the crap outta us!!

Shannon: Watch your mouth and as for what I'm doing, lets just say I'm taking alternative routes out of school.

Jasmine: (Chuckle) Oh I get, your trying to avoid Bethony, aren't you?

Alison: Really, why would you be doing that?

Jasmine: Well ever since that match between Sensei Yoake and Sh- er, Mr. Alderman, Beth's been ….sparring with him every chance she gets.

Alison: Wait she was serious about that?!

Shannon: I was able to get away with the excuse of not really knowing anything but when you girls peeked in on our match, well....

Alison: Sorry Mr. Alderman.

Shannon: It's not your fault, I've just been trying to avoid her particularly today because-

(Suddenly Bethony appears infront of the doorway in front of Shannon)

Bethony: (Quick Speech) Heard ya talking about me.

(In shock Shannon jumps back with Bethony following closely after him as she launches three strikes to which Shannon blocks, evades, and dodges as he quickly maneuvers his way out of the tight space and rushes down the hall)

Bethony: Would you stop running!!

Shannon: Not likely!

(Bethony lets out a grunt in frustration then rushes down the hall after him)

Alison: What, just happened?

Jasmine: That girl, is scary.

(Down the hall Bethony attempts to land a hit on Shannon only for him to dodge her attack and lunge into a nearby room, Bethony trips over herself in an attempt to follow after him, she reaches the room just in time to see Shannon jump out of the window, outside Shannon lands in front of Principle Lewis)

Principle Lewis: WHAT TH-

Shannon: (Quick speech) Hey principle Lewis, did you get my e-mail about not coming in tomorrow?

Principle Lewis: Yea-

Shannon: (Quick speech) Perfect I'll see you the day after.

(Shannon looks up then quickly runs off, in confusion Principle Lewis looks around then up to see a student duck back into the class, later that day at Sensei Yoake's dojo just as last student walks out a man walks into to the room and without removing his shoes proceeds onto the matt as Sensei Yoake walks out of his office)

Sensei Yoake: Do you have a problem?

Ralph: Hm ….oh right, shoes, sorry about that, sorta thing tends to slip my mind.

Sensei Yoake: Yet you persist.

Ralph: Well I ain't gonna be staying that long, so not much of a point.

Sensei Yoake: ….Why are you here?

Ralph: Just came to warm-up, see, there's a friend I haven't seen in a while, wanted to say "hey", properly.

(The two men begin to circle each other all the while moving closer towards one another)

Ralph: But first I gotta shake the muscles up and I hear you ain't half bad.

Sensei Yoake: Since you don't hold any respect for my dojo, I see no point in holding back.

(The two stop just a few feet from one another)

Ralph: (Sinister whisper) Now that's sounds like a smart move.

(Suddenly the two men launch into a barrage of attacks ending with there legs clashing with each other)

Ralph: Thought you said you weren't gonna hold back?

(Just then Ralph launches Sensei Yoake back then lunges towards him catching Sensei Yoake off guard and landing consecutive hits ending with another heavy kick that sends Sensei Yoake flying, quickly regaining his composure Sensei Yoake recovers from his fall and begins running around his opponent, suddenly jumping into the air he comes barreling down with a heavy kick, Ralph narrowly dodges the attack and counters with a heavy straight kick launching Sensei Yoake back again, before he can advance Ralph stumbles from the crater left on the floor by Sensei Yoake's earlier attack, quickly regaining his footing he looks up to see Sensei Yoake releasing a blast of energy from his hand sending Ralph flying through the wall behind him, a moment passes as Sensei Yoake breathes heavily then he bows towards the hole in the wall and begins walking away)

Sensai Yoake: (Heavy breathing) There aren't many that can force me to use my Hanpatsu-parusu (Repelling pulse), so I will not deny your abilities-

Ralph: Mighty kind of ya.

(Turning back towards the hole, Sensei Yoake is shocked to see the man standing just outside of it holding himself up by his legs)

Ralph: Be honest with ya, that fancy move of yours, didn't have my guard up I'd definitely be out for the count.

(Sensei Yoake takes his stance preparing for another attack, Ralph lifts his head revealing that his irises haves changed to a dark red color)

Ralph: Now then...

(Ralph takes a wide stance, lifts his arms outstretched in front of him, Sensei Yoake crosses his arms up and prepares for the coming attack)

Ralph: You've shown me yours....

(Ralph's arms begin to shake as a red energy begins to radiate out from his body and the arms move back towards him as though something where pushing against them, as they move closer to him a sinister teeth baring grin comes across Ralph's face)

Ralph: Let me show ya mine.

(Elsewhere As Bethony is walking home she finds a note addressed to her lying on the ground)

Bethony: "Tomorrow, here", odd?

(Opening the letter she begins to read, the next day Bethony is in the square of another town, looking around she soon spots Shannon waiting by a large tree, and runs over to him)

Bethony: So, finally decided to give in, huh.

Shannon: Nope.

(Bethony takes a stance)

Bethony: Oh well, this way's more fun.

Shannon: Hold your horses, remember when you told me I had to make it up to you, after Jasmine.

Bethony: …., (Gasp)?!

Shannon: Yep, the whole day is yours to do whatever you want, except for fighting.

Bethony: (Excited giggle) I'll take it!

(Bethony grabs Shannon by the arm and leads him along, through out the day the couple enjoy there time together, watching a movie, eating at a restaurant, and shopping for one another and as the day begins to draw to a close with night not too far behind Shannon points to a nearby amusement park as the night begins to settle in the couple enjoy a host of games that the amusement park has to offer and soon Bethony spots the ferris-wheel in the distance and excitedly grabs Shannon by the arm dragging him to it once on the ride the couple sit across from one another in there booth enjoying the scenery outside there adjacent windows)

Bethony: This was a great day, I'll be honest I didn't think you'd be able to do this.

Shannon: Yeah me neither but its been on my mind ever since you told me you wanted this.

Bethony: Really, that was a while ago.

Shannon: (Chuckle) Are you saying I took too long?

Bethony: (Lite chuckle) Better late then never.

(Shannon looks over towards Bethony as she gazes outside the window, he then walks over to her catching her attention)

Bethony: What is-

(Shannon softly cradling Bethony's head begins to kiss her passionately and as the last of the sun-light finally succumbs to the night Bethony wraps her arms around the back of Shannon's head)
