Answers will come

Celeste stood across from Mihr and Laini as if waiting for something bigger and meaner to jump out of the trees. Her heart wanted to race but she tried to stay calm, knowing full well she was still weak from what the vampire had taken. Mihr glanced at her through the corner of his eye and gently smiled. This young woman who still had all the wonder of a young girl made him feel hopeful.

"How long are you going to keep me tied up?" Ohanzee Otaktay sneered. Laini lowered her gaze when she was satisfied everything was calm; her face was cold and calculating despite her smile. Ohanzee shrank a little against the tree as a hand patted her on the shoulder and she sighed, turned away in annoyance and walked closer to Celeste, finally accepting the decision.

"Now, you be a good little beast," Mihr said with a bright smile, taking hold of the restraints and with a snap, they broke and vanished. Ohanzee stood slowly, all of his defenses ready as he kept his back towards the tree and eyes on Laini. Mihr pointed toward the distance, urging him to leave as fast as he could. Celeste watched him, a sudden pang of emotion she didn't quite understand built in her chest. Ohanzee finally turned away and jumped over a log and further into the darkness but, before he was out of sight completely, he looked over his shoulder right at Celeste.

His face widened with a childish grin as he lifted a hand to his lips, and blew her a kiss. Celeste immediately stomped the ground angrily with a foot and lifted her fists and screamed.

"Yeah ya' better run!" She yelled back at him, her face turning a bright shade of red. "Ya' lily-livered, mule's ass!"

"Crude…" Laini mumbled to herself.

"Please, try not to mind him so much." Mihr pleaded. "He's just a...character if you understand my meaning."

"Oh," Celeste huffed, "I'll pay him all the mind I please."

She stopped. Laini had an eyebrow cocked, Mihr an equally unreadable expression on his face. Celeste sniffled and rubbed her nose; more a nervous gesture than an actual oncoming illness.

"Children can be so cruel." Laini sighed with a chuckle. Celeste turned red again, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Laini moved closer to her and lifted her chin to observe her neck. The bite wound wasn't bleeding anymore and Celeste's energy seemed to be much better.

"That one claims to not kill his victims unless he has to or...well," Mihr shrugged, "Unless they're particularly awful people."

"I don't kill what I like." Celeste mocked Ohanzee's words with a bizarre motion of her hands. Mihr's face lit up with delight and laughed.

"He's a strange one," Laini replied. "Trying so hard not to end up like his predecessor only to walk his path anyway. As for you, my dear, you'll be just fine. He must have only been on top of you for a few seconds."

"Feels longer..." Celeste put a hand on her neck and scowled.

"It would. Vampire victims usually feel like time begins to slow down as the life is draining away." Mihr smiled. Laini looked at the sky and back at Celeste, clearly in thought.

"I think we should let you rest tonight. As I understand it, you've been traveling most of the day." Laini said.

"Now wait just a damn minute!" Celeste shook her head, "Who the hell are you, people!? I ain't goin' to sleep until you tell me what's goin' on 'round here."

Laini rolled her eyes, waved her hand in front of her chest and touched Celeste's forehead. She immediately lost control of her legs and nearly fell to the ground as her knees buckled under her weight. She felt herself being lifted into the air by Mihr who looked down into her face and tried to reassure her.

"Answers will come."