Extraordinary Piece of Footage

"His target was his classmate from law school, Irene McDuff. Surprisingly, the social vulnerabilities that we usually associate the victim of stalking with were absent in Irene. She was outgoing, intelligent, and well-liked. You could call her naive, though." Sebastian turned to her. 

"I know that look," I squinted at him. "I might not be outgoing or well-liked, but I am intelligent. I'm also very good at protecting myself. Don't worry about me," I said. 

"But as you can see, there are exceptions to the rule."

"Don't try to scare me," I scoffed. "And why is this a topic of conversation? I am not getting stalked."

Sebastian shrugged. "You don't have to worry. You don't really live alone for the most part. I'm with you, so you don't have to worry about such things."

I sighed. So, this was what this was about. I had a small inkling of what this man meant. 

"I already have hypervigilance issues, don't add to my problems," I told him blandly.